Binge Eating Scale

Binge Eating Scale gauges and tracks overeating habits for healthier choices. Assess eating patterns now!

By Chloe Smith on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Binge Eating Scale?

The Binge Eating Scale is a widely recognized and validated self-assessment tool designed to assess and quantify the severity of binge eating behaviors in individuals. Developed by Gormally, Black, Daston, and Rardin in 1982, the BES is a valuable instrument for clinicians, researchers, and individuals alike to gain insight into the presence and intensity of binge eating tendencies.

Binge eating, characterized by the consumption of unusually large amounts of food within a short period, accompanied by a sense of loss of control, is a significant component of various eating disorders, such as Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The BES is an eating disorder examination questionnaire that comprises a series of questions that capture the frequency and emotional impact of binge eating episodes. Respondents rate their experiences on a Likert scale, providing a quantitative measure of their binge eating behaviors.

Clinicians often employ the BES as part of a comprehensive assessment to diagnose and monitor the progress of individuals with suspected binge eating disorders. Researchers utilize the scale to gather data on binge eating prevalence and severity in different populations, enhancing our understanding of the condition and its underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, the BES can aid in tailoring treatment strategies and interventions for those struggling with binge eating, promoting more effective and targeted therapeutic approaches.

The Binge Eating Scale has demonstrated high reliability and validity, making it a valuable tool in clinical and research settings. Quantifying the extent of binge eating behaviors contributes to a deeper comprehension of eating disorders, facilitates early intervention, and supports the development of evidence-based treatments. Whether used by professionals or individuals on a personal journey to better health, the BES is an essential resource in addressing the complexities of binge eating behaviors.

Looking for other relevant resources? Feel free to watch this video for a Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Plan:

Printable Binge Eating Scale

Download this Binge Eating Scale to assess your clients.

How does it work?

Printable Binge Eating Scales provide a structured way to assess and quantify binge eating behaviors. By following a set of steps, individuals and healthcare practitioners can utilize these scales to gain insights into the frequency and severity of binge eating episodes. Here is how it works:

Step One: Obtain the printable scale

Download and print the Binge Eating Scale template from a reliable source like Carepatron's' resources library, ensuring its authenticity and accuracy.

Step Two: Read the instructions

Familiarize yourself with the scale's purpose, instructions, and scoring system. Understand that this is a self-assessment tool and not a definitive diagnosis.

Step Three: Complete the questions

Provide the scale to your patient and explain its purpose and importance.

Encourage them to answer the questions honestly and assure them of confidentiality.

Step Four: Calculate the total score

Add up the circled numbers to determine your total BES score.

Step Five: Interpret the results

Review the patient's total BES score based on the provided interpretation guide.

Consider the patient's score range to assess the severity of their binge eating behaviors.

Step Six: Discuss findings

Engage in a supportive and nonjudgmental discussion with the patient about their results. Collaboratively explore the next steps, which may involve further assessments, counseling, or therapy.

Binge Eating Scales example (sample)

The Binge Eating Scales PDF template is a user-friendly self-assessment tool for gauging binge eating behaviors. Comprising thoughtfully crafted questions, it quantifies binge eating frequency and emotional impact. Users download the printable Binge Eating Scales PDF, respond candidly to prompts, and calculate their total score.

This aids individuals in assessing their tendencies and enables healthcare practitioners to evaluate severity, fostering informed discussions. The online template supports proactive identification and management of binge eating, contributing to emotional well-being and healthier eating patterns.

Download this Binge Eating Scale example:

When would you use this template?

The Binge Eating Scale template proves invaluable for various practitioners and scenarios, aiding in assessing and managing binge eating behaviors. Here's when this resource is particularly appropriate and beneficial:

Clinical settings

Healthcare practitioners, including psychologists, therapists, and dietitians, can utilize the Binge Eating Scale to screen patients for potential binge eating disorders. It helps identify individuals struggling with frequent and intense overeating episodes, providing a foundation for tailored interventions.

Patient self-assessment

Anyone concerned about their eating habits can employ the Binge Eating Scale template as a preliminary self-assessment tool. It empowers individuals to gauge if their behaviors are strong habit or regular habits, fostering self-awareness about recurrent episodes and encouraging proactive steps toward healthier eating patterns.

Treatment monitoring

Practitioners can periodically administer the Binge Eating Scale to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. Changes in scores over time offer valuable insights into the impact of treatments, such as controlling urges and guiding adjustments as needed.

Research and studies

Researchers investigating binge eating behaviors can integrate the Binge Eating Scale into their studies. It offers a standardized means to measure binge eating severity, enhancing the validity and comparability of findings.

Support groups

Facilitators of support groups for individuals with eating disorders can incorporate the Binge Eating Scale to guide discussions and help participants recognize shared experiences.

Health and wellness programs

Health coaches and wellness instructors can include the Binge Eating Scale as part of comprehensive health assessments. It addresses the crucial aspect of emotional eating and aids in promoting holistic well-being.


Here are the benefits of Using the Free Binge Eating Scale Template:

Early identification

The free Binge Eating Scale template enables timely recognition of binge eating tendencies, facilitating early intervention and reducing the risk of escalating eating disorders.

Structured assessment

With thoughtfully designed questions, the template offers a structured approach to self-assessment, aiding users in comprehensively evaluating their binge eating behaviors.

Informed discussions

Healthcare practitioners can engage patients in meaningful conversations about their eating habits, leveraging the Binge Eating Scale results as a foundation for informed treatment strategies.


Individuals gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with food, enhancing self-awareness and empowering them to make informed choices for improved well-being.

Treatment monitoring

Regular use of the template allows practitioners to monitor progress and adapt interventions, ensuring a personalized and effective approach to managing binge eating.

Research validity

Researchers benefit from a standardized tool to measure binge eating severity, enhancing the credibility and comparability of findings in studies related to eating behaviors.

Accessible and convenient

The free Binge Eating Scale template is easily accessible online, offering a user-friendly and cost-effective solution for both practitioners and individuals seeking self-assessment.

Why use Carepatron as your Binge Eating Scale app?

Carepatron is the premier choice for utilizing a Binge Eating Scale app, offering a comprehensive and tailored solution that sets it apart in Binge Eating Scale software. The app is designed with the user in mind, offering an intuitive interface for easy navigation and accessibility. It adheres to established clinical standards, transforming research findings into a practical tool for accurate diagnosis and customized treatment planning.

Carepatron's security measures ensure the confidentiality of sensitive binge-eating data, creating a safe space for users to engage in self-assessment without concerns about data breaches. The app's versatility allows healthcare practitioners to tailor assessments according to patient needs, adapted for different age groups, cultural contexts, and treatment stages.

Progress tracking features enable practitioners to monitor changes over time, evaluate treatment efficacy, and refine interventions based on real-time data. The app provides immediate and accurate interpretation of Binge Eating Scale scores, aiding practitioners in understanding severity levels and facilitating informed discussions with patients.

Seamless integration with existing healthcare systems streamlines the assessment process, allowing practitioners to incorporate binge eating evaluation into their holistic patient care approach. Carepatron's commitment to evidence-based practice, data security, and user satisfaction make it the epitome of excellence in the Binge Eating Scale app market.

Electronic Health Records Software


Agüera, Z., Brewin, N., Chen, J., Granero, R., Kang, Q., Fernandez-Aranda, F., ... & Treasure, J. (2018). Eating symptomatology and general psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa from China, UK, and Spain: A cross-cultural study examining the role of social attitudes. PloS One, 13(1), e0190795.

Lavender, J. M., Wonderlich, S. A., Engel, S. G., Gordon, K. H., Kaye, W. H., & Mitchell, J. E. (2019). Dimensions of emotion dysregulation in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: A conceptual review of the empirical literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 68, 88-96.

Muc, K., Schmidt, R., Herbolsheimer, F., Kuballa, T., & Hilbert, A. (2020). Identifying the best global binge‐eating scale cut‐offs to define clinical significance in an adolescent sample. European Eating Disorders Review, 28(2), 208-217.

Stojanović-Tasić, M., Milosavljević, D., & Plut, D. (2021). The cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Binge Eating Scale for the assessment of binge eating in Serbian adolescents. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 26(3), 873-880.

Who can use the Binge Eating Scale?
Who can use the Binge Eating Scale?

Commonly asked questions

Who can use the Binge Eating Scale?

The BES can be used by individuals concerned about their eating habits, as well as healthcare practitioners, therapists, and researchers to assess binge eating behaviors in patients or study participants.

Is the BES a diagnostic tool?

The BES is not a diagnostic tool on its own. It provides insights into binge eating tendencies and severity, which can assist healthcare practitioners in making informed decisions about diagnosis and treatment.

Is the BES available online?

Yes, printable Binge Eating Scale templates are available online for free. These templates can be downloaded, filled out, and scored manually.

Can the BES be used with adolescents?

Yes, the BES has been adapted and validated for use with adolescents, making it a useful tool for assessing binge eating behaviors in younger populations.

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