DAP Notes for Case Managers

Learn more about writing DAP progress notes, their benefits, and how to write them for your cases. Click here for a quick guide and a DAP case notes template!

By Patricia Buenaventura on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Introduction to DAP Notes

DAP notes, standing for Data, Assessment, and Plan, constitute a standardized format extensively employed in counseling, therapy, and coaching to systematically document and communicate crucial information about client interactions. The acronym encapsulates the three integral components of these notes, each serving a distinct purpose in maintaining a comprehensive record of counseling sessions.

Do note that in particular mental health contexts, the acronym DARP is employed instead, with the additional "R" representing a "Response" section. In the R section, counselors record the client's response to the assessment, further enriching the understanding of the therapeutic dynamic.

Governed by HIPAA privacy and sharing rules, these notes can be shared with other healthcare professionals to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care. However, it's essential to note that psychotherapy session notes, which are distinct, are typically reserved for a practitioner's private use only.

Printable DAP Notes for Case Managers PDF

Access our free DAP Notes for Case Managers PDF here

What information do you include in DAP notes?

DAP notes encompass a comprehensive compilation of information obtained during a counseling session, systematically organized into three key sections:


This initial data section is a repository for all information gathered during the counseling session. It includes a meticulous account of objective and subjective data, encompassing the client's observable responses, affect, traits, and behavior. This section provides a comprehensive overview of the client's presentation during the session, offering a foundation for subsequent analyses.


The assessment section is where the counselor engages in the interpretation and analysis of the compiled data. Here, clinical hypotheses and diagnoses are formulated based on the information gleaned from the session.

Additionally, this segment explores the correlation between each therapy session and the client's overarching treatment goals. The counselor notes the client's response to the session and identifies any potential health or self-harm risks. This section is critical for synthesizing information and guiding the therapeutic process.


The Plan section serves as a strategic roadmap for future sessions. It delineates the decisions and recommendations for treatment goals, specific actions, and the timing of interventions. This forward-looking segment supports the client's development by providing a structured framework for achieving therapeutic objectives.

In certain instances, DARP notes may include an additional "Response" section, where the counselor records progress notes of the client's reaction to the assessment, offering further insight into the therapeutic dynamic.

The benefits of DAP notes

DAP notes offer healthcare providers a multitude of advantages, mainly catering to the needs of mental and behavioral health professionals:

  • Efficiency and organization
  • DAP notes provide mental health professionals with a systematic and structured approach to recording and managing each case. This ensures that client information is meticulously organized, facilitating ease of retrieval and management, a precious asset for professionals juggling multiple clients in a given day.
  • Quality documentation
  • The utilization of DAP notes streamlines the documentation process without compromising the quality of the information recorded. Mental health professionals can efficiently capture essential details from counseling sessions, optimizing the use of their time and resources.
  • Tracking progress
  • One of the fundamental benefits of DAP notes is their role in tracking clients' progress across multiple sessions. These notes serve as a comprehensive record of each session's details, enabling mental health professionals to gauge and monitor the evolution of a client's mental and emotional well-being over time.
  • Continuity of care
  • DAP notes play a pivotal role in ensuring continuity of care, mainly when a client is referred to another practitioner for additional or alternative forms of treatment. The detailed documentation facilitates seamless transitions between practitioners, allowing for a cohesive and informed approach to the client's well-being.
  • Compliance
  • DAP notes contribute to compliance with record-keeping guidelines set forth by professional associations and local government regulations. By adhering to these standards, mental health professionals maintain high accountability and ethical practice.
  • Treatment planning
  • The "Plan" section within DAP notes facilitates reflective and forward-looking discussions between therapists and clients. This section aids in assessing achieved milestones and collaboratively planning subsequent steps in the treatment process, promoting a proactive and client-centered approach.

How to Write DAP Notes

Step 1: Gather the necessary materials

Ensure you have all the necessary materials, including your client's file, relevant assessments, and a quiet, confidential space to write. Remember to have a DAP note template on hand, which you can find in Carepatron's template library or within this guide.

Step 2: Review previous notes

Before the next session or starting a new DAP note, review the previous session's notes to maintain continuity and track progress. Familiarize yourself with the client's history and treatment goals.

Step 3: Begin with "Data"

Start with the date and time of the last session. This establishes a chronological record. Then, proceed to record subjective and objective data. Be specific and avoid making assumptions when recording accurate observations, such as the client's body language, tone of voice, and any notable behaviors during the session.

Meanwhile, use quotations when applicable to capture the client's language when documenting subjective information shared by the client, like their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.

Step 4: Move to "Assessment"

Formulate clinical hypotheses regarding the client's mental and emotional state based on the data collected. Consider any patterns or changes observed. Feel free to include any relevant diagnoses based on your assessment. However, don't forget to use standardized diagnostic criteria and clearly articulate your rationale for each diagnosis.

Then, evaluate the progress note to know how the session contributes to the client's overall treatment goals. Note any progress or challenges encountered, providing a holistic view of the client's journey. Remember to assess and document any potential health or self-harm risks identified during the session. Be thorough and use a formal tone when addressing these concerns.

Step 5: Transition to "Plan"

Specify the entire treatment plan and goals for the client. Clearly articulate what you and the client aim to achieve in the upcoming sessions. Outline specific actions to be taken, such as therapeutic interventions, homework assignments, or referrals to other professionals.

For organization purposes and clarity, provide a timeline for the suggested actions, setting realistic expectations for the client's progress. Consider short-term and long-term objectives. Finally, describe how the plan supports the client's overall development and well-being.

Step 6: Consider including a "Response" section (optional)

If using DARP notes, add a section to therapy notes to record the client's response to the assessment. This enhances the understanding of the therapeutic dynamic.

Step 7: Review and revise

Proofread your DAP note for clarity, accuracy, and adherence to professional standards. Make any necessary revisions before finalizing the document.

Step 8: File the DAP note

Place the completed DAP note in the client's file, ensuring it is stored securely and accessible only to authorized personnel.

DAP note for case managers example (sample)

Explore our DAP (Data, Assessment, and Plan) notes for case managers' completed template designed to streamline documentation and elevate your client management practices. This completed template is a reference you can use, offering a possible structured framework for capturing essential details in each client interaction.

This resource will guide you to use the template to enhance efficiency, maintain consistency, and contribute to informed decision-making. It's best to keep in mind, however, that the information written in the example is purely fictional.

For a copy of the sample, view the document or click the "Download Example PDF" button within this guide.

Download this free DAP note example here

DAP note for case managers example

How to improve DAP notes with EHR software

Improving DAP (Data, Assessment, and Plan) notes through Electronic Health Record (EHR) software can significantly enhance efficiency and consistency in documentation. Here's how EHR software contributes to better DAP notes:

  • Consistency with a template library
  • Utilize EHRs with a library of note templates for standardized and concise DAP notes. This ensures consistency across documentation, facilitating a more straightforward review of client progress.
  • Customizable notes
  • Opt for EHRs offering customizable note templates, allowing therapists to tailor documentation to their unique needs. This feature provides flexibility and personalization in note-taking.
  • Time-saving
  • Access digital templates through EHRs to save time and ensure comprehensive information inclusion. These templates provide a structured framework, expediting the note-creation process.
  • Ease of reference
  • DAP notes in digital format make it convenient for other healthcare professionals to review and reference your documentation. Particularly valuable in multidisciplinary teams, this accessibility ensures a cohesive approach to client care.
  • Compliance assurance
  • DAP notes in EHRs facilitate compliance with record-keeping guidelines mandated by professional associations and regulatory bodies. This ensures adherence to professional standards and minimizes legal risks.
  • Service excellence
  • EHRs contribute to service excellence by providing detailed, accessible records. A comprehensive record of each session aids in informed decision-making for future treatment plans, promoting continuity of care.

While EHR software enhances DAP note creation, it is imperative to prioritize confidentiality and adhere to privacy laws and regulations when utilizing these digital platforms. Striking a balance between technological advancements and ethical considerations ensures the optimal use of EHRs in improving clinical documentation practices.

Using Carepatron to improve your clinical documentation

Carepatron, a fully integrated and HIPAA-compliant platform, offers a comprehensive solution to elevate your clinical documentation practices. One notable feature is the medical dictation and transcription tool, a powerful asset enabling the generation of rich text. This tool enhances efficiency by facilitating the swift capture of information while seamlessly navigating the platform.

Additionally, Carepatron provides a diverse range of note templates. Leveraging these templates ensures the creation of standardized and concise clinical documentation, fostering consistency across notes. This not only expedites the documentation process but also enhances the overall coherence of the records.

The platform's incorporation of medical billing features further adds value to your clinical documentation. Recognizing the integral link between good documentation and accurate medical billing and coding processes, Carepatron streamlines these aspects, contributing to a more efficient workflow.

A distinctive capability of Carepatron is its capacity to serve as a centralized repository for clinical files. Users can effortlessly store patient images, letters, and various file types. The platform's user-friendly interface allows for the simultaneous upload of multiple files, enhancing organization and accessibility.

Carepatron promotes collaboration by securely sharing selected notes and documentation within the platform. This transparency in communication not only strengthens the patient-provider relationship but also contributes to improved patient satisfaction.

Furthermore, adhering to industry standards remains a priority within Carepatron. This commitment ensures that clinical notes are created efficiently and maintain an organized and easily readable structure, aligning with established norms.

With all these and more, if you think it's time to switch from your current software to Carepatron, it's not too late. Sign up for an account and get free access to Carepatron's tools and features today!

Clinical documentation software benefit
What is the difference between SOAP notes and DAP notes?
What is the difference between SOAP notes and DAP notes?

Commonly asked questions

What is the difference between SOAP notes and DAP notes?

SOAP notes are designed and suited towards medicine in general compared to mental health, which is done for DAP.

Who uses DAP notes?

Mental health professionals are more likely to use DAP notes

What do you write in a DAP note assessment?

You write the data, assessment, and plan regarding the patient's condition, specifically their therapy session and treatment. For a more comprehensive discussion on what to write in a DAP note assessment, please refer to this guide's "How to write DAP notes" section.

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