Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart

Take control of your health and effectively track your weight loss progress using our Body Measurements for Weight Loss Chart Template.

By Priya Singh on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Template?

A body measurement for weight loss chart is a valuable resource that is primarily used to record a client’s physical measurements to track weight changes. The chart uses body circumferences of the neck, waist, hip, and limbs as a form of anthropometric measurement that non-invasively assesses adiposity in the body (Casadei & Kiel, 2022). 

The chart itself presents a map of the human body, and identifies areas of the body to measure circumference using a body measuring tape. By taking measurements of various areas of the body, this type of measurement can provide information about where the body stores fat tissue and muscles, which are essential for determining weight loss.

On weight loss journeys, individuals are commonly most concerned with the number on a weight scale, using this as their primary progress indicator. However, scales do not provide information about body composition. Therefore, as individuals lose weight and gain muscle, the number on the scale may not change. This can be incredibly disheartening and demotivating for individuals. 

Alternatively, the body measurement chart goes beyond single weight measurements, such as weight, and provides indications of fat loss and muscle gain (Kuriyan, 2018). Additionally, as an anthropometric measurement, this is non-invasive, does not require technical skills, and is relatively inexpensive, in that it only requires a measuring tape (Kuriyan, 2018). This makes an effective, accessible weight loss measurement. 

By using our chart template, individuals can effectively track their weight loss progress, 

which is essential for reaching goals and sustaining motivation on this journey. Additionally, professionals such as general practitioners and health coaches may use the chart for clients with weight loss goals, as a form of clinical documentation and empowering clients.

Downloadable Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart

Access our free Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart PDF to organize your physical health

How does it work?

Begin effectively tracking your own, or your client’s weight loss journey using the following steps: 

Step 1: Access the template

Access the template here, or download the printable version for a physical copy using the following link

Step 2: Client consultation

Depending on the client’s preferences, introduce the template by providing clients a physical or digital copy. Discuss how the template works and how it may be beneficial for your client’s weight loss journey. 

Step 3: Client information

Prior to beginning weight loss efforts, discuss and document relevant client information in the appropriate sections on the chart template. These include the client’s medical history, reasons for weight loss, and goals for the journey.

Step 4: Measurements 

Document the client’s height and weight in the relevant sections. Then measure the circumference of the client’s neck, chest, both arms, waist, hip, both thighs, and both calf muscle areas. If you are unsure where to measure, use the body chart on the template as a reference. 

Additionally, write the date, time, and conditions of these measurements. Conditions may include whether clients had a meal beforehand. 

These measurements will serve as the preliminary measurements for weight loss tracking. 

Step 5: Ongoing monitoring and support

Using the chart, document changes by completing the same measurements from step 4. These can be updated every two weeks, or monthly depending on the client’s goals, preferences, and medical recommendations. 

Note that future measurements should be completed in the same conditions as the first. For example, if the client completed measurements in the morning before breakfast they should do the same for the next ones. 

Practitioners should also schedule regular consultations with clients to ensure they are using safe approaches to weight loss, and providing support recommendations where possible.

Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Example (sample)

To show you how the chart works in practice, we have constructed an example that uses a fictional client’s information. It is recommended to use this as a reference alongside the Body Measurement for Weight Loss Chart Template PDF, when constructing your own, or a client’s chart. However, please consider that this is an example, and should not substitute personalized health advice or be used as a comparison for weight loss journeys. 

You can access the Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Example here, or download it using the link below:

Download the free Body Measurements for Weight Loss Chart Example here.

Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Example

When would you use this Template?

The body weight measurements for weight loss chart template can be used as a resource under various circumstances for tracking weight loss. Here are some scenarios in which this template may be useful:

Tracking weight loss

The template is primarily designed as a mechanism for tracking weight loss. Providing a map for body measurements, it allows practitioners and clients to gauge weight loss, whilst providing insight about fat and muscle tissues, providing a clearer picture of body composition. 

Estimating body fat 

Because the template uses anthropometric circumference measurements, it can help practitioners estimate body fat. This may be appropriate as a clinical body fat measurement for individuals with limb loss (George et al., 2021). 

Estimating body composition 

Values from the chart may be used as a non-invasive measure of fat distribution. For example, the waist-to-hip ratio (WRH) can be used to assess the distribution of fat in the lower and upper body (Kuriyan, 2018). 

Risk analysis 

Excess body fat is a common risk factor for conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease. In the context of mortality and morbidity, body composition and fat distribution have a critical role, and can be used to determine risk factors for developing conditions. In particular, WRH can be used to determine visceral fat, which can be predictive of metabolic aberrations and health conditions associated with obesity (Kuriyan, 2018; van der Kooy, 1993).

Further Considerations 

For an effective way to track physical weight changes, practitioners and their clients may find Our free Body Measurements for Weight Loss Chart Template provides practitioners and their clients an effective way to track physical weight changes. However, there are some key things to consider: 

Ongoing measurements

To track progress over time, it is essential to regularly update the chart with measurements. This may involve completing measurements every few weeks or once a month, and can help identify changes and progress. 

Consistent conditions

Consistency in the placement of the measuring tape, time of day, and conditions in which the measurements are completed can significantly influence the accuracy of results. To ensure accuracy, ensure that you measure the same way each time. For example, if you completed your measurements in the morning before breakfast the first time, do the same thing for updating measurements. 


Clients should try wearing tight-fitting clothing, such as exercise wear or swimwear when measuring. These allow measurements to be as close to the skin as possible, enhancing accuracy. 

Stance and posture

Ensure the client is standing upright and is relaxed. Avoid flexing limbs of muscles such as the bicep that are not required for maintaining an upright stance. This ensures an accurate reflection of the body. 

Accurate techniques 

When measuring body parts, it is essential to measure correctly and different parts may require different techniques. It is recommended to use the body chart in the template as a reference for where to measure and to snugly wrap the tape measure around the body part for an accurate reading. 

Confidentiality and sensitivity

Understandably, these measurements can be uncomfortable for some clients. Therefore, it is essential that practitioners are sensitive and respectful when completing measurements in practice. Furthermore, practitioners should take steps to assure clients that all information is kept confidential.

Why use Carepatron as your Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart app?

Enhance your practice and support your clients in their weight loss journeys with Carepatron!

As an online platform, Carepatron offers an intuitive, comprehensive experience that allows you to manage your client records and optimally saves time by automating normative clinical practices. Additionally, our platform provides practitioners endless access to thousands of resources like this, to help you make the most of your practice. 

With Carepatron, our Body Measurements for Weight Loss Chart app and software effectively tracks client health records and weight loss progress, allowing you to focus on providing the best care and support to your clients. Our software also integrates administrative tasks like appointment scheduling, medical billing, and real-time reminders to improve communication channels and help you keep on top of your workflow. 

Furthermore, our patient portal provides clients with a simple way to access the chart and their information, which can help keep track of experiences and progressions in their journeys. By having active opportunities to engage in their health, clients can feel empowered to take charge of their health, and access another form of clinical documentation which can be used for client consultations down the line. 

For health practitioners seeking to enhance client experiences and proactively manage health, Carepatron is the ideal platform for you!

Health coach software benefit


Casadei, K., Kiel, J. (2022). Anthropometric Measurement. StatPearls [Internet]. National Library of Medicine.

Dalton, M., Cameron, A. J., Zimmet, P. Z., Shaw, J. E., Jolley, D., Dunstan, D. W., & Welborn, T. A. (2003). Waist circumference, waist-hip ratio and body mass index and their correlation with cardiovascular disease risk factors in Australian adults. Journal of Internal Medicine, 254(6), 555-563. DOI:

George, B. G., Pruziner, A. L., Andrews, A. M. (2021). Circumference Method Estimates Percent Body Fat in Male US Service Members with Lower Limb Loss. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 121(7), 1327-1334. DOI:

Kuriyan, R. (2018). Body composition techniques. Indian J Med Res, 148(5), 648-658. National Library of Medicine. DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1777_18

Lean, M. E. J., Han, T. S., Morrison, C. E. (1995). Waist circumference as a measure for indicating need for weight management. BMJ. DOI:

Ness-Abramof, R., Apovian, C. M. (2008). Waist Circumference Measurement in Clinical Practice. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 23(4), 397-404. DOI:

Printablee (n.d.). Body Measurements [Pinterest post]. Pinterest. Retrieved 5 December, 2023, from

van der Kooy, K. (1993). Changes in Body Composition and Fat Distribution in Response to Weight Loss and Weight Regain. ProQuest.

How do you create a Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart?
How do you create a Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart?

A chart can be created by using our Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Template. The template provides a simple, comprehensive structure that provides all of the information sections needed to keep track of weight loss and body composition.

When are Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Templates used?

These templates can be used for a variety of situations, but are primarily designed to help health practitioners and their clients track changes in body measurements (body composition) in relation to weight loss.

How are the Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Templates used?

The templates are a ready-to-use resource that structures all of the information regarding body measurements and client information required to effectively track weight loss.

Who creates a Body Measurements For Weight Loss Chart Template?

A Body Measurements for Weight Loss Chart Template can be created by health practitioners, such as general practitioners and health coaches, for clients seeking to lose weight to enhance their health. However, the structure is simple and comprehensive enough to be customized by any individual seeking to lose weight.

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