Things I Can Control Worksheet

Enhance emotional regulation and positively impact your life with the Circle of Control Worksheet. Take charge of what you can influence today.

By Karina Jimenea on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a circle of control?

Imagine feeling overwhelmed by stress and worry, struggling to find a sense of calm amidst life's challenges. Whether you're a busy parent juggling responsibilities or a student facing academic pressures, managing emotions and focusing energy can be daunting. This is where the concept of a Circle of Control comes in.

The Circle of Control is designed to help individuals identify aspects of their lives they can influence. Picture a blank circle divided into three sections: an inner circle representing factors within one's control, a middle circle for those influenceable but not fully controllable, and an outer circle for factors beyond control. Individuals write or draw examples of each category through exercises like control worksheets.

Things I Can Control Worksheet Template

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Things I Can Control Worksheet Example

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What should you expect from this Things I Can Control Worksheet?

Knowing your circle of control is vital because it helps you figure out what you can do something about and what you can't. When you see what you can change, you can focus on that concern instead of stressing over things out of your hands.

One can list their abilities, attitudes, and actions in the inner circle. This section empowers individuals to focus on what they can do to effect positive changes in their lives, boosting self-esteem and building resilience. For instance, parents might include activities like exercise or quality time with their children, while students may focus on study habits or managing emotions during exams.

In the middle circle, individuals address factors they can influence to some extent. While only partially controllable, these aspects still offer opportunities for action and problem-solving. Individuals gain a sense of agency over their circumstances by writing down concerns and related strategies.

Finally, the outer circle encompasses elements beyond one's control, such as global events. Here, the focus shifts from trying to change these factors to accepting them and directing energy elsewhere. Parents might recognize their child's behavior as beyond their control, while students acknowledge the limitations of external factors like course difficulty.

Whether drawing on paper or using digital resources, this tool offers a structured approach to managing stress and promoting well-being. By distinguishing between what can and cannot be controlled, individuals can find greater peace of mind and resilience in facing life's challenges.

How can you effectively utilize our template?

The Circle of Control Worksheet is a valuable tool to help individuals take charge of their mental health by identifying aspects of their lives they can influence. By recognizing what lies within their control, individuals can focus on strategies to develop their abilities and exert control over their circumstances, leading to a more positive attitude and improved well-being.

Step 1: Download the template

Download the Circle of Control Worksheet template provided by your healthcare provider.

Step 2: Identify aspects of your life

Consider various aspects of your life, including health, work, relationships, and personal habits. Identify factors that directly impact your mental health and well-being.

Step 3: Use the existing circles

The worksheet may have three circles labeled "Within My Control" (inner circle), "Influenceable, but Not Fully Controllable" (middle circle), and "Beyond My Control" (outer circle).

Step 4: List factors in each circle

In the "Within My Control" circle, list factors directly under your control, such as your attitude, habits, and self-care strategies. In the "Influenceable, but Not Fully Controllable" circle, list factors you can influence to some extent, such as relationships, work environment, and daily routines. In the "Beyond My Control" circle, acknowledge factors beyond your control, such as natural disasters or global events.

Step 5: Focus on your inner circle

Reflect on the factors in your "Within My Control" circle and develop strategies to improve or maintain them. Practice self-care, set achievable goals, and seek support when needed.

Step 6: Manage your middle circle

Consider the factors listed in your "Influenceable, but Not Fully Controllable" circle and identify ways to influence them positively. Communicate effectively, set boundaries, and prioritize tasks to manage external stressors effectively.

Step 7: Accept the outer circle

Acknowledge the factors listed in your "Beyond My Control." Understand that some circumstances cannot be changed, and focus your energy on areas where you can make a difference.

Step 8: Review and revise regularly

Regularly review your answers and adjust them as needed. Celebrate progress in your inner circle, adapt strategies for your middle circle, and practice acceptance of factors beyond your control.

When is the best time to use this worksheet?

When life gets overwhelming, and you're unsure where to start, the Things I Can Control Worksheet can be a lifesaver. Here are five situations when it's best to use it:

  1. Feeling overwhelmed: When juggling a million things and can't catch a break, this worksheet helps you pinpoint what you can do something about.
  2. Building resilience: Use it to strengthen your ability to bounce back from challenging situations by focusing on what's within your power to change.
  3. Anxiety: If you're feeling anxious or stressed, filling out this worksheet can help you identify areas you have control, giving you a sense of calm and empowerment.
  4. Parenting: Whether you're dealing with your feelings as a parent or helping your kids navigate their emotions, this worksheet offers a fun and straightforward way to talk about what's in their control and what's not.
  5. Work or school troubles: When you're having trouble at work or school, this resource can help you brainstorm ideas and access your inner power to tackle challenges with a clear mind and a positive attitude.

What are the benefits of using this worksheet?

Using the Things I Can Control Worksheet offers many benefits to improve an individual's well-being. Here are five key advantages:

  1. Clarifies focus: By categorizing aspects of life, the worksheet helps individuals prioritize where to direct their energy and attention.
  2. Promotes empowerment: Identifying areas within one's control fosters a sense of agency and empowerment, encouraging proactive problem-solving and decision-making.
  3. Reduces anxiety: By acknowledging factors beyond one's control, the worksheet helps individuals overcome the worry and stress of trying to change things outside their influence.
  4. Enhances resilience: Focusing on what can be changed and taking action builds resilience.
  5. Improves self-awareness: Reflecting on the factors listed in each worksheet category fosters greater self-awareness and insight into one's strengths, limitations, and coping mechanisms.

What can a therapist do next after receiving an accomplished copy of the worksheet?

After receiving an accomplished copy of the worksheet, therapists have several options to support their clients further:

  1. Review and discuss: Review the completed worksheet with your client during your next session. Discuss their responses and provide guidance or feedback as needed.
  2. Set goals: Use the information from the worksheet to set goals with your client collaboratively. This can help them focus on areas within control and track progress over time.
  3. Explore strategies: Brainstorm and explore various strategies together to address the challenges identified in the worksheet. Encourage your client to develop creative solutions and offer your expertise and support.
  4. Provide resources: Offer additional resources or tools, such as therapy worksheets, readings, or exercises, to complement the work done in the worksheet and support ongoing progress.
  5. Revisit regularly: Plan to revisit the worksheet regularly to assess changes and updates in your client's circumstances or goals. This continuous evaluation ensures that therapy remains relevant and effective in addressing their needs.
Who uses the Things I Can Control Worksheet?
Who uses the Things I Can Control Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the Things I Can Control Worksheet?

The worksheet is used by individuals of all ages, including adults, children, and students, seeking to identify aspects of their lives that can influence and improve their well-being.

Why should I use the Things I Can Control Worksheet

It helps you focus on what you can change rather than feeling overwhelmed by things beyond your control, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.

How long does it take to answer the Things I Can Control Worksheet?

It typically takes 10-15 minutes to complete the worksheet. Still, the time may vary depending on individual reflection and the complexity of the factors being considered.

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