Personal Attributes Questionnaire

Learn what a Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) is and access Carepatron's free PDF download of an example. Understand how this tool can help you assess personal attributes effectively.

By Wynona Jugueta on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What are gender attributes and gender identity?

Gender attributes and gender identity encompass various psychological dimensions related to how individuals perceive themselves and are perceived by society in terms of psychological masculinity and femininity. Gender identity refers to an individual's internal sense of their own gender, which may or may not align with the sex assigned to them at birth. On the other hand, gender attributes encompass traits and characteristics traditionally associated with specific genders, influenced by cultural norms and societal expectations.

Understanding gender attributes and identity is crucial as they significantly shape self-esteem, social interactions, and personal development across different age groups. These concepts are often explored in social psychology and behavioral sciences to gain valuable insights into how individuals perceive themselves and others. Moreover, the study of gender attributes helps challenge sex role attributes and foster a more inclusive and accepting society.

It's important to note that significant differences exist in how individuals experience and express their gender identity and attributes. Some may conform to traditional notions of masculinity or femininity, while others may identify outside of these binary categories. Recognizing and respecting diverse gender identities and attributes is essential for creating a very understanding and inclusive environment.

Personal Attributes Questionnaire Template

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Personal Attributes Questionnaire Example

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What is the Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ)?

The Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) is a tool designed to assess various aspects of masculinity and femininity and other personality attributes. It is often used in social psychology and research settings to measure individuals' self-perceptions and behaviors concerning gender roles. The PAQ typically consists of a series of questions or statements that participants respond to, indicating the extent to which they identify with certain traits or behaviors traditionally associated with masculinity or femininity.

One of the PAQ's strengths is its ability to capture a wide range of gender-related attributes beyond biological sex. Unlike measures like the Bem Sex Role Inventory, which focuses primarily on masculinity and femininity, the PAQ encompasses a broader spectrum of personality attributes. This allows for a more nuanced understanding of individuals' gender identities and expressions.

In addition to assessing psychological masculinity and femininity, the PAQ may also include items related to other positive personality components, such as empathy, assertiveness, and emotional intelligence. By considering multiple dimensions of personality, the PAQ provides a comprehensive view of individuals' self-perceptions and behaviors, offering valuable insights for research and clinical practice.

What to expect from this questionnaire

The Personality Attributes Questionnaire offers individuals and medical practitioners valuable insights into an individual's perception of gender attributes and other personality traits. Participants can expect questions that prompt self-reflection on various aspects of masculinity, femininity, and other positive components of personality.

Medical practitioners can anticipate gaining a comprehensive understanding of their patients' self-perceptions and behaviors related to gender roles, facilitating more informed and personalized care.

The questionnaire also provides a platform for exploration and discussion, fostering greater awareness and understanding of individual differences in gender identity and expression.

How are the results calculated and interpreted?

The results of the PAQ are typically calculated based on participants' responses to the questionnaire items. Each item on the scale is designated by M (Masculinity), F (Femininity), or MF (Masculinity-Femininity). Asterisks denote extreme responses, with "M" and "MF" representing extreme masculinity and "F" indicating extreme femininity. Each extreme response earns a score of 4, followed by 3 for the next most extreme, and so on.

Interpreting the results involves comparing an individual's scores to established norms or reference values. However, it's important to interpret the results within the context of individual differences and cultural factors, avoiding assumptions or stereotypes based solely on the scores.

How to use our Personal Attributes Questionnaire template

Our Personal Attributes Questionnaire template by Carepatron offers a straightforward and effective way for medical practitioners to assess patients' perceptions of gender attributes and other personality traits. Below are the steps/procedures for utilizing the PAQ template:

Step 1: Accessing the PAQ template

You can access the PAQ template by logging in to your Carepatron. Then, go to our Resource Library and look for our Personal Attributes Questionnaire template. Once you find it, download it.

Step 2: Administering the PAQ

Administer the PAQ to patients either electronically through the Carepatron platform or in a paper-based format during clinical visits. Provide clear instructions to patients on completing the questionnaire, emphasizing the importance of honest and thoughtful responses.

Step 3: Collecting and analyzing responses

Once patients have completed the PAQ, collect their responses either manually or through the Carepatron platform. Use the collected data to calculate scores for different dimensions of gender attributes and personality traits based on predefined scoring guidelines.

Step 4: Interpreting and determining results

Interpret the results of the PAQ by comparing patients' scores to established norms or reference values. Use the insights from the PAQ results to inform clinical decision-making, personalized treatment plans, and interventions to support patients' well-being and self-awareness.


Spence, J.T., & Helmreich, R.L. (1978). Masculinity and femininity: Their psychological dimensions, correlates, and antecedents. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

What are some questions to ask about gender?
What are some questions to ask about gender?

Commonly asked questions

What are some questions to ask about gender?

Some questions to ask about gender include: "How do you identify your gender?" and "What pronouns do you prefer?" These questions help individuals express their gender identity and feel respected and validated.

Why is it important to understand gender identity?

Understanding gender identity is crucial for creating inclusive and supportive environments where individuals feel accepted for who they are. It helps prevent discrimination and promotes respect for diversity.

What is the relationship between gender identity and gender role?

Gender identity refers to an individual's internal sense of their gender, while gender role refers to societal expectations and norms associated with gender. Understanding one's gender identity can influence how they perceive and enact gender roles, but they are not inherently linked.

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