ADHD Treatment Plan Template
A comprehensive ADHD treatment plan template with goals, interventions, management plan, and clinician and patient details.

What is ADHD treatment plan
An ADHD treatment plan is a document that sums up the next steps for a person recently diagnosed with ADHD. This free PDF download offers a useful resource for your to compile a holistic treatment plan for patients diagnosed with ADHD.
This document can be as broad or specific as the practitioner likes, and might include the next steps for pharmacological intervention, therapeutic intervention, and a management plan for parents, teachers, any anyone else who will be involved in the child’s treatment such as sports coaches, community leaders or family friends.
An ADHD treatment plan is always subject to modification as the child develops and their needs change, and so this treatment plan serves as a solid starting point for the ADHD treatment journey rather than a permanent plan that is set in stone.
ADHD Treatment Plan Template
ADHD Treatment Plan Template Example
How to use this ADHD treatment plan
This specific treatment plan template is designed to be comprehensive, as well as customizable. Let’s go through how to use this template now.
- Download the PDF
The first thing you need to do is download the PDF. Once you have saved the PDF locally, you can either fill it in digitally using the interactive text boxes, or print it out and fill it in by hand. Alternatively, all our templates can be accessed from within Carepatron too. Just watch the explainer video to see how.
- Fill in your patient’s details
We have included spaces for your patient’s details, fill in their name, date of birth, parent/caregiver name and date of your session.
- Goals Section
The next section is for you to write down your client’s goals. We have made space for their overarching, long-term goal as well as some smaller short term goals. Remember, goals should be SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
- Interventions section
The next section is the crucial part of the treatment plan - how are you going to achieve these goals? Include pharmacological intervention, if applicable, behavioral therapy, psychiatric and mental health counselling, and the specific types of therapy planned, and any other complementary treatments such as for other mental health issues.
- Management plan
The management plan is for the concrete plans in place to aid the success of the planned interventions. What training will the child’s parents undergo, and how frequently? How will the school be involved, and who will be the primary contact person? Will anyone else be involved in the child’s treatment?
- Clinician notes
Any extra notes that don’t fit in the previous sections can go here, perhaps you want to note down specific things to revisit next time, or potential changes to make to the treatment plan in the future.
- Final checkboxes
Educational material is crucial to ensure the child’s family and support system are well educated on how to best help the child with ADHD. To remind you to disperse relevant information, as well as the commonly used Vanderbilt forms- we have added in some bonus checkboxes here.
- Sign off
Include when the next session will be, your designation, your signature, and the treatment plan is complete! Make sure you stored the completed and signed form somewhere secure and accessible for future use.
Who Can Use This ADHD treatment plan Template?
This ADHD treatment plan is designed for the primary clinician responsible for the treatment of a child diagnosed with ADHD. While this person is likely to be a clinical psychiatrist, they might also be a clinical psychologist, adolescent and child psychiatrist, paediatrician, or other mental health worker.
While a clinician will be the one to design the child’s ADHD treatment plan, the plan will ultimately be used by all members of the child’s care team including their parents, involved teachers, behavioral therapists, counsellors, or family doctors.
Why Is This Template Useful For Psychiatrists and Psychologists
ADHD in children often requires an involved and holistic approach to treatment, including behavioral management therapy, parental training, involvement of the child’s school or kindergarten, and pharmacological intervention. As such, this template is super useful for psychiatrists and psychologists who treat children with ADHD as it includes spaces for a wide range of treatment approaches, as well as space for the clinician’s general notes.
Compiling lots of information into an organized and readable format can be a big task and so using a pre-formatted template can save the clinician a lot of time, and keep the treatment plan easily readable for those who will need to read it in the future.
Benefits of using the ADHD treatment template
Easier sharing of notes
Your patient’s ADHD treatment plan is an important document that is likely to be shared with many others invested in the treatment of your patient. As such, it is important this document is clearly formatted and structured. Take the hassle out of this step by using our ADHD treatment plan template and share your patient’s treatment plan with the other member’s of their care team with confidence.
Keep your notes organized
Having one document that summarizes the starting p;oint of your patient’s treatment is a simple way to get your patient’s treatment off to an organized start. There will no doubt be changes along the way, and with these changes an ever-increasing amount of clinical notes, but rest assured with our comprehensive ADHD treatment plan template that your initial plan is safely and clearly documented.
Track your patient’s progress
You will not be the only one eager to monitor developments in your patient’s progress. This treatment plan template makes it easy to look back in your patient’s notes and see how far they have come. The goals section in particular is a wonderful way to track your patient’s progress, and you can all look forward to checking these goals off as your patient progresses.
Aid reflective practice
As a clinician doing important work for children, you will always be striving to improve. Compare your treatment plans for your patients easily using our ADHD treatment plan template.
Meet your legal requirements
As a psychiatric or psychological clinican, you are legally required to make a record of your client’s treatment plan and store this securely to prevent a violation of HIPAA. This template makes it easy for you to make this clinical record, and if you keep it electronic, then it is even easier to store safely in EHR software such as Carepatron.
Commonly asked questions
A template for your ADHD treatment plan can be super useful for both guiding the structure of your session with your client and their family, and for ensuring you are covering all bases in terms of the next steps for your client. A template also helps you to keep your notes standardized, organized, and readable for others whomay need to use them.
No worries, just leave this section blank! We understand that ADHD treatment looks different for everyone, and so this template is completely customizable- just leave out the sections that do not apply to your client, and fill in the ones that do.
The management plan is for the practical details of how the interventions planned in the previous section of the template will be undertaken. This might include when and where the behavioral therapy sessions will take place, how the child will have their medication administered, who will be responsible for the behavioral interventions at the child’s school or kindergarten, or other practical details relevant to the child’s treatment.