Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheets

An Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheet to help your clients improve their communication and conflict resolution skills.

By Liliana Braun on Jul 24, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What Is An Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheet?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a type of couples therapy that aims to help individuals understand and manage their emotions to improve their relationships. An Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheet is a tool used by therapists to guide individuals through the process of identifying and expressing their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. EFT worksheets typically include a series of questions or prompts that help individuals explore and understand their emotions. These may consist of questions about how a specific event or situation made them feel, what thoughts and beliefs they have about themselves and their relationship, and what specific behaviors or actions they would like to change. The worksheets may also include exercises or activities that help individuals to express their emotions in a safe and non-judgmental way. For example, individuals may be asked to write a letter to their partner expressing their feelings or to draw a picture that represents their emotional state.

The goal of EFT worksheets is to help individuals gain insight into their emotions and learn how to manage them in a way that improves their relationships. By understanding and expressing their emotions in a healthy way, individuals can improve their communication with their partner, increase intimacy, and build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship. It’s important to note that EFT worksheets are intended to be used under the guidance of a trained therapist. They can be a helpful tool for couples to work through specific issues and to facilitate a deeper understanding of one’s self and their partner.

Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheets Template

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Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheets Example

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How To Use This Worksheet For Emotionally Focused Therapy

There are a few steps involved when using our Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheet. We have also made an Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheet Example to help you understand this template better. Here are a few steps that you can get yourself started with:

Step One: Download the PDF

Download the template onto your device before doing anything else. You can either download our free PDF template or access the template from the Carepatron template library, which would offer you more freedom to the content and structure of the template.

Step Two: Explain/Understand Each Section

Whether you are the therapist or the client, you need to understand the five sections of this worksheet in order to describe them.

1. Unmet attachment needs: Identifying emotional needs for connection, security, and safety in relationships.

2. Primary emotion: Identifying core emotions in response to a trigger.

3. Secondary emotion: Identifying emotions in response to primary emotions, which can be related to past experiences or beliefs.

4. Perception/Ambitions: Understanding how the individual perceives a situation or the ambitions they have in relation to the situation.

5. Behavior: Identifying specific behaviors associated with emotional responses and developing strategies for managing them.

Step Three: Fill the Template as a Couple

The nature of this worksheet is aimed mainly toward the couple, meaning both parties will need to fill this worksheet out. This is because the behavior of one side would trigger the emotion of the other side, which then leads to behavior that retaliates and forms a negative cycle, and only when both sides become aware of this cycle can the relationship be improved.

Step Four: Homework

Leave homework at the end of the session for your clients so they keep working on themselves and stay aware of the vicious cycle. This will allow them to implement skills they learned from the therapies in realistic scenarios.

Who Can Use this Printable Emotionally Focused Therapy Worksheet (PDF)?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) worksheets are typically used by couples or individuals in a romantic relationship who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship. These difficulties may include issues with communication, intimacy, trust, or emotional connection. EFT worksheets can be used to help individuals understand and manage their emotions in order to improve their relationships.

EFT worksheets are often used by couples in therapy who are looking to improve their relationship and resolve conflicts. A therapist would guide the couple through the worksheet, helping them to understand and express their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. The therapist would also help the couple to identify patterns in their relationship that may be contributing to their difficulties and to develop strategies for improving their relationship.

EFT worksheets may also be used by individuals who are not currently in a relationship but who have experienced relationship difficulties in the past. These worksheets can help individuals to understand and manage their emotions in order to improve their ability to form and maintain healthy relationships in the future.

EFT worksheets can also be helpful for individuals dealing with emotional difficulties that are not related to their relationships. For example, they can help people dealing with anxiety, depression, or other emotional problems to understand and manage their emotions in a healthy way.

Why Is This Form Useful For Counselors?

There are several reasons why an Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) worksheet would be useful for counselors.

Improved Structure

EFT worksheets provide a structured approach for therapists to follow during therapy sessions. They can help therapists ensure that they cover all necessary topics and that the therapy sessions are progressing in a logical and organized manner. This structure can make therapy sessions more efficient and effective.

Provides Insight

EFT worksheets can help therapists to gain insight into the emotions and thoughts of their clients. This can be particularly helpful in identifying patterns or issues that are contributing to the client’s difficulties. By understanding these patterns, therapists can help their clients develop strategies for managing their emotions and improving their relationships.


EFT worksheets can also serve as homework assignments for clients. This can be helpful in ensuring that clients are actively working on improving their relationships and managing their emotions outside of therapy sessions. This can reinforce the lessons learned in therapy and accelerate the healing process.

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Benefits of Emotionally Focused Worksheet Template

Improved communication

One of the main benefits of using an emotionally focused therapy (EFT) worksheet is that it can help to improve communication between couples or individuals. By identifying and expressing emotions in a healthy and constructive way, individuals can learn to communicate their feelings more effectively, which can lead to a deeper understanding of each other and a more fulfilling relationship.

Increased intimacy

EFT worksheets can also help to increase intimacy between couples or individuals. By gaining insight into their emotions and the patterns in their relationship, couples or individuals can learn to understand and accept each other more fully, which can lead to a deeper emotional connection.

Resolving conflicts

EFT worksheets can be used to help couples or individuals resolve conflicts in their relationships. By identifying and expressing emotions in a healthy way, couples or individuals can learn to understand and accept each other’s perspectives, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and a more harmonious relationship.


EFT worksheets can be a valuable tool for self-discovery. They can help individuals understand and accept their emotions, which can lead to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance. This can also help individuals form and maintain healthy relationships in the future.


EFT worksheets empower individuals to take control of their emotions and relationships. By learning how to identify and express their emotions in a healthy way, individuals can learn to take responsibility for their own emotional well-being and improve their relationships.

For more tools to enhance emotional awareness and relationship dynamics, explore our therapy worksheet template and related resources.

What is the purpose of EFT worksheets?
What is the purpose of EFT worksheets?

Commonly asked questions

What is the purpose of EFT worksheets?

The purpose of emotionally focused therapy (EFT) worksheets is to provide a structured framework for exploring and understanding emotions. They are used to help couples or individuals to gain insight into their feelings and the patterns in their relationships. EFT worksheets can also be used to help couples or individuals to identify areas of improvement in their relationship and to develop strategies for resolving conflicts and improving communication.

How do EFT worksheets help to improve relationships?

EFT worksheets can help to improve relationships by providing a framework for couples or individuals to identify and express their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. By gaining insight into their emotions and the patterns in their relationship, couples or individuals can learn to understand and accept each other more fully, which can lead to a deeper emotional connection and a more fulfilling relationship. EFT worksheets can also be used to help couples or individuals resolve conflicts in their relationships and develop strategies for improving communication and intimacy.

Are EFT worksheets only for couples?

EFT worksheets are not only for couples, they can be used for individuals as well. They can be used to help individuals to understand and accept their emotions, which can lead to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance. They can also be used to help individuals identify patterns in their relationships that may be contributing to difficulties and to develop strategies for improving their relationships in the future. EFT worksheets can be used with individuals who are in a relationship or not, as the focus is on understanding and managing emotions in a healthy way.

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