Feelings Faces Chart

Express emotions effectively with the Feelings Faces Chart. Visual cues aid in identifying and communicating feelings.

By Joshua Napilay on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Template

What is a Feelings Faces Chart?

A Feelings Faces Chart is a valuable resource used primarily in psychology, counseling, therapy, and educational settings to help individuals identify and express their emotions more effectively. It is a visual tool that consists of facial expressions representing different emotions, ranging from basic feelings like happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise to more nuanced emotions such as confusion, embarrassment, contentment, and empathy. Each emotion is depicted through a simple and easily recognizable facial expression, making it accessible to people of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults.

The chart is a powerful aid in improving emotional intelligence and communication skills. When someone struggles to articulate their emotions verbally, the chart provides an alternative way to express themselves. It enables them to point to or indicate facial expressions that closely match their feelings. This facilitates self-awareness and helps mental health professionals and caregivers better understand and empathize with the individual's emotional state.

The Feelings Faces Chart is an essential resource for therapists and counselors during therapy sessions. It allows them to guide clients in exploring and discussing their emotions more openly. This process helps clients gain insights into their feelings, triggers, and coping mechanisms, ultimately promoting personal growth and emotional well-being.

Educators also find the chart valuable in classrooms, especially for younger students who may struggle to express themselves verbally. Using the chart, teachers can create a safe and supportive environment where children can share their feelings and experiences without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.

To learn more about this resource, consider watching this explainer video:

Printable Feelings Faces Chart

Download this Feelings Faces Chart to help individuals improve their emotional literacy.

How does it work?

The Feelings Faces Chart is a simple yet effective tool for enhancing emotional awareness and expression:

  • Visual Representation: Clear facial expressions represent specific emotions in a universally understandable way.
  • Identifying Emotions: Individuals can use the chart to recognize and match their feelings.
  • Pointing or Indicating: Nonverbal communication allows easy expression, useful for children or those with communication difficulties.
  • Encouraging Dialogue: The chart opens discussions about emotions, aiding therapists, counselors, teachers, or caregivers.
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence: Regular use promotes self-awareness and empathy, fostering emotional growth and well-being.

Steps to Use/Fill the Form:

Step 1: Introduce the Chart

Present the Feelings Faces Chart to the individual, explaining that it is a tool to help them express their emotions visually.

Step 2: Identify Emotions

Encourage the individual to look at the different facial expressions on the chart and find the one that best represents their feelings.

Step 3: Point or Communicate

Have the individual either point directly to the facial expression or verbally communicate the identified emotion.

Step 4: Discuss the Emotion

Initiate a conversation around the identified emotion. Ask open-ended questions to delve deeper into what might be causing the emotion and explore coping strategies.

Step 5: Regular Use

Incorporate the Feelings Faces Chart into regular interactions, especially in therapeutic or educational settings, to foster emotional awareness and communication skills.

Various resources are available online to access printable Feelings Faces Charts. Websites, educational platforms, and mental health websites often offer downloadable and printable versions of these charts in different formats and designs. These printable charts can be valuable to therapy sessions, classrooms, or any setting where emotional expression and communication are essential.

Feelings Face Charts Example (sample)

The sample Feelings Faces Chart is a visual tool that facilitates the effective expression of emotions. It comprises a grid layout showcasing various facial expressions representing various emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, confusion, contentment, and empathy. These expressions are designed to be simple and universally recognizable, making them accessible to people of all ages, including children and adults. The chart serves as a nonverbal means for individuals to identify and communicate their feelings, particularly when verbal expression is challenging.

This sample chart is crucial in promoting emotional awareness and encouraging open discussions about emotions. Whether utilized in therapy sessions, educational environments, or for personal introspection, it serves as a valuable resource. By using the Feelings Faces Chart, individuals can develop emotional intelligence by better understanding their emotions. This, in turn, contributes to overall well-being by fostering improved self-awareness and empathy.

Download this Feelings Faces Chart Example:

Feelings Face Charts Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

The Feelings Faces Chart is a versatile and valuable resource applicable to various practitioners and settings. Its visual representation of emotions makes it a powerful tool for enhancing emotional expression, understanding, and communication. Here are instances when it's appropriate to use the Feelings Faces Chart:

  • Therapy and Counseling Sessions: Therapists and counselors can integrate the chart into their sessions to help clients express and identify their emotions. It becomes particularly useful when clients struggle to verbalize their feelings or discuss complex emotional experiences.
  • Classroom Settings: Teachers can use the Feelings Faces Chart to create a supportive and empathetic classroom environment. It aids students in understanding and communicating their emotions, promoting emotional intelligence and self-regulation.
  • Play Therapy: Child therapists can utilize the chart during play therapy sessions to encourage children to express their feelings through play and gestures. The chart assists in recognizing emotions associated with specific play scenarios.
  • Support Groups: Facilitators of support groups, such as those for grief, trauma, or mental health, can introduce the chart to encourage group members to share their emotions and experiences openly.
  • Parenting Workshops: The Feelings Faces Chart can be introduced in parenting workshops to help parents and caregivers understand their children's emotions and develop effective communication strategies.
  • Special Education: Teachers and therapists working with individuals with special needs can employ the chart to facilitate emotional expression and communication for those who face communication challenges.
  • Conflict Resolution: In mediation or conflict resolution scenarios, the Feelings Faces Chart can assist parties in expressing their emotions and facilitating understanding between conflicting parties.
  • Art Therapy: Art therapists may use the chart with art-based activities to encourage emotional exploration and expression through creative processes.
  • Mental Health and Wellness Programs: The chart can be integrated into mental health and wellness programs to promote emotional literacy and enhance overall well-being.


Feelings Face Charts offer various benefits in various settings, contributing to emotional development, communication, and overall well-being. Here are the key advantages:

  • Enhanced Emotional Expression: Feelings Faces Charts provide a visual platform for individuals to express their emotions effectively, particularly when struggling to convey feelings verbally. This enhances their ability to communicate emotions and facilitates emotional release.
  • Improved Emotional Awareness: Using charts helps individuals better understand their emotions. They can gain insights into their emotional states and patterns by visually identifying and labeling feelings.
  • Effective Communication Tool: The charts serve as a nonverbal communication tool, making it easier for children, individuals with communication difficulties, or those in group settings to express their emotions. This promotes inclusivity and encourages active participation in discussions.
  • Encourages Open Dialogue: Introducing Feelings Faces Charts sparks conversations about emotions, making therapy sessions, classrooms, or support groups more engaging and insightful. It fosters open dialogue, allowing participants to freely explore their feelings and experiences.
  • Cultivates Empathy: Using Feelings Faces Charts, Practitioners, educators, and parents can better empathize with individuals' emotions. This creates a supportive and understanding environment, strengthening relationships and emotional connections.
  • Versatility and Accessibility: The availability of free Feelings Faces Charts in downloadable formats ensures easy access for practitioners, educators, parents, and individuals seeking to improve emotional literacy and emotional well-being.
  • Useful in Diverse Settings: Feelings Faces Charts find applications in various contexts, including therapy, counseling, classrooms, parenting workshops, conflict resolution, special education, art therapy, and mental health programs.
  • Promotes Emotional Intelligence: Individuals develop emotional intelligence Through emotional identification and expression, crucial for self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
  • Empowering Self-Reflection: The charts encourage individuals to self-reflect and introspect. They can use the charts for personal growth and gain deeper insights into their emotional experiences.
  • Facilitates Emotional Regulation: By recognizing and expressing emotions through the charts, individuals can learn to manage and regulate emotions more effectively, improving coping skills.

Why use Carepatron as your  Feelings Faces Charts app?

Carepatron offers a top-notch Feelings Faces Charts app and software tailored to meet your emotional expression and communication needs. Here's why it's the best platform for this type of work:

  • Secure and Confidential: Carepatron prioritizes data security, ensuring that your emotional information remains private and confidential. You can confidently explore and express your feelings in a safe environment.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals, therapists, and educators to navigate the charts effortlessly. It's accessible to users of all backgrounds and ages.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: Carepatron's Feelings Faces Charts app is grounded in evidence-based research. You can trust that the visual aids and resources are effective emotional understanding and growth tools.
  • Versatile Application: Whether you're a therapist, educator, or someone seeking personal growth, Carepatron's Feelings Faces Charts app caters to your needs. It fits seamlessly into various settings, from therapy sessions to classrooms.
  • Constant Updates and Support: Carepatron is committed to continuous improvement. Regular updates ensure access to the latest advancements in emotional intelligence resources. Their support team is readily available to assist with any inquiries.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: With Carepatron, you can access Feelings Faces Charts anytime, anywhere. The charts are at your fingertips, whether in a therapy session, classroom, or simply reflecting on your emotions.
Practice Management Softwa


  1. Blank feelings faces. (n.d.). Mylemarks | Therapy Resources for Kids and Teens. https://www.mylemarks.com/store/p657/Blank_Feelings_Faces.html
  2. Chambers, Y. (2017). Emoji Feeling faces: Feelings recognition. Kiddie Matters. https://www.kiddiematters.com/emoji-feeling-faces-feelings-recognition/
  3. Kids, P. (2022, April 10). Understanding Emotions with a Feelings Faces Chart | Crafts for Kids. PBS KIDS for Parents. https://www.pbs.org/parents/crafts-and-experiments/understanding-emotions-with-a-feelings-faces-chart
  4. My Feelings Faces Poster — Generation Mindful. (n.d.). https://genmindful.com/products/feeling-faces-poster
Who uses the Feelings Faces Charts?
Who uses the Feelings Faces Charts?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the Feelings Faces Charts?

The Feelings Faces Charts are used by therapists, counselors, educators, parents, individuals, and support groups seeking to enhance emotional expression and understanding.

When do you use the Feelings Faces Charts?

The Feelings Faces Charts are used during therapy sessions, counseling, classroom activities, play therapy, parenting workshops, conflict resolution, and self-reflection moments to explore and communicate emotions effectively.

How are the Feelings Faces Charts used?

Users identify and match their emotions to the corresponding facial expressions on the chart. They can point, communicate verbally, or use the charts for open discussions about emotions, fostering emotional awareness and empathy.

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