What is a GOLO Diet?

The GOLO Diet is a weight loss program designed to address issues such as weight gain and poor metabolic health by promoting balanced hormones and healthy blood sugar levels. Central to this diet is the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods, which are key to its success. The GOLO diet food list emphasizes lean proteins, fresh fruits, and a variety of other food groups while avoiding processed foods, refined grains, and added sugars.

A distinctive feature of the GOLO Diet is its Release supplement, which aims to support weight loss by helping to balance hormones and manage caloric intake. This dietary supplement is intended to work alongside the diet to enhance weight loss results.

The meal plans in the GOLO Diet are designed to provide a balanced intake of nutrients. They focus on delivering the right foods in the right quantities to not only promote weight loss but also to maintain overall health. The diet encourages the consumption of permissible foods that support a healthy lifestyle, focusing on reducing emotional eating and improving sleep quality.

A critical aspect of the GOLO Diet is its approach to creating healthy habits. By encouraging the preparation of balanced meals and offering an eating plan that includes a wide range of permissible foods, the diet helps individuals on their weight loss journey to reach their goal weight in a healthy and sustainable manner.

The cost of the GOLO Diet, including the GOLO supplement, can vary, and it is recommended to consult with a registered dietitian before starting any new diet program, especially one that includes dietary supplements. The GOLO Diet aims not just for weight loss, but for a holistic improvement in health and well-being.

Printable Golo Diet Food List

Download this Golo Diet Food List to help clients maintain a healthy weight.

Printable Golo Diet Food List

Download this Golo Diet Food List to help clients maintain a healthy weight.

How to utilize the printable Golo Diet Food List?

Our list provides a comprehensive approach to Golo diet food. To ensure you make the most of this tool, we've crafted a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use our Printable Golo Diet Food List.

Step 1: Download the printable Golo Diet Food List

Access the High Protein Diet Plan by clicking the link on our page. The plan will open in your default PDF reader, fully interactive for digital use. Prefer to write manually? Print out the form for a hands-on approach.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the food categories

Review the list to understand the food categories included, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Note the variety of foods recommended, focusing on whole, unprocessed options.

Step 3: Plan your meals

Use the food list to plan your daily meals. Incorporate a balance of proteins, carbs, and fats in each meal as guided by the Golo Diet principles.

Step 4: Create a shopping list

Based on your meal plans, create a shopping list. Highlight the items you need from the printable GOLO Diet Food List.

Following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Printable GOLO Diet Food List to maintain a balanced diet, manage weight, and improve overall health.

Golo Diet Food List example (sample)

The GOLO Diet focuses on whole, nutrient-rich foods that promote balanced blood sugar levels and sustainable weight loss. While our comprehensive GOLO Diet Food List PDF offers detailed guidance and a breakdown of the different foods, here's an overview of what the list includes:

  • Proteins: Lean protein like chicken, turkey, and fish are staples. Plant-based options like beans, lentils, and tofu are also encouraged for their protein and fiber content.
  • Vegetables: A variety of starchy and non-starchy vegetables are key. Think broccoli, spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes, offering essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • Fruits: Whole fruits such as berries, apples, and oranges are recommended for their natural sugars and fiber, which help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Whole Grains: Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread are preferred over refined grains. They provide sustained energy and keep you feeling full longer.
  • Healthy Fats: Sources of healthy fats include avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, which are essential for heart health and satiety.
  • Dairy: Low-fat or fat-free options like Greek yogurt and cheese are part of the list, offering calcium and protein.

Remember, the GOLO Diet Food List PDF provides a more exhaustive list to help you effectively manage your diet and achieve your health goals.

Download this Golo Diet Food List example

Golo Diet Food List Example (Sample)

When would you use this list?

The GOLO Diet, designed to stabilize blood sugar levels and boost metabolism, is primarily considered by individuals looking to manage their weight and improve overall health. Its approach involves a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and the supplement Release, which is central to the program.

People may choose the GOLO Diet for various reasons. It's particularly appealing to those who have previously struggled with yo-yo dieting, as it emphasizes sustainable, long-term weight loss rather than quick fixes. This diet is also suitable for individuals seeking to manage conditions like type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, as it focuses on controlling blood sugar levels.

Our GOLO Diet food list includes many nutritious, whole foods. This includes lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables, ensuring a balanced intake of essential nutrients. Whole grains and high-fiber foods are also a significant part of the diet, promoting satiety and aiding digestive health. Processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and high-sugar products are generally avoided, encouraging a more natural and wholesome approach to eating.

Incorporating the GOLO Diet into your lifestyle involves planning meals and snacks from the approved food list, regular physical activity, and taking the Release supplement as directed. The diet doesn't just aim for weight loss; it also encourages overall wellness, including improved energy levels, better sleep, and enhanced mental clarity.

Before starting the GOLO Diet or any diet, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have existing health conditions or specific dietary needs. This ensures that the diet aligns well with your health goals and provides the necessary nutrients your body requires.

What else to keep in mind?

When following the GOLO Diet, it's vital to be mindful of certain foods that should be avoided to maximize their effectiveness. These foods can negatively impact your efforts to maintain stable blood sugar levels and achieve weight loss.

Steer clear of processed foods

The GOLO Diet emphasizes the importance of avoiding processed items. Often packed with artificial additives, sweeteners, and unhealthy fats, these foods can derail your diet efforts. Examples include packaged snacks, fast foods, and processed meats like sausages or deli items. Such foods are not only calorie-dense but also contribute to spikes in blood sugar and inflammation.

Say no to refined sugars

Refined sugars are a major no-go on the GOLO Diet. This includes sugary drinks, desserts, and candies. These high-sugar items can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate rapidly, increasing cravings and potential weight gain. Opting for natural sweeteners or sugar-free options can be a healthier alternative.

Avoid trans fats

Trans fats, commonly found in fried foods, margarine, and some baked goods, are detrimental to heart health and overall well-being. They can raise harmful cholesterol levels while lowering good cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. Reading labels and choosing heart-healthy fats can significantly benefit your health on the GOLO Diet.

Limit refined grains

Refined grains, such as white bread and white rice, lack the nutritional value of their whole-grain counterparts. These grains are quickly absorbed, leading to spikes in blood sugar. The GOLO Diet encourages the consumption of whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat bread, which are richer in fiber and nutrients, aiding in better blood sugar control and prolonged satiety.

In summary, the GOLO Diet's success hinges on what you include in your diet and what you exclude. Avoiding these foods is crucial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels, supporting weight management, and fostering overall health and well-being.

Research & evidence

The GOLO Diet is founded on robust nutritional principles, emphasizing increased physical activity and eliminating processed foods. These strategies aid in weight loss and enhance blood sugar control.

Significant research supports that regular physical exercise can effectively lower blood sugar levels for individuals, whether they have diabetes or not. This highlights the crucial role of physical activity in managing and preventing blood sugar-related issues (Colberg, 2010).

Furthermore, an analysis involving ready-to-eat food items revealed that minimally processed foods not only provide greater satiety but also have a lower impact on blood sugar levels compared to highly processed foods (Fardet, 2016). This underscores the importance of choosing less processed options for better health outcomes.

Central to the GOLO Diet is its emphasis on nutrient-rich whole foods, including various fruits, vegetables, sources of healthy fats, and lean proteins. This approach ensures an ample intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants crucial for overall health.

Additionally, the GOLO Diet is particularly advantageous for those with limited nutritional knowledge. It simplifies meal planning by recommending a combination of 1–2 portions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vegetables in each meal. This method makes preparing balanced and comprehensive meals easier, fostering a nutritious and holistic diet.

Why use Carepatron as your Golo Diet Food List app?

Using Carepatron as your Golo Diet Food List app can offer significant advantages, especially for nutritionists, dietitians, health coaches, and individuals following the Golo Diet. Here’s why Carepatron stands out as an excellent choice for managing a Golo Diet Food List:

  • Organized and customizable food lists: Carepatron allows for creating organized and customizable food lists. With its Clinical Documentation tools, you can tailor your Golo Diet Food List to individual needs, track progress, and adjust as necessary.
  • Secure storage and access: Utilizing Carepatron's secure electronic health records system, all diet plans, including the Golo Diet Food Lists, are stored securely. This ensures that sensitive dietary information is kept confidential and is accessible anytime, anywhere.
  • Integrated practice management: For professionals like dietitians and health coaches, Carepatron's practice management software provides an integrated platform for managing client diets, appointments, and progress tracking, all in one place.
  • Telehealth for remote consultations: The telehealth capabilities are particularly useful for remote consultations, enabling professionals to provide guidance and support to clients on the Golo Diet, regardless of their location.
  • Efficient tracking and monitoring: With features like customizable templates and easy data entry, CarePatron makes it simple to track and monitor the Golo Diet Food List adherence, nutritional intake, and overall progress of the diet plan.
  • Automated reminders and notifications: Utilize appointment reminders to schedule regular check-ins or shopping reminders, helping to maintain consistency and adherence to the diet plan.
  • Accessible to a wider audience: Whether you're a professional working with clients or an individual following the GOLO Diet, Carepatron’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible and easy to use for everyone.
  • Ongoing support and updates: Carepatron provides continuous support and regular updates, ensuring that users always have access to the latest tools and features for dietary management.

In essence, Carepatron offers a comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly solution for managing the GOLO Diet Food List, making it an ideal choice for healthcare professionals and individuals dedicated to nutritional wellness and effective diet management.

Health Coach Software


Fardet A. (2016). Minimally processed foods are more satiating and less hyperglycemic than ultra-processed foods: a preliminary study with 98 ready-to-eat foods. Food & function7(5), 2338–2346. https://doi.org/10.1039/c6fo00107f 

Colberg, S. R., Sigal, R. J., Fernhall, B., Regensteiner, J. G., Blissmer, B. J., Rubin, R. R., Chasan-Taber, L., Albright, A. L., Braun, B., American College of Sports Medicine, & American Diabetes Association (2010). Exercise and type 2 diabetes: the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association: joint position statement. Diabetes care, 33(12), e147–e167. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc10-9990 

Why are Golo Diet Food Lists helpful?
Why are Golo Diet Food Lists helpful?

Commonly asked questions

Why are Golo Diet Food Lists helpful?

GOLO Diet Food Lists are beneficial because they provide clear guidelines on what foods to eat and avoid. This structure is particularly helpful for individuals seeking to manage their weight, improve their metabolic health, or control blood sugar levels. The lists include a variety of whole foods like lean proteins, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables, promoting a balanced and nutritious diet. By following these lists, individuals can ensure they are getting the right balance of nutrients while adhering to the GOLO Diet principles.

When are Golo Diet Food Lists used?

GOLO Diet Food Lists are used throughout the entire duration of the diet. They are particularly useful during the initial stages when individuals learn about the diet and understand what foods are best for their health goals. The lists remain a valuable reference for maintaining dietary discipline, helping individuals make healthier food choices consistently, and avoiding foods that could derail their progress.

How are Golo Diet Food Lists used?

GOLO Diet Food Lists are used as a guide for meal planning and grocery shopping. Individuals refer to these lists to select foods that align with the GOLO Diet's nutritional guidelines. The lists categorize foods into different groups, making it easier to understand which foods are encouraged and which are to be limited or avoided. This helps create balanced meals supporting the diet's objectives, such as stabilizing blood sugar and promoting weight loss.

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