Values Test

Use the Values Test and help your clients discover their personal values. Learn how to use them in decision-making with our free PDF template.

By Ericka Pingol on Aug 06, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a personal values assessment?

Values are the guiding principles that shape our lives, behaviors, and decisions. They reflect our deepest beliefs, desires, and motivations, acting as a compass that guides our actions and interactions. Understanding clients' personal internal values is crucial for practitioners, as these values reflect their core beliefs, a valued behavioral pattern, and goals toward personal success.

Personal values assessments are tools designed to help individuals identify their basic human values and understand how these values influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (Nazirova & Borbala, 2024). These value assessments often take the form of simple surveys or questionnaires, such as the Valued Living Questionnaire, the Rokeach Values Survey, or the Portrait Values Questionnaire.  

Different values assessments

Values assessments are valuable tools that aid individuals in understanding, identifying, and clarifying their core values, contributing to self-awareness and personal growth. Various methods and worksheets facilitate this process, allowing individuals to explore their values comprehensively. Here are some different value assessments:

Rokeach Values Survey

The Rokeach Values Survey (RVS) is a widely recognized tool for assessing personal values. Developed by psychologist Milton Rokeach in the 1970s, this survey presents participants with two sets of values – terminal values (desired end-states of existence) and instrumental values (preferred modes of behavior).

Participants are asked to rank these values in order of importance, providing insights into their value priorities and the underlying motivations that guide their behavior and decision-making processes. The RVS has proven cross-cultural validity and is widely used in research across various disciplines, including psychology and sociology (Vauclair et al., 2011).

Values worksheets

Generic Values Worksheets often list common values and ask individuals to reflect on and select those that resonate with them. These worksheets serve as a foundational tool for initiating the process of value identification.

Values exploration worksheets

Values Exploration Worksheets encourage individuals to explore how their values align with various life domains, such as relationships, career, and personal development. This assessment takes a holistic approach, recognizing the diversity of ways values manifest in one's life.

How does it work?

This printable Values Test prompts clients to rate common values on a scale of 1-5. It helps identify which values are fundamental to them and which seem less significant. The results can help clients understand how their values affect their decisions, interpersonal relationships, and overall life satisfaction.

Here's how to get started with the template:

Step 1: Download the test

Get a free copy of the Values Test using the link on this page or from the Carepatron app. You can also find it in our templates library.

Step 2: Explain how it works to your client

Let your client know that the test requires them to rate each value on a scale from 1-5. Set an expectation that they can take just a few minutes or as much time as they need to reflect. Explain that their answers will help assess how their values impact their decisions, relationships, and well-being.

Step 3: Have your client complete the test

Have them go through each value listed and rate it according to its importance in their life. They should also think about how often they practice each value.

Step 4: Review the results with your client

Once they are done, review their answers together and discuss any emerging patterns. Reflect on which values are critical to them and why. This can help shed light on what is truly meaningful to them and guide choices moving forward.

Step 5: Revisit the results

You can revisit your client's values assessment periodically to help keep them in check. This will allow you to track their progress and ensure they stay on the path that aligns with their core values.

Benefits of reflecting on one's values

Restoring mental balance

Reflecting on one's values can help restore mental balance and reduce internal conflicts that may arise from misalignment between personal beliefs and daily actions. Clearly identifying core values helps individuals gain deeper self-recognition.

Aligned decisions and actions

Understanding one's values can also guide decision-making processes, ensuring that choices and actions align with freely chosen principles. This can be particularly beneficial for healthcare practitioners, whose day-to-day activities and professional growth often involve navigating complex ethical dilemmas and societal norms surrounding patient care and equality.


Identifying the underlying causes and causal factors that shape their behavior helps individuals gain insights into their motivations, desires, and the guiding principles they hold dear. This self-awareness can empower them to make more informed decisions, embrace new ideas, and adapt to evolving patterns in their field.

Promoting well-being and fulfillment

Reflecting on personal values can also contribute to overall well-being and a sense of fulfillment. When individuals align their everyday decisions and behaviors with their core values, they are more likely to experience an exciting life and a greater sense of purpose.


Nazirova, Z., & Borbala, S. (2024). Values, attitudes and the behaviour paradigm: A systematic literature review. Journal of Human Values, 30(2), 214-239.

Vauclair, C.-M., Hanke, K., Fischer, R., & Fontaine, J. (2011). The structure of human Values at the culture level: A meta-analytical replication of Schwartz’s Value Orientations using the Rokeach Value Survey. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(2), 186-205.

Why is assessing values important?
Why is assessing values important?

Commonly asked questions

Why is assessing values important?

Assessing values is important because it helps individuals understand what drives their behavior, decision-making, and goals. By identifying their core values, people can align their actions with what truly matters to them, leading to greater personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

What is a values assessment test?

Values assessment tests are tools used to help individuals identify and understand their core values. These tests typically involve a series of questions or statements that ask individuals to rate their level of agreement or importance for various values. The results provide a profile of the individual's values, which can be used for personal growth, career development, or team building.

What is the value theory of Rokeach?

According to Rokeach, values are enduring beliefs that people hold about what is good and desirable. He identified two types of values: terminal values, which are the end goals or outcomes that people strive for, and instrumental values, which are the means or methods used to achieve those goals.

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