Psychiatric Review Of Systems

Streamline mental health assessments with a Psychiatric Review of Systems template, a tool for professionals to assess and document patients' mental well-being.

By Liliana Braun on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Template

What is a Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template?

A Psychiatric Review of Systems template serves as a structured tool employed by mental health professionals to systematically gather information about a patient's mental and emotional well-being. This comprehensive template covers various aspects, including mood, sleep patterns, anxiety, psychosis, obsessions and compulsions, dissociative symptoms, trauma history, body image disturbances, substance abuse, cognitive symptoms, and suicidal ideation. By providing a thorough framework for assessment, the Psychiatric Review of Systems template assists clinicians in identifying potential psychiatric disorders, evaluating symptom severity, and making informed decisions regarding diagnosis, treatment planning, and ongoing monitoring of the patient's mental health.

The utilization of a Psychiatric Review of Systems template is integral to enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of psychiatric evaluations. It streamlines the information-gathering process, ensuring that mental health professionals systematically cover crucial domains of a patient's psychological state. This standardized approach not only facilitates the identification of potential psychiatric disorders but also enables a more nuanced understanding of symptomatology and its severity. The Psychiatric Review of Systems template serves as a valuable resource for treatment planning, allowing clinicians to tailor interventions based on the specific needs and challenges identified during the assessment. Moreover, the structured nature of the template contributes to consistent and comprehensive monitoring of the patient's mental health over time, fostering a proactive and informed approach to psychiatric care.

Printable Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template

Download the Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template for mental health professionals to systematically gather information about a patient's mental and emotional well-being.

How does it work?

The steps involved with filling out a Printable Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template are as follows:

  1. Gather information: Conduct a face-to-face interview with the patient to gather information about their mental health history, current symptoms, and any psychosocial stressors. Review the patient's medical records, including previous psychiatric evaluations, treatment history, and any relevant social or family history.
  2. Assess symptoms: Follow the PROS template and ask each question clearly and understandably. Encourage the patient to elaborate on their responses and provide details about their experiences. Systematically evaluate each area of psychiatric functioning using the PROS template, covering areas such as mood, sleep, anxiety, psychosis, obsessions and compulsions, dissociative symptoms, trauma history, body image disturbances, substance abuse, cognitive symptoms, and suicidal ideation.
  3. Document findings: Document the patient's responses and observations systematically in the PROS template. Use clear and concise language to capture the essential information.
  4. Interpret results: Use clinical judgment to interpret the gathered information, considering the patient's overall presentation, history, and any potential cultural or contextual factors.
  5. Inform treatment decisions: Collaborate with other healthcare providers involved in the patient's care to ensure a comprehensive understanding of their mental health condition and treatment plan. Use the gathered information from the PROS template to guide clinicians in making informed decisions about the patient's treatment plan.

Psychiatric Review Of Systems example (sample)

In Carepatron’s commitment to advancing mental health assessments, we present a sample Psychiatric Review of Systems template - a convenient and user-friendly tool designed for healthcare practitioners. This sample template facilitates a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of various mental and emotional aspects, guiding clinicians through structured inquiries across multiple domains. This sample Psychiatric Review of Systems Template PDF serves as a practical resource for practitioners, streamlining the documentation process during patient interviews. Its clarity and simplicity make it an accessible tool for systematically gathering information about a patient's mental health history, symptoms, and psychosocial stressors. 

Download this Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template:

Psychiatric Review Of Systems Templates

When would you use this Template?

Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template are used in situations such as:

  • Initial psychiatric assessment: When a patient first seeks mental health care, a PROS template is typically used to gather a comprehensive overview of their mental and emotional health. This initial assessment helps clinicians identify potential psychiatric disorders, understand the severity of symptoms, and make informed decisions about the next steps in treatment.
  • Tracking progress: As a patient progresses through treatment, a PROS template can be used to track their progress and monitor the effectiveness of their treatment plan. Repeated evaluations using the PROS template can reveal changes in symptoms, identify potential side effects of medications, and inform adjustments to treatment strategies.
  • Differential diagnosis: When a patient presents with a complex set of symptoms or overlapping symptoms from multiple disorders, a PROS template can aid in differential diagnosis. The systematic evaluation of various psychiatric domains helps clinicians narrow down the possible diagnoses and make a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Pre-operative assessment: Before undergoing surgery or other medical procedures, patients may undergo a psychiatric evaluation to assess their mental health and determine their readiness for the procedure. A PROS template can help identify any potential mental health concerns that may require additional attention or interventions.
  • High-risk patients: For patients at increased risk of self-harm or violence, regular monitoring of their mental health is crucial. A PROS template can be used to track changes in symptoms, assess risk factors, and intervene as needed to prevent harm.

What do the results mean?

Key aspects of interpreting the results from a Free Psychiatric Review Of Systems Template include:

  • Identification of potential psychiatric disorders: The PROS template systematically evaluates various psychiatric domains, such as mood, anxiety, psychosis, and substance abuse. By identifying symptoms and patterns, clinicians can form hypotheses about potential psychiatric disorders.
  • Severity assessment: The PROS template prompts clinicians to assess the severity of each symptom, providing valuable information about the impact of the patient's mental health condition on their daily functioning and overall well-being.
  • Differential diagnosis: The PROS template can aid in differential diagnosis, especially when patients present with complex or overlapping symptoms from multiple disorders. By systematically evaluating various psychiatric domains, clinicians can narrow down the possible diagnoses and make a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Treatment planning: The gathered information from the PROS template guides clinicians in making informed decisions about the patient's treatment plan. The identified symptoms, their severity, and any underlying psychiatric disorders inform the selection of appropriate treatment modalities, medications, and interventions.

Ongoing monitoring: The PROS template serves as a baseline assessment for ongoing monitoring of the patient's mental health. Repeated evaluations using the PROS template allow clinicians to track the patient's progress, identify any changes in symptoms, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and adjust treatment as needed.

Why use Carepatron as your Psychiatric Review Of Systems app?

In the realm of mental health, where precise clinical documentation is paramount, Carepatron stands as the optimal solution for creating and implementing Psychiatric Review of Systems templates. This user-friendly app boasts an intuitive interface, making it effortless for healthcare professionals to download and utilize Psychiatric Review of Systems templates efficiently. Carepatron's Psychiatric Review of Systems app revolutionizes the process, ensuring accessibility and simplicity in assessing various mental and emotional aspects. 

The software's intuitive design facilitates seamless navigation through the Psychiatric Review of Systems template creation process, significantly reducing the time and effort required for conducting a comprehensive psychiatric assessment. Carepatron's Psychiatric Review of Systems software stands out for its efficiency, empowering healthcare professionals to identify potential psychiatric disorders, evaluate symptom severity, and make informed decisions for personalized treatment plans. 

Incorporating essential keywords such as "Psychiatric Review of Systems app" and "Psychiatric Review of Systems software," Carepatron ensures that users can easily locate and utilize tools crucial for delivering optimal mental health care. Beyond template provision, Carepatron offers a dynamic mental health EHR for collaboration among healthcare teams, fostering a holistic approach to patient care. The software's versatility accommodates the diverse needs of individuals, families, and communities involved in the mental health recovery process.

mental health practice management software


Carlat, D. J. (1998). The psychiatric review of symptoms: a screening tool for family physicians. American Family Physician, 58(7), 1617–1624.

Goldberg, R. J., & Novack, D. H. (1992). The psychosocial review of systems. Social Science & Medicine, 35(3), 261–269.

How do you create a Psychiatric Review Of Systems template?
How do you create a Psychiatric Review Of Systems template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Psychiatric Review Of Systems template?

Carepatron has a ready-made Psychiatric Review Of Systems template that you can access for free using our platform. 

When are Psychiatric Review Of Systems Templates used?

Psychiatric Review of Systems Templates are used when conducting comprehensive mental health assessments to identify potential disorders, assess symptom severity, and guide treatment decisions.

How are the Psychiatric Review Of Systems Templates used?

Psychiatric Review of Systems Templates are used by systematically evaluating various psychiatric domains, including mood, anxiety, psychosis, and substance abuse, to gather information about a patient's mental and emotional health.

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