Appearance Anxiety Inventory

Download our free Appearance Anxiety Inventory template and example. Use it to assess your client's level of appearance-related worry and anxiety.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is the Appearance Anxiety Inventory?

The Appearance Anxiety Inventory (AAI) is a self-report questionnaire designed to evaluate the extent of appearance-related worry and anxiety in individuals. It aids clinicians and researchers in understanding how concerns about one's physical appearance affect a person's daily functioning and well-being.

The AAI comprises 10 items that explore various dimensions associated with appearance anxiety. Respondents rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale, usually ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (all the time). The questionnaire addresses issues related to preoccupation with appearance, distress associated with perceived flaws, and the impact on emotional and social aspects of life.

The can be used in clinical settings to assess clients suffering from body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and other mental health conditions. It can also help clinicians identify individuals benefitting further evaluation and treatment.

However, it is important to note that the AAI is among several tools available for assessing appearance anxiety. Employing the AAI with other clinical evaluations and assessments is recommended to comprehensively understand an individual's concerns.

Appearance Anxiety Inventory Template

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Appearance Anxiety Inventory Example

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How does it work?

Our free Appearance Anxiety Inventory template lets you assess your client's level of appearance-related anxiety and worry. Here's how to proceed:

Step One: Obtain the questionnaire

Access the printable Appearance Anxiety Inventory using the link provided on this page. You can also access it through the Carepatron app or our extensive resources library.

Step Two: Discuss with your client

Explain the AAI with your client and how they can respond to the items. Be sure to address any queries they may have before proceeding.

Step Three: Client completes the questionnaire

Give your client ample time to complete the questionnaire. Encourage them to respond honestly, emphasizing that there are no right or wrong answers.

Step Four: Score the AAI

Refer to the scoring instructions provided in our Appearance Anxiety inventory template. Use this information to calculate a total score for your client, which will help you determine their level of appearance-related worry and anxiety.

Step Five: Discuss findings with your client

Discuss the results of your findings and provide relevant feedback. During this time, explain the appropriate interventions and strategies available to help them manage their appearance anxiety.

Appearance Anxiety Inventory Scoring and Interpretation

The Appearance Anxiety Inventory (AAI) comprises ten items, with respondents rating each item on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (all the time). Sum up the responses for all ten items to calculate the total score. The total score will range from 0 to 40.

The interpretation of the score is as follows:

  • 0 - 5: Low levels of appearance anxiety
  • 6 - 15: Moderately high levels of appearance anxiety
  • 16 - 25: High levels of appearance anxiety
  • 26 – 40: Very high levels or extreme levels of appearance anxiety.

Please remember that the AAI is intended for assessment purposes and should not be used as a diagnostic tool for anxiety disorders.

When should you use this Template?

Our free printable Appearance Anxiety Inventory template is valuable for assessing your client's level of appearance-related worry. Furthermore, you can employ this questionnaire to:

Identify specific sources of distress or unease

The AAI can help you pinpoint specific areas where your client experiences chronic distress related to their appearance. By targeting these areas, you can offer tailored support and interventions to address their unique needs.

Evaluate the intensity of your client's concerns about their physical appearance

Using this template, you can quantify the intensity of your client's appearance anxiety and assess their progress over time. This way, you can accurately track their improvement and provide additional assistance.

Determine the cognitive impact of appearance anxiety

The Appearance Anxiety Inventory provides insights into your client's cognitive response to appearance-related concerns. By tracking progress over time, you can assist your client in making meaningful changes to their appearance anxiety and improving their coping mechanisms.

Address maladaptive thought patterns

This questionnaire lets clients recognize underlying thought patterns contributing to appearance anxiety. With this awareness, they can work towards challenging these negative thought patterns and adopting healthier perspectives.

Benefits of the free Appearance Anxiety Inventory

Here are some benefits of using our free Appearance Anxiety Inventory template:

It's fully digital and user-friendly

Our free template can be easily filled out online and is optimized for mobile devices. This allows clients to complete the questionnaire at their own pace without any added stress or pressure.

It's evidence-based

The Appearance Anxiety Inventory has undergone extensive testing and demonstrates high levels of reliability. This ensures consistent and accurate results across various studies.

It's quick to complete

The AAI is a concise assessment that can be completed in minutes. It provides a convenient way to evaluate appearance anxiety and gain valuable insights into your client's experiences.

It helps enhance self-awareness

By completing the AAI, clients can develop greater self-awareness regarding their appearance-related worries. This self-awareness serves as a foundation for therapeutic interventions.

It aids in treatment planning

You can use the Appearance Anxiety Inventory template to inform treatment plans and evaluate progress. This helps you identify the best strategies for addressing your client's appearance anxiety and create a tailored approach to their care.

It fosters open communication

The AAI offers clients a comfortable and non-judgmental platform to express their thoughts and feelings about their body image. This facilitates open communication between you and your client, allowing for more meaningful progress in therapy sessions.


Veale, D., Eshkevaria, E., Kanakama, N., Ellisona, N., Costa, A., and Werner, T. (2014). The Appearance Anxiety Inventory: Validation of a Process Measure in the Treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 42, 605-616.

Who utilizes the Appearance Anxiety Inventory?
Who utilizes the Appearance Anxiety Inventory?

Commonly asked questions

Who utilizes the Appearance Anxiety Inventory?

Mental health professionals employ the Appearance Anxiety Inventory to evaluate their clients' levels of appearance-related worry. It is a valuable tool for understanding appearance-related anxiety and its impact.

How long does it take to complete the Appearance Anxiety Inventory?

Individuals typically complete the AAI within 10 to 15 minutes.

When is the appropriate time to use the Appearance Anxiety Inventory?

The Appearance Anxiety Inventory can be used during clients' treatment to assess their appearance-related anxiety. It serves as a baseline measure and an ongoing assessment tool throughout therapy.

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