What is the Patient Health Questionnaire 2?

The Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) is a brief screening tool used to assess depression severity and screen for major depressive disorder (MDD) in primary care and other healthcare settings. 

It consists of just two questions, focusing on the frequency of depressed mood and little interest or pleasure over the past two weeks. The PHQ-2 is part of the larger Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) suite, which includes more comprehensive assessments like the PHQ-9.

Given its high prevalence, brevity, and ease of use, the PHQ-2 is particularly suited for busy clinical settings with limited time. Its validity of a two-part has been established through various studies, demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying patients who may require further evaluation for depressive disorders.

Screening positive on the PHQ-2 indicates a higher likelihood of meeting diagnostic criteria for depression. This can prompt healthcare providers to conduct further assessment or initiate treatment, especially in settings like primary care where detecting common mental health disorders like depression is crucial.

The PHQ-2's simplicity construct validity makes it an attractive measure for screening purposes, with research supporting its validity and reliability across various populations. Its use has been associated with lower prevalence and increased detection of depression and subsequent healthcare utilization.

Printable PHQ 2 PDF

Download this PHQ 2 to take an initial screening strategy for depression.

Purpose of the questionnaire

The purpose of the Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) is to screen for major depressive disorder (MDD) and assess depression severity in patients, particularly in primary care and other healthcare settings. It aims to quickly identify individuals who may be experiencing symptoms of significant depression again, such as depressed mood and anhedonia, over the past two weeks.

Using just two brief questions, the PHQ-2 enables healthcare providers to efficiently screen for depression, even in busy clinical settings where time may be limited. Filtering positive on the PHQ-2 suggests a higher likelihood of meeting diagnostic criteria for depression, prompting further evaluation or treatment as necessary.


The Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) offers several benefits in clinical practice, family medicine, medical care, and healthcare settings:

  • Efficiency: With only two questions, the PHQ-2 is a quick and efficient tool for screening depression. This is particularly valuable in busy clinical settings where limited time allows healthcare providers to assess depression severity without significant time investment.
  • Ease of use: The simplicity of the PHQ-2 makes it easy to administer and score, requiring minimal training for healthcare professionals. Its straightforward format facilitates widespread adoption and use across various healthcare settings.
  • Early identification: By screening for symptoms such as depressed mood and anhedonia over the past two weeks, the PHQ-2 helps in the early identification of individuals who may be at risk for major depressive disorder (MDD). Early detection allows for timely intervention and treatment, potentially preventing the worsening of symptoms and improving patient outcomes.
  • Integration into primary care: The PHQ-2 is well-suited for integration into primary care settings, where it can be used as part of routine assessments during patient visits. Its use in primary care enhances the detection of depression, ensuring that patients receive appropriate care and support.
  • Reduced healthcare utilization: By identifying depression early and initiating appropriate treatment, the PHQ-2 may help minimize healthcare utilization associated with untreated or undiagnosed depression. This can lead to cost savings and improved resource allocation within healthcare systems.
  • Validated screening tool: The PHQ-2 has been extensively validated in various populations, demonstrating its reliability and validity as a screening tool for depression. Research and clinical guidelines support its use, enhancing its credibility and utility in healthcare practice.

PHQ 2 example (sample)

Download this free Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) example to streamline depression screening in your healthcare practice. With just two simple questions, the PHQ-2 offers a quick and efficient way to assess depression severity in patients, even in busy clinical settings. 

Early identification of depression can lead to timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. By integrating the PHQ-2 into your routine assessments, you can enhance the detection of depression and ensure that patients receive the support they need. 

This free example provides a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, offering ease of use and validated screening capabilities. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve patient care – download the PHQ-2 example today!

Download this free Patient Health Questionnaire 2 example here

PHQ 2 example

PHQ-2 scoring and interpretation

Scoring and interpreting the Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ-2) is straightforward and helps healthcare professionals assess depression severity in patients. Each question in the PHQ-2 is scored on a scale from 0 to 3 based on the frequency of symptoms experienced over the past two weeks. The scores for the two questions are then summed, resulting in a total score ranging from 0 to 6.

Interpreting the PHQ-2 score involves understanding the severity of depressive symptoms:

  • A total score of 0 indicates the absence of depressive symptoms.
  • Scores of 1 to 2 suggest mild depressive symptoms.
  • Scores of 3 or higher indicate a higher likelihood of meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD).

It's essential to note that while the PHQ-2 is a valuable screening tool, it is not a diagnostic tool on its own. A positive screen on the PHQ-2 indicates the need for further evaluation by a healthcare professional to confirm a diagnosis and determine appropriate treatment options. 

Additionally, scores on the PHQ-2 can help monitor changes in depression severity over time and assess the effectiveness of interventions. Having a clear understanding of the PHQ-2 scoring system and its interpretation is essential for providing comprehensive care to patients who are going through depressive symptoms and mental disorders.

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What is a PHQ-2 screening?
What is a PHQ-2 screening?

Commonly asked questions

What is a PHQ-2 screening?

The PHQ-2 screening is a brief assessment tool used to screen for depression severity in patients. It consists of two questions focusing on the frequency of depressed mood and anhedonia over the past two weeks.

What is the difference between PHQ-9 and 2?

The PHQ-9 is a more comprehensive depression assessment tool consisting of nine questions, while the PHQ-2 comprises only two. The PHQ-9 provides a more detailed evaluation of depressive symptoms, whereas the PHQ-2 offers a quick screening for depression severity.

How often should PHQ-2 be administered?

The PHQ-2 can be administered regularly during routine clinical visits, especially in primary care settings, to screen for depression. The frequency of administration may vary based on clinical judgment, the patient's history, and the presence of risk factors for depression.

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