Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet

Click here to learn more about reframing negative thoughts and how it can benefit your mental well-being.

By Chloe Smith on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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The importance of stopping negative self-talk

When it comes to mental health, it is important to stop negative self-talk. Individuals who find themselves struggling with psychological disorders may engage in persistent negative self-talk that fuels the disorder.

Mental health

For example, someone who struggles with a social anxiety disorder might think, No one likes me,e" or "I don't deserve to go out and do fun things.". These thoughts may contribute to their lack of attending events, and the lack of events they go to may fuel their automatic thought process. This may be the case for those who are struggling with other forms of psychological disorders where negative self-talk is occurring.


Negative self-talk can also impact individual self-esteem. When it comes to confidence, being proud of who you are is a vital step towards building resilience and enhancing happiness. These negative thoughts may become a self-fulfilling prophecy that inhibits their ability to exercise their positive self-talk ability and results in a plethora of self-criticism.


Individuals who live with negative thoughts continuously may be at risk of failing to show up in relationships. They may think they are not worthy of the love and compassion they may receive during the relationship, which can ultimately damage their relationships with others.

Improving productivity

Individuals who challenge negative thoughts may be more productive during their time at home as well as at their workplace. Shifting to a more positive outlook and enhancing positive self-talk can maintain resilience and motivation in doing things they love.

Printable Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet

Download this Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet to help clients challenge negative talk.

Identifying negative thoughts

Identifying negative thoughts can be a difficult process. There are a couple of ways that individuals working on their negative self-talk habits can work to identify them.

Shifting perspective

Individuals can use reframing to support them in shifting their perspective on negative self-talk and automatic thoughts. By shifting their perspective, they can see that maybe their thoughts are incorrect and work on shifting focus onto more positive self-talk rituals.

Saying it out loud

It can be easy to think negatively while the words are not spoken. Individuals who have negative thoughts may be encouraged to say them out loud. This can often lead to the individual realizing their thoughts are untrue.

Even telling a trusted friend or their psychologist can support a quick laugh about the whole situation or realizing that our negative thoughts can be ridiculous.

Containing negative thoughts

Another way that individuals can work to build resilience against their negative self-talk and automatic thoughts is by containing them. If the individual you are working with leans more towards the pessimist side of the scale, supporting them in managing their negative self-talk may be helpful.

During this time, individuals may only allow themselves one hour during the day to be negative or write it down in their journal each night before bed. This way, the negative thoughts only take up a moment of their time.

Writing them down

Individuals utilizing this tool may be encouraged to write down their negative self-talk and thoughts. To do this, individuals can write this down, close the journal, or rip up the paper when the thought arises. This can demonstrate that the negative self-talk has no restrictive feelings for them.

How does reframing work?

Reframing works by taking automatic negative thoughts and shining a different perspective. Individuals experiencing a difficult time with their automatic thoughts can work on identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thinking.

To make this easier to understand, we've created a step-by-step process you can follow during therapy sessions with clients.

Step one: Download the form

You can obtain the form through the link below or by searching our templates page on the Carepatron website. You can download the printable version for your device's online use or utilize a physical copy.

Step two: Talk with your client

Talking with your clients is the best way to understand how they feel and understand themselves. During this time, you can work with them to practice positively identifying themselves by utilizing positive thinking.

Step three: Fill out the form

It's up to you how you want to do this part. You can either work with your client to begin cognitive restructuring or, depending on their need for this form, you can set it as a homework task. However you want to complete the worksheet, you know your client best and how they will benefit from it.

Step four: Secure the form in the Carepatron system

You can rely on Carepatron to store the worksheet securely. Whether you would like to recheck it later to identify negative emotions that the individual once held or to identify cognitive distortions that may influence their self-esteem, you can rest assured that this form is stored securely within our system.

Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet example (sample)

Here at Carepatron, we're dedicated to making the lives of mental health professionals just that much simpler. We've created an already completed form that identifies negative automatic thoughts and how the person has a positive outlook on their situation. Check it out below!

Download this free Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet example here:

Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet example (sample)

Why is this form useful for psychologists?

This form can be a valuable resource for psychologists as it supports their patients on their mental health journey in challenging negative thoughts. You can utilize this form by giving it to your patients during your sessions to work together. It may be easier to support them in working through it during their first step, but they should be able to complete it in their own time afterward.

It can also be used as a long-term mental health treatment plan. Individuals who struggle with maintaining a positive mindset may be inclined to utilize it to practice positive self-talk with themselves. This can also be checked in on during the subsequent few sessions together.

It can also help you as a psychologist comprehend how your patients think about themselves and their thought processes. Having the basic knowledge about where your client currently stands can make a massive difference when exploring future ideas and their automatic negative thoughts.

Why use Carepatron as your psychology software?

Carepatron is the perfect place for all your psychology software requirements.

We at Carepatron are dedicated to simplifying tall healthcare professionals' lives. We take this very seriously as we are motivated by our mental health care specialists mainly. With over 500 templates dedicated to therapy techniques you can utilize in your clinic, you can ensure you're obtaining only the most significant and genuine information to use in your clinical setting.

We're also big on our OS system. Carepatron has a range of tools and resources that set us apart from other healthcare systems.

When you choose Carepatron, you can access therapy practice management software that supports you and your co-workers. You can look forward to our ability to set patient reminders with our patient appointment reminder software, the ease of our clinical note system with our clinical documentation software that allows you access from home or the office, and the bills with our medical billing software.

So, what are you waiting for? With Carepatron, you can access various psychological and other resources that allow you and your client to connect better and facilitate an open and positive therapeutic relationship.

Psychology Software


Scott, E. (2023, November 22). The Toxic Effects of Negative Self-Talk. Verywell Mind.

What is reframing negative thoughts?
What is reframing negative thoughts?

Commonly asked questions

What is reframing negative thoughts?

Reframing is a cognitive technique that involves changing the perspective on negative thoughts to foster a more positive and constructive mindset.

How can I practice reframing?

Identify negative thoughts, challenge their accuracy, and explore alternative, positive perspectives. Use positive language and focus on solutions.

Why is reframing important?

Reframing is crucial for mental well-being, reducing stress, enhancing resilience, and promoting a positive mindset that improves decision-making and overall life satisfaction.

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