Iron Levels Chart PDF Example
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What is an Iron Levels Chart?

An iron levels chart, in the context of medical diagnostics, refers to a graphical representation or tabular format that shows the results of various tests used to quantify or measure the concentration of iron in an individual’s body. The existence of this chart is due to the importance of iron in maintaining one’s overall health and the need to identify iron-related conditions for immediate intervention because of its significant health implications. 

The chart typically includes results from the tests that measure iron, such as the serum iron test, transferrin test, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) test, and ferritin blood test. These tests provide insights into the different aspects of iron metabolism in the body, such as the amount of iron in one’s blood, the capacity and amount of transferring to bind with iron, and the level of iron storage in the body.

The chart’s purpose is to present an overview of an individual’s iron status, Having all of these on a single document can help healthcare practitioners to more easily diagnose conditions like anemia or hemochromatosis and devise treatment/management strategies. 

Our take on the iron levels chart includes a table where you have space to write down your patient’s result and their corresponding interpretation based on the provided expected normal range.

How does it work?

Step One. Acquire the Template

Ensure you have access to a valuable resource, such as the iron levels chart, for your convenience. You can do this by selecting either the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button. Alternatively, you can find the chart in Carepatron’s template library on the app or website by searching for “Iron Levels Chart.”

Step Two. Input Essential Information

If you intend to extend the chart’s utility beyond serving as a visual aid or patient education, it is recommended to include essential patient details, including the results for the four iron tests: serum iron, TIBC, transferring, and ferritin. 

Step Three. Compare and Differentiate

Next, utilize the provided chart to compare and differentiate between the normal levels on the chart and those identified in your patient’s test results document. Ensure to consider factors like age, gender, and the patient’s current condition during your analysis. 

Step Four. Record Your Analysis

On our template, you can record your observations and findings in the designated space for interpreting results. Additionally, if you want, you may use the space at the bottom for writing the summary of results and any supplementary information like further examinations or medical interventions. 

Step Five. Safeguard the Template

Upon completing your consultation, it is essential to securely store the template, restricting access to relevant individuals exclusively. For digital copies, we recommend storing your document on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant, free patient records software capable of safeguarding all medical records, including a completed chart of iron levels relevant to your patient.

When would you use this Chart?

Iron level charts are commonly used in various clinical scenarios to assess and monitor an individual’s iron status. Here’s a list of the situations in which an iron level chart is typically utilized:

Identifying Iron-Related Problems or Conditions

Since iron tests are typically requested when a person exhibits symptoms of an iron-related problem or condition such as anemia, deficiency, or overload, the chart can be used as a reference when coming up with a diagnosis or identifying the underlying reason for the iron test results. Aside from that, you can also use the chart as a document to record the results for future use.

Monitoring Treatment

If you create multiple copies of the iron levels chart, you can use the iron levels chart to track the effectiveness of treatments that are aimed to either elevate or reduce iron levels within the body. One example is using the chart to periodically monitor the levels of individuals taking iron supplements or undergoing therapies to manage iron overload.

Differential Diagnosis

The chart can also be used to help rule out other conditions that manifest similar symptoms to iron deficiency anemia or iron overload. Such conditions are aplastic anemia, anemia or inflammation, or anemia due to vitamin deficiencies.

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What do the results mean?

Interpreting the results and writing them down on your free iron level chart template provides essential information about an individual’s iron status needed to diagnose and address potential health concerns. To help you out, here’s a general interpretation of what these results mean. 

Serum Iron Test

This is the test that measures the iron concentration in one’s bloodstream. If the patient has low serum iron levels, it often indicates an iron deficiency that results from inadequate dietary iron intake, malabsorption issues, or blood loss. On the other hand, elevated serum iron levels may signal excessive iron consumption, intake of certain vitamins, or conditions like hemolytic anemia, liver failure, or hepatitis. 

Transferrin Test

This is the test that checks the quantity of transferrin, which is a vital iron-transporting protein. Low levels may stem from insufficient transferrin production by the liver or excessive renal loss. While elevated transferring levels can suggest iron-deficiency anemia. 

Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC) Test

This test evaluates how effectively iron binds to transferring and other blood proteins. An elevated TIBC value, typically above 450 mcg/dL, often indicates low blood iron levels, potentially due to increased menstrual blood loss, dietary deficiencies, pregnancy, or chronic infections. 

Ferritin Blood Test

A ferritin test checks how much iron is stored in the body. A low ferritin level in the blood signifies depleted iron stores indicating iron deficiency. Conversely, elevated ferritin levels may point to a condition causing excess iron storage.

Research & Evidence

The effectiveness and usefulness of the iron levels chart are intrinsically linked to the tests to check iron levels and their associated results. This chart serves as a consolidated reference point for determining what falls within the range of normal levels. As a result, the chart makes it easier for practitioners to compare multiple test results to identify any potential elevations or deficiencies in a patient’s iron levels. 

There have been limited studies demonstrating the full value of iron levels charts if any at all. However, one can still see the importance of individual iron test charts in articles from reputable medical sources that talk about different iron tests and emphasize the significance of checking or monitoring one’s iron levels. 

For example, in a study entitled “Management of iron deficiency” published in ASH Publications, the researchers provided a chart for iron levels to establish to the readers the values they considered to be iron deficient. Meanwhile, in an article discussing the differences between ferritin and iron, level charts were provided in the sections that discussed normal levels of ferritin and iron. As a final example, in an article by MedicalNewsToday talking about serum iron tests and their ranges, one can find a list of normal ranges of TIBC, total serum iron, and transferrin saturation. And though the information isn’t organized into a table, it has the same content as an iron-level chart. 

The crux of the matter is that providing iron levels in studies or articles, no matter how it’s organized, greatly aids professionals in the medical field. Hence, iron level charts, because of their content, can be considered a valuable tool by healthcare practitioners.


Fletcher, J. (2018, June 9). Serum iron test: High, low, and normal ranges.

Louisebalmforth. (2023, August 23). What is the difference between ferritin and iron? - Forth With Life. Forth.

Ning, S., & Zeller, M. P. (2019). Management of iron deficiency. Hematology, 2019(1), 315–322.

Who typically requests an Iron Levels Chart?
Who typically requests an Iron Levels Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests an Iron Levels Chart?

Primary care doctors, hematologists, gastroenterologists, and cardiologists will likely request an iron levels chart.

When are iron level charts used?

The iron level charts are used when the referring physician has to analyze,  interpret, and monitor the patient’s iron levels.

How are Iron Levels Charts used?

The iron level charts are mainly used as a document where the referring physician can write down their observations and findings based on the analysis and interpretations they made.

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