Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet
Use the Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet to help your patient identify their positive characteristics and learn to develop the ones they want.

What is Trauma and PTSD?
Trauma is a term used to describe experiences that negatively impact people, leaving them unable to cope. Some examples of traumatic events are natural disasters, accidents, violence, or seeing someone else go through such events.
People who experience or witness trauma may develop PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is a condition with symptoms of unwanted thoughts, nightmares, avoiding things that remind them of the trauma, being overly alert, and having negative changes in their thinking and mood. These symptoms can interfere with daily life even long after the trauma is over.
The causes of PTSD differ for different people, even if they experienced or witnessed the same traumatic event. Some factors that can influence the development of PTSD are previous trauma, genetics, brain chemistry imbalances, and lack of social support.
There are multiple ways to treat PTSD. Typically it�??s a mix of medication and therapists like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These treatments aim to help clients cope with their symptoms, deal with their trauma more effectively, and learn coping skills.
Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet Template
Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet Example
How to use the Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet:
Step One. Access and Download the Template
Access and download a copy of the Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet by either:
- Clicking the Download Template or Use Template button
- Searching Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet in Carepatron's template library search bar on the app or website.
Step Two. Answer the Worksheet
At the beginning of the session, give your client a copy of the worksheet, time, and space to answer it. However, it's best if you remind them beforehand that they are free to ask questions or clarifications about any section at any point in time.
Step Three. Discuss the Template
Once finished, you may discuss the template to elaborate upon the answers and brainstorm or concretize the steps they need to take to develop the characteristics they want to have.
Step Four. Store the Template Securely
When the sessions is over, you must store the template at a secure physical location or on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant EHR where you can limit viewing access to relevant parties only.
When Would you use this Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet?
Licensed and experienced mental health practitioners who conduct CBT sessions, like psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors, can use the Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet template when:
- You're getting to know the client.
- The client shares that they want to raise their current level of happiness during an assessment.
- You're formulating a treatment approach for your client.
- You're goal-setting with your clients.
- You're tracking your patient's progress with a specific treatment approach.
- You want to equip them with strategies and techniques they can use as your therapy ends.
Ultimately, even if we've provided these scenarios, we'll leave it up to you and your expertise when you ask your client to answer the worksheet.
What are the Benefits of Using this Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet?
Helps Goal Setting
Aside from identifying the characteristics of happy people, the worksheet has a section dedicated to reflecting on which characteristics they want to have and formulating a plan to develop them. What they write down can be used by you as the goal they must achieve within a period.
Building Resilience and Positive Habits
At the end of therapy, the worksheet can be used to equip the client with the knowledge and strategies to build resilience and positive habits. Having the worksheet on hand will remind them what they have, what they want to work on, and how to do them.
Digitally Accessible
Though you can get our free Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet as a printable file, there are benefits to accessing it digitally. You or your client can fill it out and bring it out whenever needed.
Commonly asked questions
It can take around an hour to accomplish the Characteristics of Happy People PTSD Worksheet.
It can help people by identifying characteristics of happy people they find in themselves, figuring out which ones they want, and thinking of a strategy to develop these characteristics.
Though we leave it up to your expertise, the worksheet is best used either when the patient explicitly states that they want to develop these characteristics or at the end of their therapy plan.