Emotional Body Charts

Enhance emotional awareness and self-regulation with our Emotional Body Chart. Visualize emotions and their physical sensations for better well-being.


By Joshua Napilay on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an Emotional Body Chart?

An Emotional Body Chart is a visual representation or map of the human body to illustrate the connection between emotions and physical sensations. This resource typically features a silhouette or outline of a human body with various regions or points marked to represent different emotions. These emotions are often color-coded and accompanied by descriptions of the physical sensations associated with each one.

The chart aims to facilitate self-awareness and emotional intelligence. By referring to the chart, individuals can identify where they are experiencing specific emotions within their bodies. For instance, they might discover that anxiety is often felt as a knot in the stomach, while happiness might be experienced as a warm, expansive feeling in the chest. This awareness helps individuals recognize and understand their emotional responses more effectively.

are widely used in therapeutic contexts, such as counseling and psychotherapy, as tools for clients to explore and express their emotions. Therapists can use these charts to guide discussions, helping clients identify the physical manifestations of their emotions and delve into the underlying causes.

Additionally, these charts are valuable for personal development and self-care. They encourage individuals to become more attuned to their emotional experiences, promote mindfulness, and aid in regulating emotions. By recognizing patterns in how emotions manifest in the body, individuals can work towards managing their emotional responses and fostering overall well-being.

Printable Emotional Body Chart

Download the Emotional Body Chart, a valuable tool for facilitating self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

How to use the Emotional Body Chart

Obtain a Printable Emotional Body Chart

First, find or download a printable Emotional Body Chart. These charts are often available online and can be easily printed.

Select a Quiet and Calm Environment

Choose a peaceful setting to focus without distractions. This environment will help you connect with your emotions more effectively.

Identify the Emotion

Begin by identifying the emotion you are experiencing. It could be joy, sadness, anger, anxiety, or other feelings.

Locate the Physical Sensation

Refer to the chart and locate the area of your body where you feel the physical sensations associated with that emotion. For example, anxiety might manifest as a tightness in the chest.

Color-Code Intensity

If the chart uses color coding to denote intensity, consider the depth or strength of your emotion and choose the corresponding color.

Record the Emotion

Use a pen or pencil to mark or color the identified area on the chart corresponding to the emotion and its intensity.

Journal Your Experience

In a separate journal or notebook, write down the emotion, its intensity level, and any insights or thoughts that arise during this process. Journaling can help you dig deeper into the emotional experience.

Repeat as Needed

Whenever you experience a different emotion, repeat the process by identifying the sensation's location on the chart. Over time, this will help you recognize patterns in your emotional responses.

Reflect and Take Action

Periodically review your journal entries and chart markings. Reflect on any recurring patterns or triggers for specific emotions. Consider what actions or strategies you can implement to manage better and regulate your emotional responses.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you find it challenging to manage or understand certain emotions, consider seeking the assistance of a therapist or counselor. They can help you explore your emotions in greater depth and provide tailored strategies for emotional well-being.

Emotional Body Charts Example (sample)

An Emotional Body Chart is valuable for understanding the intricate relationship between emotions and physical sensations. Below is an example of how such a chart might look.

In this sample Emotional Body Chart (available in PDF format for easy access and printing), you'll see a human silhouette with distinct regions labeled to correspond to various emotions. Each emotion is color-coded for intensity, with detailed descriptions provided to help users pinpoint the physical sensations associated with each feeling. For instance, happiness might be represented by a warm, golden glow in the chest area. At the same time, anxiety could manifest as a knot in the stomach, depicted in shades of blue to indicate its intensity. Users can download and print this chart to start their journey toward heightened emotional awareness.

By referring to this chart, individuals can learn to recognize where they physically feel specific emotions, fostering self-awareness and aiding in emotional regulation. Over time, this practice can empower individuals to identify emotional patterns, explore underlying causes, and take proactive steps toward managing their feelings effectively, ultimately contributing to improved well-being and personal growth.

Download this Emotional Body Chart Example: 

Emotional Body Charts Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

An Emotional Body Chart can be an invaluable resource for practitioners and individuals looking to deepen their understanding of emotions and physical manifestations. Here are several scenarios in which using an Emotional Body Chart is particularly appropriate:

  • Therapy and Counseling Sessions: Mental health professionals often use Emotional Body Charts as aids during therapy sessions. These charts help clients identify and express their emotions, enabling therapists to guide discussions about emotional experiences and their impact on mental well-being.
  • Self-Reflection and Self-Care: Individuals engaged in personal development and self-care practices can use Emotional Body Charts to develop a deeper awareness of their emotional landscape. This tool encourages mindfulness and can be incorporated into daily routines to monitor emotional states.
  • Emotional Regulation: People working on emotional regulation and management benefit from using these charts. Individuals can proactively mitigate intense feelings or distress by locating the physical sensations associated with emotions.
  • Stress Management: In stress management programs and workshops, Emotional Body Charts teach participants how stress and anxiety affect the body. This knowledge equips individuals with strategies to address stress-related physical sensations effectively.
  • Healthcare and Holistic Healing: Healthcare practitioners, such as nurses and holistic healers, may utilize Emotional Body Charts to support patients in understanding the mind-body connection. This can contribute to overall well-being and complement treatment plans.
  • Educational Settings: Educators may introduce Emotional Body Charts to students, particularly in emotional intelligence and mindfulness programs. This can help children and adolescents learn about their emotions and develop essential emotional skills.
  • Creative Arts Therapy: Art therapists can incorporate Emotional Body Charts into their sessions, encouraging clients to visually represent their emotional experiences through art, providing a creative outlet for expression.
  • Trauma Recovery: For individuals recovering from trauma, Emotional Body Charts can be a tool for exploring and processing deeply rooted emotions and physical responses.


Enhanced Self-Awareness

Emotional Body Charts empower individuals to delve deep into their emotional experiences, helping them identify and label nuanced feelings that may have gone unnoticed. This heightened self-awareness lays the foundation for effective emotional self-management.

Emotion Regulation Mastery

With regular usage of these charts, individuals develop a profound understanding of how emotions manifest physically. This knowledge equips them with the skills to regulate and control their emotional responses, improving emotional stability and resilience.

Enhanced Communication in Relationships

Emotional Body Charts are a common language for couples, families, and friends. They enable individuals to express their emotions more clearly, fostering healthier communication and more profound emotional connections.

Therapeutic Breakthroughs

The chart can be instrumental in therapeutic breakthroughs in clinical settings. They facilitate the exploration of complex emotions and assist therapists in guiding clients toward solutions and healing.

Trauma Recovery Support

For individuals coping with trauma, Emotional Body Charts provide a safe and structured approach to processing emotions related to traumatic experiences. This can be a crucial step in the healing process.

Improved Coping Strategies

Individuals can develop tailored coping strategies by identifying the physical sensations associated with emotions. This mainly benefits stress reduction, anxiety management, and resilience building.

Why use Carepatron as your Emotional Body app?

Carepatron stands out as the ideal platform for utilizing Emotional Body Charts and related software for several compelling reasons:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Carepatron offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface for navigating and using Emotional Body Charts. Whether you're a therapist, counselor, or an individual seeking personal growth, the platform makes it easy to access and work with these valuable resources.
  • Comprehensive Resources: Carepatron provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for emotional well-being and mental health. In addition to Emotional Body Charts, users can access educational materials, therapeutic help, and self-help guides, creating a holistic environment for emotional growth and healing.
  • Customization and Personalization: The platform allows users to customize Emotional Body Charts and related materials to suit their needs. Whether you want to tailor the chart to your therapeutic approach or personalize it for your growth journey, Carepatron offers flexibility in customization.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Carepatron prioritizes data security and privacy. When working with sensitive, emotional information, it's crucial to have confidence in the platform's security measures. Carepatron's commitment to data protection ensures that your dynamic data remains confidential and secure.
  • Accessibility: As an online platform, Carepatron is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility allows therapists to offer remote counseling and individuals to engage with their emotional growth journey conveniently.
  • Integration and Compatibility: Carepatron's Emotional Body Chart app and software are designed to integrate seamlessly with other therapeutic and wellness tools. This compatibility enhances the overall user experience and promotes efficiency in emotional work.
  • Research and Evidence-Based: Carepatron is committed to staying current with the latest research and evidence-based practices in emotional well-being. This ensures that the resources and tools available on the platform are rooted in sound therapeutic principles and research.
Clinical Documenation Software


Allen, J., & Tudor, A. (2023). Organs and Emotions Chart: How your body and mind are connected. Mindvalley Blog. https://blog.mindvalley.com/organs-and-emotions-chart/

Davenport, B. (2023). Tune In To Your Emotions With These 15 Feelings Charts For Adults (Printables). Live Bold and Bloom. https://liveboldandbloom.com/03/self-improvement/feelings-charts-adults

Day, N. (2021). Emotion Chart: A Simple Way To Check In On Your Child�??s Feelings. Raising an Extraordinary Person. https://hes-extraordinary.com/emotion-chart-for-kids

Doucleff, M. (2013, December 30). Mapping Emotions On The Body: Love Makes Us Warm All Over. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/12/30/258313116/mapping-emotions-on-the-body-love-makes-us-warm-all-over

Fox, A. (2014). Body mapping: Chart shows where we feel happiness, shame, other emotions. Outside Business Journal. https://www.outsidebusinessjournal.com/brands/body-mapping-chart-emotion/

GoodRX - error. (n.d.). https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/mental-health/emotions-feeling-chart

Karimova, H., MA. (2023). The Emotion Wheel: What it is and How to Use it [+PDF]. PositivePsychology.com. https://positivepsychology.com/emotion-wheel/

McGill, K. (2018, November 9). Emotions and Feelings Charts - Dr Ken McGill - medium. Medium. https://medium.com/@mcgill_dr/emotions-and-feelings-charts-d4ff59ebf86a

Pangilinan, J. (2022). 9 Feelings Charts Printables for Adults in 2023. Happier Human. https://www.happierhuman.com/feelings-charts-adults/

Parvez, H. (2023, June 3). Emotions chart of 16 emotions - psychmechanics. psychmechanics. https://www.psychmechanics.com/emotions-chart/

Seconds, S. (2022). Plutchik�??s Wheel of Emotions: Feelings Wheel. Six Seconds. https://www.6seconds.org/2022/03/13/plutchik-wheel-emotions/

The Chalkboard Mag. (2021). The Feelings Circle: A Genius Chart For Better Communication. The Chalkboard. https://thechalkboardmag.com/the-feelings-circle-chart-emotional-communication/

Ukiomogbe, J. (2020). Where are emotions felt in the body? This infographic will tell you. Greatist. https://greatist.com/connect/emotional-body-maps-infographic

User, S. (n.d.). Emotional Pain chart. https://cforcestudio.com/resources/emotional-pain-chart

Who typically uses Emotional Body Charts?
Who typically uses Emotional Body Charts?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Emotional Body Charts?

Emotional Body Charts are used by many individuals, including therapists, counselors, educators, individuals pursuing personal growth, and those interested in improving emotional intelligence.


When are Emotional Body Charts used?

Emotional Body Charts are used when individuals want to understand better, express, and manage their emotions in therapeutic settings, self-help practices, or educational contexts.

How are Emotional Body Charts used?

Emotional Body Charts are used to locate physical sensations associated with specific emotions on the chart. They provide a visual guide for connecting emotions with bodily sensations, fostering emotional awareness and regulation.

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