Clinical Note Template
Improve the accuracy and organization of your documentation process with our Clinical Note Template. Download your free PDF copy!

What is a Clinical Note Template?
Clinical notes are a form of documentation that healthcare practitioners write while treating patients. These notes essentially document a patient's medical history, a client's progress, and treatment interventions to ensure they receive the best quality healthcare possible. While the specific kind of information that you include in your clinical notes will depend on the type of healthcare you specialize in, the general format of clinical notes will remain the same. Some might use the template for mental health progress notes or group therapy notes.
Using templates when writing therapy progress notes, for instance, will greatly benefit you as it guarantees organization, consistency, and accuracy while saving you time. Much like other progress note templates, clinical notes record information detailing a practitioner's encounter with their patient and the content of this encounter. Typically, this will include a primary complaint, history of presenting complaint, diagnosis, medication, allergies, physical examination, treatment plan, referrals, and general advice given to patients. In order to help you structure this information in an effective and consistent way, we have designed an intuitive Clinical Notes Template that can be downloaded and utilized within your practice.
Clinical Note Template
Clinical Note Template Example
How to use this Clinical Note Template
Healthcare practitioners are often required to complete an extensive range of different clinical and administrative tasks. So, finding solutions to save time as you write therapy progress notes, psychotherapy progress notes, or other medical notes required in your field is essential. With our template, we aim to provide a resource to healthcare practitioners that simplifies clinical documentationwhile improving the quality of the produced notes. In order to benefit from our Clinical Note Template, you simply have to follow these four steps:
Step 1: Access the PDF
Before you can make any changes to the Clinical Note Template, you need to access the PDF. We've included a link to the document on this page. Simply click on it to be taken straight to the PDF. From here, you can save the document to your own device so that it is easily accessible whenever you need to write a note.
Step 2: Write your clinical notes
Following an interaction or encounter with a patient, it's time to write a clinical note. To ensure your clinical notes are as accurate as possible, we recommend writing them immediately after a session with a patient. Use the template as a guide on the information you need to include.
Step 3: Double-check for mistakes
Before you save your clinical note, you need to double-check it for mistakes. Ensure that you're writing the note within the correct patient's records and that all of the information you have included is accurate. If you notice a mistake and you have already signed the document, then you need to follow the correct protocol: cross the error out with a single line and then write the date and your initials. This guarantees transparency and makes it easier to interpret the information in clinical notes.
Step 4: Save the note securely
Clinical notes contain protected health information, and as such, they fall under HIPAA guidelines. When you have finished writing your clinical notes, you must store them securely. Both electronic and physical storage options are fine as long as the appropriate safeguards are in place.
Why is this template useful for healthcare practitioners?
Our Clinical Note Template has a range of different uses for the day-to-day lives of healthcare practitioners, including the following:
- Structure: This Clinical Note Template has a predesigned structure that helps to organize your documentation. This way, you can ensure all of the notes you write are consistent and adhere to the same format. Additionally, you can use the clinical note format to loosely structure the session with your patient.
- Comprehensive and accessible: The Clinical Note Template ensures that your documentation is comprehensive and covers all necessary information. However, it has also been designed to be accessible and readable by other parties. The resulting note should sit somewhere perfectly between too complex and too simple.
- Saves time: One of the best outcomes of using a Clinical Note Template is the time that it will save you. You no longer have to worry about organizing the structure and format of your clinical notes and you can instead spend this time focusing on the accuracy of your records.
Benefits of using our Clinical Notes Template
In addition to being useful for the individual practitioner, incorporating our Clinical Note Template will have various benefits for your healthcare practice and the wider healthcare industry. Some of these benefits include:
Many healthcare businesses have focused on finding innovative ways to reduce paper use in recent years. Because our Clinical Note Template can be accessed online and saved directly to your device, you do not need to use physical copies.
Better team communication
One purpose of clinical notes is to keep all members of a patient's care team informed about the patient's current health status and key points in their treatment. As such, it is imperative that clinical notes are well formatted and organized. With our note template, you can guarantee the readability of your documents, which in turn will elevate communication between care providers.
Track patient progress
Clinical notes are also designed to track the progress of patients receiving treatment. By comparing older clinical notes with more recent ones you will be able to determine how effectively the treatment plan is working, and from there you can decide whether changes need to be made.
Legal protection
Clinical documents that record the patient's medical treatment are a legal requirement. However, they can also serve to protect you and your practice. The phrase “If you did not write it down, it did not happen” is good to remember when it comes to writing your clinical notes.
If your patient's insurance provider is paying for their services, then they may request to view certain documents. Using our Clinical Note Template will make these documents more accessible, which, in turn, will simplify the insurance process. Everyone knows how complicated the billing process in the healthcare industry is, so using a template that will help simplify this will benefit everyone involved.
Commonly asked questions
The specific information included in a clinical note depends on the type of healthcare you work in and the session that you had with a client. However, there are certain kinds of information that should be included in clinical notes such as the patient's basic information, primary complaint, history, allergies, and medication, examinations conducted, additional notes about clinical management, and the signature of the healthcare provider for accountability.
Clinical notes have various uses. They are often shared between members of a patient's care team to improve communication and coordination of care. They can also be used in insurance and legal situations. Healthcare practitioners use clinical notes to ensure their clinical decisions are well-informed.
Again, this depends on the specific encounter that your clinical note records. However, it's a good idea to write clinical notes that are 1-2 pages in length. This generally allows for the inclusion of all relevant information without becoming excessively lengthy.