Against Medical Advice Form
Learn how to use our comprehensive AMA form template to document patient decisions effectively. Enhance communication, legal protection, and patient care. Download now!

What is an Against Medical Advice Form?
An Against Medical Advice (AMA) Form is a legal document used in healthcare settings to document a patient’s decision to refuse recommended medical treatment or to leave the hospital against the advice of their healthcare provider. The AMA process involves thorough chart documentation and procedures to ensure all aspects of the patient's decision are recorded.
A signed AMA form is essential for this documentation process and serves as a critical defense in potential legal suits. It usually outlines the patient’s current medical condition, the recommended treatment, the potential risks of refusing treatment, and the patient’s acknowledgment of understanding these risks.
Why would a patient go against medical advice?
Patients may choose to go against medical advice for various reasons. Understanding these reasons can help healthcare professionals address patient concerns more effectively and possibly mitigate the risks of refusing treatment.
Personal beliefs, preferences, and patient autonomy
Some patients refuse treatment due to their personal beliefs or preferences. This can include religious beliefs that prohibit specific medical interventions or a strong preference for alternative therapies over conventional medical treatments. Respecting these beliefs while ensuring the patient is fully informed is crucial.
Fear and anxiety
Fear and anxiety about medical procedures, potential side effects, or the overall healthcare environment can lead patients to refuse treatment. Patients might be scared of the pain, potential complications, or unknown outcomes associated with the recommended medical interventions. Addressing these fears through open communication and reassuring can sometimes help convince the patient to follow medical advice.
Financial concerns
The cost of medical treatment can be a significant barrier for some patients. They might refuse treatment due to the financial burden it may impose, especially if they lack insurance coverage or have high out-of-pocket expenses. Discussing financial concerns and providing information on available resources or payment plans can help alleviate this issue.
Against Medical Advice Form Template
Against Medical Advice Form Example
How to use our Against Medical Advice Form template
Our Against Medical Advice Form template is designed to help healthcare professionals document a patient's decision to refuse recommended treatment. Here’s how to effectively use this template in five steps:
Step 1: Download and review the template
Start by downloading the AMA form template. Familiarize yourself with the sections to ensure you understand what information needs to be collected and documented.
Step 2: Discuss the situation with the patient
Discuss with the patient their current medical condition, the recommended treatment or procedure, the results of any diagnostic testing, and the potential risks and benefits. Respecting the patient's wishes while ensuring they are fully informed about their options is crucial. Ensure the medical staff plays a vital role in making sure the patient fully understands the information and has the opportunity to ask questions.
Step 3: Complete the form with the patient
Fill out the form with the patient present. It is crucial to document the informed consent discussion in the patient's chart, including the risks, benefits, and alternatives to hospitalization. Record the patient’s information, details of the recommended treatment, and the potential risks of refusing treatment. Use the checklist to indicate specific risks. Ensure the patient reads and understands the form before signing.
Step 4: Obtain necessary signatures
Have the patient sign the form to acknowledge their understanding and decision to refuse treatment. Ensure a witness, preferably a healthcare professional, also signs the form. Finally, the attending physician should sign to confirm the information was discussed with the patient.
Step 5: File and document
Keep the completed form in the patient’s medical record for future reference. Comprehensive documentation in the medical records is crucial to ensure all patient interactions are accurately recorded. Document the discussion and the patient’s decision in the medical notes to ensure comprehensive encounter documentation.
Why is it important for healthcare providers to have this form?
An AMA form is crucial for healthcare providers for several reasons, including legal protection, clear communication, and effective risk management.
Legal protection
An AMA form protects healthcare providers from potential legal liability. By documenting that the patient was fully informed about the risks of refusing treatment and still chose to leave or decline the recommended care, the form serves as evidence that the healthcare provider fulfilled their duty to inform the patient.
Clear communication
Using an AMA form facilitates clear communication between healthcare providers and patients. It ensures that patients fully understand the potential consequences of their decision and that their choice is based on informed consent. This clarity helps maintain trust and transparency in the patient-provider relationship.
Risk management
The AMA form is an essential tool for risk management. Understanding and addressing why patients discharged because of an AMA is crucial to improving patient care strategies. It helps healthcare providers identify and address why a patient refuses treatment.
Understanding these reasons can lead to improved patient care strategies and potentially reduce the likelihood of patients going against medical advice in the future.
Commonly asked questions
An AMA form is a document used when a patient refuses recommended medical treatment or leaves a healthcare facility against medical advice. It records the patient’s informed decision and the potential risks of refusing treatment.
The AMA form should be signed by the patient, a witness (preferably a healthcare professional), and the attending physician. This ensures that all parties acknowledge the discussion and the patient’s decision.
An AMA form provides legal protection by documenting that the patient was fully informed of the risks of refusing treatment and chose to proceed against medical advice. This helps mitigate potential legal claims against the healthcare provider.
Involving a consultation-liaison psychiatrist early in the course of hospital admission can help address substance abuse issues and reduce AMA discharges.