What Is a Lung Sounds Chart?

A lung sounds chart is a visual reference tool used in healthcare settings to assist medical professionals, such as physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists, in identifying and interpreting various sounds produced by the respiratory system. The chart typically categorizes lung sounds based on their characteristics, helping healthcare providers differentiate between normal and abnormal respiratory sounds.

The human respiratory system can produce a range of sounds indicative of different conditions or abnormalities. These sounds are often categorized into two main types: breath and adventitious. 

Normal breath sounds include tracheal, bronchial, and vesicular sounds, produced as air moves through the airways and lungs during breathing. On the other hand, Adventitious sounds are abnormal sounds associated with conditions such as wheezing, crackles, or rhonchi, indicating issues like inflammation, congestion, or obstruction in the air passages.

A lung sounds chart typically features a diagram of the respiratory system, illustrating the location where each type of sound is most likely to be heard. The chart may also include descriptions of the sounds, their potential causes, and guidance on when further investigation or intervention may be necessary.

Healthcare professionals use lung sound charts during physical examinations, particularly when auscultating (listening to) a patient's chest with a stethoscope. By referring to the chart, clinicians can enhance their diagnostic skills, make informed assessments, and determine appropriate treatment plans for patients with respiratory conditions. 

The chart serves as a valuable educational resource for training healthcare providers and can contribute to more accurate and timely diagnoses of respiratory disorders.

Printable Lung Sounds Chart

Download this Lung Sounds Chart, which helps medical professionals identify and interpret various sounds produced by the respiratory system.

How Does It Work?

The Lung Sounds Chart is an indispensable tool in assessing respiratory health, assisting healthcare professionals in comprehending and analyzing sounds emitted by the lungs during auscultation. The process involves distinct steps:

Step 1: Auscultation

During this initial phase, healthcare providers employ a stethoscope to listen to the sounds generated by the respiratory system meticulously. They strategically position the stethoscope on pre-defined chest areas corresponding to specific lung regions.

Step 2: Identification of Sounds

In the subsequent step, professionals differentiate between the various sounds, categorizing them into normal breath sounds (such as tracheal, bronchial, and vesicular) and adventitious sounds (including wheezing, crackles, and rhonchi).

Step 3: Reference to the Chart

Healthcare practitioners then refer to the Lung Sounds Chart, cross-referencing the observed sounds with their corresponding locations on the comprehensive respiratory system diagram.

Step 4: Categorization

Systematic categorization follows, wherein the sounds are classified based on their distinctive characteristics. This involves a careful comparison with the detailed descriptions provided on the chart.

Step 5: Interpretation

Interpreting the significance of the identified sounds constitutes a critical aspect of the process. Normal breath sounds signify optimal lung function, whereas the presence of adventitious sounds may indicate potential underlying respiratory issues.

Step 6: Potential Causes

Consulting additional information on the chart outlining potential causes of abnormal sounds becomes essential, enhancing the diagnostic process.

Step 7: Decision-making

Armed with a nuanced understanding of lung sounds, healthcare professionals make informed decisions regarding patient care, recommend further diagnostic measures, or formulate appropriate treatment plans based on the identified respiratory nuances.

Lung Sounds Chart Example (Sample)

In this example of a Lung Sounds Chart, we document the auscultation findings for a patient, John Doe. The chart systematically breaks down breath sounds across different lung regions, indicating normal and adventitious sounds. 

The interpretation section highlights specific abnormalities detected, such as fine crackles in the right upper lobe, wheezing in the right lower lobe, and rhonchi in the left lower lobe. This information aids healthcare professionals in identifying potential respiratory issues and guiding further assessments and interventions.

Healthcare providers can generate a Lung Sounds Chart PDF for easy access and reference, incorporating patient details, auscultation findings, and recommendations. This streamlined document serves as a comprehensive snapshot of the respiratory assessment, facilitating seamless communication among healthcare teams and enhancing the continuity of patient care.

Download this Lung Sounds Chart Example:

Lung Sounds Chart Example (Sample)

When Would You Use This Chart?

The Lung Sounds Chart proves invaluable across a spectrum of healthcare settings, offering a versatile resource for various practitioners engaged in respiratory assessments. Here are scenarios when this chart becomes a particularly pertinent and effective tool:

  • Physicians and General Practitioners: Utilize the chart during routine physical examinations to assess respiratory health comprehensively. The chart aids in the identification of normal and abnormal lung sounds, contributing to a more precise diagnosis.
  • Intensivists and Critical Care Nurses: The Lung Sounds Chart becomes instrumental in high-stakes environments like intensive care units. Rapid and accurate assessment of lung sounds is crucial in monitoring critically ill patients, enabling prompt interventions when needed.
  • Respiratory Therapists: Employ the chart in the context of respiratory therapy sessions. It enhances their ability to identify sounds associated with respiratory conditions, facilitating tailored therapeutic interventions.
  • Medical Students and Residents: As an educational resource, the chart aids in developing auscultation skills. It is a practical tool for medical students and residents during training, helping them become proficient in the nuanced interpretation of lung sounds.
  • Emergency Room Physicians and Nurses: The Lung Sounds Chart is a quick emergency reference tool. It assists in rapidly assessing and categorizing lung sounds, guiding timely decisions in emergency care scenarios.
  • Home Health Nurses: When conducting home visits, nurses can use the Lung Sounds Chart to evaluate respiratory health in the comfort of a patient's home. It serves as a portable reference tool for on-the-go healthcare.
  • Telemedicine Practitioners: In the era of telehealth, the Lung Sounds Chart can be a valuable visual aid during remote consultations. Healthcare providers can guide patients through self-assessments and interpret reported symptoms with the help of this chart.

What Do the Results Mean?

Interpreting the results obtained from auscultating lung sounds using a Lung Sounds Chart is crucial for healthcare professionals to make informed clinical decisions. Here's an overview of expected outcomes and their implications:

Normal Breath Sounds

  • Tracheal Sounds: Heard over the trachea, these are high-pitched, loud sounds. Their presence indicates normal airflow through the upper airways.
  • Bronchial Sounds: Heard near the upper sternum; these are medium-pitched and clearer than tracheal sounds. They are normal during expiration.
  • Vesicular Sounds: Heard over most lung fields; these are soft, low-pitched sounds. Normal vesicular sounds suggest healthy airflow through the smaller airways and alveoli during inspiration.

Adventitious Sounds

  • Wheezing: High-pitched, musical sounds often heard during expiration. Wheezing can indicate airway constriction, common in asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Crackles (Rales): Discontinuous, non-musical sounds heard during inspiration or expiration. Fine crackles may indicate conditions like pneumonia, while coarse crackles can be associated with bronchiectasis or pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Rhonchi: Low-pitched, snoring or rattling sounds often heard during expiration. Rhonchi may suggest the presence of mucus or fluid in the airways, common in conditions like bronchitis.

Silent or Reduced Breath Sounds

A reduction or absence of breath sounds in a specific area may indicate an obstruction, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.

Asymmetrical Findings

Significant differences in breath sounds between the right and left lung may signal abnormalities, such as a lung mass or pleural effusion.

Lung sound interpretation is a nuanced process that requires considering the clinical context. A Lung Sounds Chart can be a helpful reference, but a comprehensive understanding of the patient's medical history and additional diagnostic findings is necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. A free Lung Sounds Chart can be a valuable resource for medical professionals seeking a quick reference tool to aid their clinical assessments.

Why Use Carepatron as Your Lung Sounds App?

Carepatron redefines how healthcare professionals engage with respiratory assessments through our Lung Sounds Chart app. Seamlessly navigate our intuitive interface for a swift and precise identification of respiratory sounds during auscultation. 

Whether at the bedside or on the move, our app, compatible with smartphones and tablets, brings the power of a comprehensive chart to your fingertips. Bid farewell to the constraints of traditional charts and welcome the era of efficiency with our platform, where modern healthcare meets seamless usability.

Opt for our app, your gateway to the most comprehensive and up-to-date Lung Sounds Chart software. Our app isn't just a static resource; it's a dynamic tool reflecting the latest advancements in respiratory medicine. 

Immerse yourself in a wealth of information, from detailed diagrams to descriptions of normal and adventitious sounds. With Carepatron, you're not just keeping up but staying ahead in respiratory medicine, ensuring your diagnostic skills are as current as the latest research—trust in our commitment to accuracy and reliability, setting a new standard in patient care.

Our Lung Sounds Chart app harmoniously integrates with other features on our platform, transforming the diagnostic process and fostering collaboration within healthcare teams. Harness the power of technology to elevate patient outcomes, and make Carepatron your choice for a Lung Sounds Chart app where precision converges with innovation in respiratory assessment.

Practice Management Software


Geeky Medics. (2018, March 7). Lung sounds (respiratory auscultation sounds) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NvBk61ngDY 

Sankararaman, S. (2022). Untangling the graph-based features for lung sound auscultation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 71, 103215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2021.103215

Skalický, D., Koucký, V., Hadraba, D., Vítězník, M., Dub, M., & Lopot, F. (2021). Detection of respiratory phases in a breath sound and subsequent utilization in a diagnosis. Applied Sciences, 11(14), 6535. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11146535 

Stahlheber, C. L., MD. (n.d.). Breath Sound Assessment: Background, Technique, Normal vs Abnormal (Adventitious) Breath Sounds. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1894146-overview?form=fpf 

Zulfiqar, R., Majeed, F., Irfan, R., Rauf, H. T., Benkhelifa, E., & Belkacem, A. N. (2021). Abnormal respiratory sound classification using deep CNN through artificial noise addition. Frontiers in Medicine, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2021.714811

Who typically requests a Lung Sounds Chart?
Who typically requests a Lung Sounds Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Lung Sounds Chart?

Healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and medical students, typically request Lung Sounds Charts to aid in assessing respiratory health.

How are Lung Sounds Charts used?

Healthcare providers use a stethoscope to auscultate lung sounds, then refer to the chart to match and interpret the observed sounds. The chart assists in categorizing sounds as normal or adventitious, aiding in diagnosing respiratory conditions.

How long does a Lung Sounds Chart take?

Using a Lung Sounds Chart is typically a quick process during a patient examination. The duration depends on the complexity of the respiratory assessment and the specific clinical context but is generally a brief yet essential component of the overall diagnostic procedure.

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