Employee Coaching Template

Streamline your employee development with our Employee Coaching Template for effective goal-setting and progress tracking.

By Telita Montales on Jul 23, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an Employee Coaching Template?

An Employee Coaching Template is a meticulously designed framework managers, supervisors, and human resources professionals use to guide effective and constructive employee coaching sessions. This template serves as a roadmap for structured dialogue focused on professional development, performance enhancement, and personal growth within the workplace.

Embedded within the template are various sections and prompts tailored to facilitate goal-setting, performance evaluation, identifying strengths and areas needing improvement, and devising action plans. You can use this action plan template to improve your practice and client experiences. It often begins with defining specific, measurable objectives aligning with the employee's career aspirations and the organization's goals. This dual focus ensures that the coaching process is mutually beneficial and strategically aligned.

The template usually includes a progress tracking mechanism, enabling the coach and the employee to monitor advancements over time. This aspect is crucial in recognizing achievements, maintaining motivation, and adjusting strategies.

Another key element of the Employee Coaching Template is the feedback section. This area is designed for open, honest, and constructive feedback, encouraging a two-way dialogue where both parties can express their perspectives and insights. This collaborative approach fosters a trusting and supportive coaching relationship, which is vital for effective professional development.

Beyond individual growth, a well-implemented Employee Coaching Template can significantly contribute to organizational development. It aids in cultivating a culture of continuous learning, adaptability, and proactive skill enhancement. Moreover, it helps address performance issues proactively, improving overall productivity and employee satisfaction.

An Employee Coaching Template is a strategic tool that elevates the coaching process, making it more purposeful, outcome-oriented, and beneficial for employees and the organization.

How does it work?

Steps involved in using/filling our Printable Employee Coaching Template:

Setting Objectives

The first step involves clearly outlining specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the coaching session. These objectives should align with the employee's career aspirations and the organization's strategic goals, ensuring mutual benefit and relevance.


This phase evaluates the employee's performance against the established goals. It involves an honest appraisal of strengths and areas needing improvement based on recent work experiences, achievements, and feedback from colleagues or clients.

Action Plan

A detailed plan is formulated here, listing the specific actions, resources, and timelines required to achieve the set objectives. This plan should be realistic and tailored to the employee's unique skills and circumstances, with clear milestones for tracking progress.

Feedback and Support

Constructive feedback is crucial in coaching. It should be balanced, offering recognition of strengths while addressing areas for development. This step also involves discussing the support the employee needs from management to succeed, be it training, resources, or mentorship.


Regular follow-up sessions are scheduled to review the progress made toward the goals. These sessions are opportunities to adjust the action plan, address new challenges, and reinforce successes.

When would you use this template?

The Employee Coaching Template is an invaluable tool across a spectrum of scenarios within the workplace, making it essential for any organization focused on continuous improvement and employee development. Its versatility allows it to be effectively utilized in various contexts, catering to both the employees' and the organization's needs.

  1. Performance Improvement: When an employee's work performance doesn't meet the expected standards, this template can be used to identify the challenges, set improvement goals, and develop a structured plan to enhance their performance.
  2. Skill Development: In scenarios where employees are looking to develop new skills or refine existing ones, the template serves as a guide to outline the learning objectives, resources required, and steps to achieve these goals.
  3. Career Growth Planning: It's particularly beneficial for career development discussions. The template can help map career aspirations, identify necessary competencies, and create a roadmap for achieving these goals.
  4. Addressing Workplace Challenges: When employees face specific challenges, such as adapting to organizational changes or overcoming personal barriers to success, the template provides a structured approach to address these issues effectively.
  5. Regular One-on-One Meetings and Performance Reviews: Managers can use this template during regular one-on-one meetings or annual performance reviews to ensure these discussions are productive, focused on development, and aligned with company objectives.

The Employee Coaching Template is a multi-faceted tool, adaptable to various developmental needs within the workplace, ensuring that coaching sessions are goal-oriented, systematic, and conducive to personal and professional growth.

What do the results mean?

Our Free Employee Coaching Template offers vital insights into the effectiveness of the coaching process. These results indicate the employee's progression towards their defined objectives and the impact of the coaching sessions.

  1. Positive Outcomes: Successful results manifest as improved performance in the workplace, demonstrating skill enhancement and better job efficiency. When employees achieve or surpass their set goals, it indicates effective coaching and a well-structured plan. Positive outcomes also reflect a stronger alignment with organizational goals, suggesting that the coaching has effectively integrated personal development with company objectives.
  2. Skill Acquisition and Personal Growth: As the coaching plan outlines, achieving new skills or enhancing existing ones signifies personal growth and professional development.
  3. Negative Outcomes: On the other hand, if the results are not as anticipated, it may signal a need for reassessing the coaching strategy. Lack of progress might indicate that the goals were unrealistic, the action plan was not well-structured, or insufficient support was provided.
  4. Need for Revised Approach: Negative outcomes should be seen as an opportunity to revise the coaching approach, possibly by setting more attainable goals, providing additional resources, or altering the coaching methods.

The results from our Printable Employee Coaching Template measure the achievement of specific goals and provide valuable feedback on the coaching process, informing future strategies and support mechanisms.

Research & evidence

The concept and practice of employee coaching have been extensively studied and documented, with a wealth of research underscoring its effectiveness in fostering workplace development and organizational growth. The evolution of employee coaching is rooted in psychological theories and management practices, gradually shaping into a structured and strategic tool within the corporate sphere.

Historically, coaching emerged from psychology and sports, where it was initially used to improve individual performance and team dynamics. Over time, these principles were adapted to the corporate world, recognizing the potential of coaching in enhancing employee skills, motivation, and productivity.

Several key studies have solidified the role of coaching in the workplace. One seminal research by Grant, A.M., Curtayne, L., & Burton, G. (2009) in the "Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology" demonstrated that coaching significantly improves goal attainment, resilience, workplace well-being and reduces depression and stress among employees. Similarly, a study by Theeboom, T., Beersma, B., & van Vianen, A.E.M. (2014) in the "Journal of Organizational Behavior" found that coaching has a positive impact on performance and skills, well-being, coping, and work attitudes, and goal-directed self-regulation.

Furthermore, research has shown that employee coaching increases engagement and retention rates. Employees who receive regular coaching and feedback feel more valued and are more likely to be engaged with their work and committed to their organization. This, in turn, contributes to the overall success and competitiveness of the organization in the market.

The rich history and evidence supporting employee coaching underscore its value as a transformative tool for personal development and organizational excellence. It is not merely a trend but a substantiated practice with deep roots in psychological and organizational research, offering tangible benefits for employees and organizations.


Grant, A.M., Curtayne, L., & Burton, G. (2009). Executive coaching enhances goal attainment, resilience and workplace well-being. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.

Theeboom, T., Beersma, B., & van Vianen, A.E.M. (2014). Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

How do you Create an Employee Coaching Template?
How do you Create an Employee Coaching Template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you Create an Employee Coaching Template?

To create an Employee Coaching Template, incorporate elements like goal-setting, action plans, feedback mechanisms, and progress tracking into a structured format.

When are Employee Coaching Templates Used?

These Employee Coaching Templates are used during employee development sessions, performance reviews, or in addressing specific work-related challenges.

How are the Employee Coaching Templates Used?

The Employee Coaching Templates are used as a guide to conduct structured and productive coaching sessions focusing on employee development and performance improvement.

Who Creates an Employee Coaching Template?

Employee Coaching Templates are typically created by HR professionals, managers, or organizational development specialists.

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