Mind Over Mood Worksheets

Carve your path to better mental health with Carepatron's Mind Over Mood Worksheets. Simple, secure, and globally trusted for effective mood management.

By Telita Montales on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Mind Over Mood Worksheet?

A Mind Over Mood Worksheet is a therapeutic tool derived from the internationally acclaimed self-help book, "Mind Over Mood" written by Dr. Dennis Greenberger and Dr. Christine Padesky. This evidence-based resource is designed to assist individuals in understanding and altering their thoughts and feelings that influence their behaviors.

These worksheets incorporate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, a psychotherapeutic treatment that helps individuals understand how their thoughts and feelings influence behaviors. The aim is to facilitate identifying and understanding thought patterns and emotional responses, providing practical exercises that enable users to apply CBT principles in real-life situations.

The worksheets range from mood assessment scales, which allow users to rate the intensity of their emotions, to thought records that help identify and challenge negative automatic thoughts. They also include action plans that guide users in developing strategies to change unhelpful behaviors or cope with difficult situations.

The can be used in conjunction with therapy or as part of a self-help approach — they are not just practical tools but also stepping stones towards better mental health, assisting individuals in navigating their thoughts and feelings, ultimately leading to improved well-being.

Printable Mind Over Mood Worksheet

Download the Mind Over Mood Worksheet to help clients better regulate their emotions.

How to use the Mind Over Mood Worksheet:

Our printable Mind Over Mood Worksheets help users understand and manage their thoughts and feelings, thus influencing their behaviors positively. Here's a step-by-step guide on using the Mind Over Mood Worksheet:

  1. Identify the Situation: Describe the situation that led to your uncomfortable feelings or unproductive behaviors. This could be an event, interaction, or even a memory. The aim is to define the context in which the distressing emotions or behaviors occurred.
  2. Mood Rating: Next, rate your moods associated with the identified situation on a scale from 0-100. A '0' rating means you don't feel the mood, while '100' indicates an intense feeling. This step helps quantify your emotional response, providing a benchmark for subsequent comparison.
  3. Identify Automatic Thoughts: Recognize the automatic thoughts that popped into your mind when you were in the situation. These spontaneous thoughts often influence our emotional responses and can be harmful or unhelpful.
  4. Evidence-Supporting Thoughts: List any objective evidence that supports your automatic thoughts. This exercise encourages you to think critically about the validity of your initial thoughts.
  5. Evidence Not Supporting Thoughts: Identify objective evidence contradicting your automatic thoughts. This step helps challenge the accuracy of your intuitive views and promotes balanced thinking.
  6. Develop Alternative Thoughts: Considering supporting and contradicting evidence, develop more balanced or adaptive thoughts. These alternative thoughts should be realistic and helpful, promoting positive emotional and behavioral responses.
  7. Re-rate Moods: After considering all the evidence and developing alternative thoughts, re-rate your initial moods. This step allows you to assess the impact of balanced thinking on your emotional state.

The Mind Over Mood Worksheet can be a powerful tool in challenging negative thought patterns and promoting healthier psychological responses by following these steps. Practice is essential when mastering this technique, so be patient and persistent. You can download printable Mind Over Mood Worksheets here to kickstart your journey toward improved mental well-being.

Mind Over Mood Worksheets Example (sample)

The Mind Over Mood worksheet prompts users to record the situation that triggered distressing feelings or behaviors, rate these moods, identify automatic thoughts, and list evidence supporting or contradicting these thoughts. After considering this evidence, users develop alternative ideas and re-rate their initial moods, assessing the impact on their emotional state. 

The Thought Record worksheet effectively manages thoughts and feelings, contributing to improved mental well-being. It can be used for self-help or in conjunction with therapy, offering a tangible way to apply CBT principles in real-life situations. You can download a copy of our Mind Over Mood Worksheet PDF here.

Download this Mind Over Mood Worksheet Example:

Mind Over Mood Worksheets Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

The Mind Over Mood Worksheet is designed to assist individuals wrestling with various mood disorders. This worksheet is typically employed when dealing with emotional challenges such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, anger, guilt, or feelings of shame.

This resource particularly benefits mental health practitioners, including psychologists, therapists, and counselors, who can incorporate these worksheets into their therapeutic sessions. The structured layout of the worksheet allows these professionals to guide their clients through identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, fostering healthier emotional responses. As such, it serves as an effective tool to supplement cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques used within the session.

Moreover, the Mind Over Mood Worksheet can also be assigned as homework. This encourages clients to apply learned CBT strategies independently, reinforcing the skills acquired during therapy sessions and promoting consistent practice.

In addition to its application in professional settings, the worksheet can function as a self-help tool for individuals seeking to manage their mood disorders independently. It provides a structured approach to self-reflection, enabling users to understand better their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and interconnections.

The Mind Over Mood Worksheet is a versatile resource that can be used in diverse contexts, depending on the needs of the individual. It's an effective tool for those seeking to control their mood disorders and enhance their overall psychological well-being.


Promotion of Self-Awareness

These worksheets serve as a mirror, reflecting one's thought patterns, emotional responses, and behaviors. This enhanced self-awareness is the first step towards effective mood management.

Mood Regulation

Our free Mind Over Mood Worksheets facilitate in identifying and challenging negative thought patterns. By restructuring these thoughts, users can regulate their moods more effectively.

Cognitive Restructuring Skill Development

The worksheets provide a structured approach to cognitive restructuring, a core Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) component. This aids in the development of critical mental health management skills.


As free, printable resources, these worksheets are readily accessible and can be used anytime, making them highly convenient for users.

Autonomy in Mental Health Management

The worksheets empower individuals to manage their mental health actively, providing them the tools to navigate their emotional landscape independently.

Therapeutic Tool

For mental health professionals, these worksheets can be valuable tools within therapy sessions, enhancing the therapeutic process.


Being free resources, these worksheets provide a cost-effective approach to managing mood disorders, making mental health care more accessible.

Progress Tracking

Regularly using these worksheets allows tracking progress over time, providing tangible evidence of improvement.

Enhanced Resilience

By equipping users with the skills to manage their thoughts and moods, these worksheets ultimately contribute to building resilience, a critical factor for long-term mental health and well-being.

Why use Carepatron as your Mind Over Mood app?

Carepatron is an intuitive and secure platform for utilizing Mind Over Mood worksheets in mental health management. With a global reach and a commitment to providing beautiful experiences, Carepatron offers more than just Mind Over Mood software; it provides a holistic solution designed to streamline practice management while maintaining stringent security measures.

The beauty of Carepatron lies in its simplicity. You should spend more time focusing on what's important - your mental health journey - rather than learning how to navigate complex software. This is why our platform is designed with a user-friendly interface that requires no training. You can easily access the Mind Over Mood Worksheets, making your mental health management process seamless and efficient.

At Carepatron, we take data security seriously. Our platform meets worldwide security requirements, including HIPAA, GDPR, & HITRUST. This ensures your sensitive information remains safe and secure as you use our Mind Over Mood app. You can rest assured knowing that the highest security standards protect your data.

Collaboration is the cornerstone of adequate healthcare. Carepatron facilitates better sharing across your team, professional network, and clients. Whether you're a therapist assigning Mind Over Mood Worksheets to your clients or an individual sharing your progress with a support group, our platform makes collaboration effortless, as if everyone were in the same room.

Lastly, Carepatron is trusted worldwide. We support a global community of users and work tirelessly to deliver a beautiful experience every day. Our commitment to excellence has made us a preferred choice for those seeking a reliable and effective Mind Over Mood app.

Carepatron combines simplicity, security, collaboration, and global recognition to provide unmatched Mind Over Mood software. It's more than just an app; it's a dedicated partner in your mental health journey. Try Carepatron today.

Clinical Documentation Software
Who typically uses Mind Over Mood Worksheets?
Who typically uses Mind Over Mood Worksheets?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Mind Over Mood Worksheets?

Mind Over Mood Worksheets are typically used by individuals dealing with mood disorders, therapists, and counselors.

When are Mind Over Mood Worksheets used?

Mind Over Mood Worksheets are used during therapy sessions, as homework assignments, or as self-help tools.

How are Mind Over Mood Worksheets used?

Mind Over Mood Worksheets identify, monitor, and change thought patterns influencing moods and behaviors.

How can the Mind Over Mood Worksheet help a person?

Mind Over Mood Worksheets can help people understand and manage their moods, improving their mental health.

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