Lauge-Hansen Classification

Explore the Lauge-Hansen Classification for ankle fractures. Download a free PDF example of using this essential tool in orthopedic surgery for better diagnosis and treatment planning.

By Telita Montales on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is an ankle fracture?

An ankle fracture involves a break in one or more bones that constitute the ankle joint: the tibia, fibula, or talus. These common injuries can occur from twisting or rolling the ankle, a fall, or a direct impact on the joint.

Types of ankle fractures

Ankle fractures are categorized based on their location and the specific bones involved, which significantly influences treatment options and recovery outcomes. Here's a detailed look at the common types of ankle fractures:

  • Lateral malleolus fracture: This type of fracture occurs in the fibula, one of the bones that support the lateral side of the ankle joint.
  • Medial malleolus fracture: This fracture affects the tibia, specifically at the medial malleolus, which forms the inner part of the ankle.
  • Bimalleolar fractures: These involve simultaneous fractures of the tibia and fibula at their malleoli, which severely affect ankle stability.
  • Trimalleolar fractures: These are complex fractures in which all three key points of the ankle—the lateral malleolus, medial malleolus, and the posterior aspect of the tibia—are broken.

Causes of ankle fractures

Ankle fractures can occur due to a variety of incidents, each affecting the ankle in different ways:

  • Twisting or rotating the ankle: Common during sports or awkward foot placements, where the foot turns inward or outward excessively.
  • Tripping or falling: Sudden falls can force the ankle into unnatural positions, causing fractures.
  • Impact during an accident: Direct blows to the ankle, such as vehicle collisions or heavy objects falling on the foot, often result in fractures.

Ways to classify ankle fractures

Ankle fractures can be classified based on the mechanism of injury (such as twisting versus direct impact), the location of the fracture, and whether the ankle is stable or unstable. Common classification systems include the Lauge-Hansen and Weber classifications.

Lauge-Hansen Classification Template

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Lauge-Hansen Classification Example

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What is the Lauge-Hansen Classification?

In the 1950s, Danish surgeon Dr. Niels Lauge-Hansen established the Lauge-Hansen Classification, a useful orthopedic tool. Ankle fractures are classified based on foot position and force direction at injury. This categorization predicts the damage process and aids physician treatment planning.

Clinical observations and radiographic research by Dr. Lauge-Hansen improved ankle fracture mechanisms’ knowledge. His research showed that ankle traumas cause predictable fracture patterns and ligament damage. This technique has been extensively used because it allows precise diagnosis and individualized treatment options that enhance patient outcomes.

The Lauge-Hansen Classification's precise approach to ankle fracture biomechanics makes it successful. By evaluating the force and foot position during injury, orthopedic experts can better predict injuries and improve surgical and nonsurgical treatments.

Lauge-Hansen Classification patterns

The Lauge-Hansen Classification system is a vital tool in orthopedic medicine, specifically designed to predict ligament damage and determine the sequence of fracture patterns in ankle injuries. This system is based on the position of the foot and the directional force at the time of the injury, offering a systematic approach to understanding the complex mechanics behind ankle fractures. Here's a detailed breakdown of the classification:

  1. Supination-external rotation (SER): This is the most common pattern, occurring when the foot is supinated and an external rotational force is applied. It typically results in a sequence of injuries, starting with the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament and then by fibula fractures.
  2. Pronation-external rotation (PER): This pattern pronates the foot with an external rotational force. It often leads to injuries from the deltoid ligament or the medial malleolus, progressing to the fibula.
  3. Supination-adduction (SA): This occurs when the foot is supinated and an adduction force is applied. The injury typically starts with a fracture of the medial malleolus followed by damage to the lateral structures of the ankle.
  4. Pronation-abduction (PA): Involves foot pronation with an abduction force, usually causing a fracture of the medial malleolus and then injury to the lateral soft tissue or fibula.

Understanding these patterns allows medical professionals to diagnose the type of ankle fracture accurately, predict possible complications, and plan effective treatment strategies. The Lauge Hansen classification's detailed approach helps map out the progression of ankle injuries, facilitating targeted and effective interventions.

How does our Lauge-Hansen Classification template work?

The template includes detailed diagrams and comprehensive descriptions covering various injury patterns, such as those involving the deltoid ligament, medial malleolus, and posterior malleolus. These visual and textual aids assist in recognizing the sequence of ligament and bone injuries—from the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament to the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament—ensuring a thorough understanding of the injury's dynamics.

The Lauge-Hansen Classification of ankle fractures handout is an essential resource designed to enhance the diagnostic and treatment capabilities of healthcare professionals dealing with ankle injuries. Here’s how clinicians can effectively use this handout:

Step 1: Download the handout

Clinicians can download the handout from the Carepatron website, ensuring they have the most current and comprehensive information.

Step 2: Familiarize with the classification system

The handout explains how the Lauge-Hansen Classification uses the foot's position and the direction of force at the time of injury to classify fractures. This system helps predict the mechanism of the injury, which is crucial for effective treatment planning.

Step 3: Apply the knowledge in clinical practice

Utilize the detailed diagrams and descriptions in the handout to identify specific fracture patterns during patient assessments. This improves the accuracy of diagnosis based on visual and symptomatic evidence. Use the classification to inform the choice of treatment strategies, whether conservative management or surgical intervention, based on the type and stage of the fracture.

Step 4: Educational tool

The handout can be used as a training tool in educational settings, helping other healthcare professionals and students to understand and apply the principles of the Lauge-Hansen Classification in orthopedic practice.

Step 5: Enhance patient care

With a clear understanding of fracture mechanics and potential outcomes, clinicians can better communicate treatment options and expectations to patients, enhancing the overall care experience.

By downloading and integrating the insights from the Lauge-Hansen Classification of ankle fractures handout into clinical practice, healthcare professionals can ensure more targeted and effective interventions, improving patient outcomes in orthopedic care.

Benefits of using our template

Using our free Lauge-Hansen Classification template offers numerous benefits that enhance clinical outcomes and educational processes in orthopedic settings:

Enhanced diagnostic precision

Our handout enhances diagnostic precision by providing clinicians with a clear and structured method to classify ankle injuries according to the Lauge-Hansen Classification system. By detailing the predictable patterns of injury based on the foot's position and the deforming force at the time of injury, this handout aids in achieving a more accurate diagnosis and informing appropriate treatment strategies.

Customized treatment strategies

Our template provides detailed insights into the patterns of fractures and associated ligament injuries, allowing healthcare providers to develop tailored treatment plans. These customized strategies ensure patients receive the most appropriate interventions, potentially leading to better recovery outcomes.

Valuable educational resource

The template is an excellent educational tool for orthopedic trainees and professionals. Illustrating complex fracture classifications with diagrams facilitates deeper learning and understanding of ankle biomechanics and injury mechanisms, thereby enhancing the training of future orthopedic specialists.

Treatments for ankle fractures

Treatment options for ankle fractures vary widely based on the severity and stability of the fracture, as well as the patient's specific needs and health status. Here’s a concise overview of the typical treatment approaches:

Conservative treatment

Conservative methods are preferred for less severe and stable fractures. This approach includes immobilization with a cast or a brace to allow the bones to heal naturally. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) are also recommended to reduce swelling and pain.

Surgical treatment

More complex or unstable fractures may require surgical intervention to realign and stabilize the bones. Common procedures include:

  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): This involves the surgical implementation of plates, screws, or rods to hold the bones in place during healing.
  • Percutaneous pinning: Using pins to stabilize the fracture when minimal displacement occurs.

Surgical treatment is often necessary for more complex or unstable ankle fractures to ensure proper alignment and stabilization as the bones heal. Common procedures include:

  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): This technique involves surgically exposing the fracture to align the bones correctly and then using plates, screws, or rods to secure them in place.
  • Percutaneous pinning: This method uses pins to stabilize fractures with minimal displacement, allowing for less invasive intervention.
  • Deltoid ligament repair: Surgical repair may be required for injuries involving significant damage to the deltoid ligament. This procedure restores the ligament's integrity, which is crucial for maintaining ankle stability post-injury.

These surgical options are selected based on the specific details of the fracture and the overall stability of the ankle, guiding a tailored approach to achieve optimal recovery outcomes.


Rehabilitation is critical in restoring ankle strength and mobility after treatment. Physical therapy is tailored to each patient, focusing on exercises that improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles around the ankle.

Each treatment plan is customized to the patient’s injury and overall health to promote the best possible recovery and minimize the risk of complications or future instability.

How reliable is the Lauge Hansen classification?
How reliable is the Lauge Hansen classification?

Commonly asked questions

How reliable is the Lauge Hansen classification?

It is widely respected for its detailed approach to understanding ankle injuries through mechanical forces.

Can this classification be used for all types of ankle fractures?

While useful, it is most applicable to rotational injuries and might complement other classification systems for comprehensive assessment.

What types of ligament injuries can the Lauge Hansen classification help predict?

Based on the injury mechanism, the Lauge-Hansen Classification can predict specific ligament injuries, such as those involving the medial malleolar fracture. This understanding is crucial for devising precise treatment strategies in orthopedic surgery.

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