Apley's Test
Apley tests are used to assess knee joint mobility and identify injuries. Learn about the procedure, benefits, and limitations in this guide.

What is an Apley's Test?
In orthopedic medicine, is a diagnostic tool that evaluates the integrity of the meniscus in the knee joint. The test is named after British orthopedic surgeon Dr. Alan Graham Apley, who introduced it in 1947.
The purpose of Apley's test is to identify meniscus tears in patients. Meniscus is a portion of cartilage that serves as a stress absorber between the femur and tibia in the knee joint. Meniscus tears can result in knee discomfort, swelling, and restricted motion in the knee.
During the examination, the patient lies on their stomach with the injured leg flexed at 90 degrees. The medical professional will then put their knee over the patient's foot and rotate the tibia internally and externally while pressing down on the heel. Both knee flexion and extension are used throughout the exam.
The medical professional assesses signs of discomfort, clicking or popping sounds, and mobility restrictions during the test. A ligamentous or meniscal tear may be present if the patient feels any pain or discomfort while performing the exam. A meniscal tear may be present if a popping or clicking sound can be heard. A restricted range of motion during the test may indicate an issue with joint flexibility or mobility.
To effectively diagnose issues with the knee joint, orthopedic professionals and doctors might use Apley's test. The diagnosis may still need to be confirmed by further imaging tests, including an MRI or X-rays, as it is not a conclusive diagnostic.
Apley's test is a simple, non-invasive, and efficient method of assessing knee joint disorders. It aids medical professionals in making a more precise diagnosis and creating a suitable treatment plan to help patients recover after sustaining an injury or illness.
Have a look at this video to see how to perform the Apley's Test
Apley's Test Template
Apley's Test Example
How does this Apley Test work?
The Apley test is a physical examination procedure to determine if the knee joint has meniscus tears or other ligament damage. On an examination table, the patient will lie face down in a prone position with their knee flexed to a 90-degree angle. Here are the steps involved in performing the Apley test:
- Have the patient flex their knee to 90 degrees while lying face down on the examination table.
- The medical professional will then place one hand over the knee joint and the other over the patient's foot, applying downward pressure.
- After that, the medical professional will continue to apply downward pressure on the knee joint while internally and externally rotating the patient's foot.
- The examiner will check for discomfort, popping, clicking, and limits in range of motion.
- After evaluating internal and external rotation, the examiner will repeat the test with the foot pointed inward and outward.
- The examiner will assess differences by contrasting the test results with a healthy knee.
- Additional diagnostic imaging, such as an MRI, may be required to confirm the diagnosis if there is discomfort, clicking, or popping.
The Apley test, a physical examination procedure used to evaluate the integrity of the knee joint, yields data that are then translated using Apley's Scoring System. Clinicians can identify meniscus tears, ligament damage, and other knee joint abnormalities using Apley’s Scoring.
The Apley's Scoring is based on the presence or absence of pain, range of motion, and other physical findings. Three categories make up the scoring system, including:
- Rotation
The ability of the patient to twist their foot inward and outward while keeping downward pressure on the knee joint is evaluated in this category. The medical professional assigns a score based on the degree of rotation and the presence or absence of pain or other symptoms.
- Distraction
The ability of the patient to draw their knees apart while applying downward pressure to their foot is evaluated in this category by the assessor. Based on the level of distraction and the existence or absence of pain or other symptoms, the examiner provides a score.
- Compression
In this category, the medical professional evaluate the patient's capacity to sustain inward or outward foot rotation while compressing the knee joint. The examiner provides a score based on the degree of compression and the presence or absence of pain or other symptoms.
The scores for each category range from 0 to 3, with 0 representing no pain or other symptoms and 3 representing severe pain or other significant findings. The sum of the scores from each category is then used to determine the final score. Scores between 0 and 3 are normal, whereas those over 4 indicate knee joint injury.
In summary, Apley's scoring system is valuable for deciphering the Apley test findings and identifying knee joint problems. The system considers the presence or absence of pain, range of motion, and other physical results during the test, enabling physicians to diagnose more accurately and create a suitable treatment plan.
When to use these Apley's assessments?
The Apley's tests, commonly referred to as Apley's assessments, are a set of physical examination procedures used to assess the integrity of the knee joint. These tests are often used in orthopedics and sports medicine to identify injuries and gauge patient recovery following care. Following are some instances in which Apley's evaluations might be applied:
Meniscus Injuries
Apley's distraction test and Apley's compression test can be used to diagnose meniscus injuries in the knee. These tests involve applying pressure and rotation to the knee joint to evaluate for pain, clicking, or other signs of injury.
Ligament Injuries
Apley's test can be used to identify knee ligament problems such as a ruptured ACL or MCL. To assess for ligament laxity, the tibia bone is subjected to a forward or backward strain during the anterior drawer and posterior drawer tests while the femur is stabilized.
Knee Joint Stability
The stability of the knee joint can also be evaluated using Apley's test following an accident or surgery. To look for any abnormal movement, the pivot shift test and the valgus stress test apply a particular force to the knee joint.
Patellofemoral Pain
The patellofemoral pain syndrome, a prevalent cause of knee discomfort in athletes, may also be identified using Apley's tests. Applying pressure to the patella as the patient contracts their quadriceps is known as Clarke's sign test, and it is used to detect any pain or discomfort.
Knee Arthritis
The degree of knee arthritis can be determined using Apley's tests. During the McMurray test, the knee joint is rotated while pressure is applied to the meniscus to check for discomfort and crepitus, which is a crunching or popping sound.
Who is this Apley Test PDF for?
Apley test is utilized to assess the knee joint's structural integrity. Healthcare practitioners with expertise in orthopedics, physical therapy, or sports medicine frequently employ these tests. The following are some instances where medical specialists could apply the Apley test:
Sports Medicine Physicians
The Apley test may be used by Sports Medicine Physicians to identify ligament or meniscus tears in the knees of athletes.
Orthopedic Surgeons
Orthopedic surgeons are medical professionals that focus on the surgical treatment of knee injuries and other musculoskeletal problems. To assess the degree of knee joint injury and choose the best course of therapy, they may perform the Apley test.
Physical Therapists
Physical therapists are medical specialists that focus on rehabilitating injuries and disabilities. They may utilize the Apley test to assess the function of the knee joint and develop an exercise regimen to aid patients in recovering from knee injuries.
Athletic Trainers
Sports medicine experts known as athletic trainers help players avoid and cure injuries. They may use the Apley test to evaluate the seriousness of knee injuries and decide whether an athlete may safely resume sports.
Primary Care Physicians
General medical care is offered to patients by primary care physicians. If they suspect a knee injury or ailment, they might not do the Apley test themselves but instead send patients to a professional who can.
Benefits of these free Apleys Test Templates
The Apley test is used to assess the knee joint's structural integrity. Online resources offer free Apley test templates that medical practitioners can use to administer the exam and record its outcomes. Using free Apley test templates has the following advantages:
Free Apley test templates offer a defined procedure for carrying out the test and recording the findings, assuring uniformity across healthcare practitioners.
Apley test templates can save time by giving the test findings a standardized framework to be recorded in, minimizing the need for manual documentation.
Apley test templates can ensure that all required test steps are carried out and recorded, reducing the risk of inaccuracies or omissions.
Healthcare professionals may quickly acquire free Apley test templates online, regardless of their location or practice environment.
Apley test templates, which offer a clear and simple record of the test's results, can make it easier for healthcare professionals to communicate with one another.
Free Apley test templates provide healthcare professionals who want to use the Apley test in their practice an affordable alternative to purchasing costly software or equipment.
In summary, free Apley test templates offer several advantages for healthcare professionals that utilize the Apley test in their work. Apley test templates can assist healthcare professionals in giving their patients with knee injuries or conditions high-quality care by standardizing the test, enhancing speed and accuracy, and fostering accessibility and communication.
Commonly asked questions
Dr. Alan Graham Apley, an orthopedic surgeon, developed Apley's test (1914–1996). He was a distinguished orthopedic surgeon from the United Kingdom who also wrote books. He is well recognized for his work on meniscal injuries and their treatment in knee surgery.
The patient is placed in the prone position for Apley's test, which involves applying downward pressure to the foot and rotating the leg both internally and externally to check for meniscal tears.
The Apley test has no set criteria for scoring. The test is deemed positive if the patient feels discomfort or clicking in the knee during the movement, which might point to a meniscal rupture. A meniscal tear is less likely to occur if the test is negative, although additional diagnostic testing may be required to confirm or rule out the occurrence of a tear.