Thalassophobia Test

Take our free Thalassophobia Test and find out if you have an intense fear of the sea or deep water. Download our free template now!

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Thalassophobia?

Thalassophobia is an intense fear of the ocean or deep water. It is a specific phobia that can cause anxiety, fear, and panic in those suffering from it. People with thalassophobia may avoid activities such as swimming, boating, or even looking at images or videos of the ocean. Several factors, such as a fear of drowning, fear of sea creatures, or fear of the unknown depths of the ocean, can cause this fear.

Thalassophobia Test

The Thalassophobia Test is a simple questionnaire designed to help individuals assess their level of fear or anxiety related to the ocean. It is a self-assessment tool that can be used to identify the presence and severity of thalassophobia. This test can be used by anyone who suspects they may have a fear of the ocean, as well as mental health professionals who are treating patients with this phobia.

It is important to note that thalassophobia can be a debilitating condition that may interfere with an individual's daily life and activities. It can cause significant distress and lead to social isolation or avoidance behaviors. Seeking professional help can be essential in managing thalassophobia, and the Thalassophobia Test can be a valuable tool in identifying the presence and severity of this phobia. With early intervention, such as this thalassophobia test, and appropriate treatment, individuals with thalassophobia can learn to manage their fears and lead fulfilling lives.

How does this Thalassophobia Test work?

Taking the thalassophobia test is a simple process that involves three easy steps. Here is a detailed explanation of each step:

Step 1: Read each statement below and decide how much it applies to you.

The first step of the Thalassophobia Test involves reading each of the ten statements presented in the questionnaire. Take the time to carefully consider each statement and reflect on how it relates to your feelings and experiences in the ocean or deep water. It is important to answer each statement honestly and to the best of your ability.

Step 2: Circle the number on the scale that best reflects how much you agree with each statement.

Once you have read each statement and reflected on how it applies to you, the next step is to circle the number on the scale that best reflects how much you agree with each statement. The scale ranges from 0 to 4, with 0 representing "not at all" and four representing "extremely." Be sure to circle the number that most accurately reflects your level of agreement with each statement.

Step 3: Once you have answered all the questions, add your scores to see your results.

After you have circled a number for each of the ten statements, the final step is to add up your scores to see your overall results. The scores in this thalassophobia test can be interpreted using the scoring key provided in the instructions. Remember, the higher your score, the greater your fear or anxiety about the ocean or deep water.


The scores from the Thalassophobia Test are interpreted based on the total score an individual receives after answering all the questions. The scoring system is designed to indicate the severity of thalassophobia, with higher scores indicating a more severe fear of the ocean.

  • A score of 0-10 indicates that an individual has little or no fear of the ocean. This is considered to be a mild or no thalassophobia score.
  • A score of 11-20 suggests an individual has a moderate fear of the ocean. This may cause anxiety or avoidance behavior concerning bodies of water, but it is not severe enough to interfere significantly with daily life.
  • A score of 21-30 suggests an individual has a severe fear of the ocean. This level of fear can be debilitating, causing significant anxiety and avoidance behavior related to bodies of water. It may also interfere with daily life, affecting work, relationships, and other vital areas of functioning.
  • A score of 31-40 indicates an extreme fear of the ocean. This level of anxiety is typically associated with significant distress, impairment, and interference with daily life. It may require professional help, such as counseling or therapy, to manage the fear and reduce its impact on daily functioning.

It is important to note that the Thalassophobia Test is not a diagnostic tool, and a high score does not necessarily mean an individual has Thalassophobia. However, it can provide a useful starting point for discussions with mental health professionals and help individuals better understand their own fears and anxieties about the ocean.

When to use these Thalassophobia assessments?

The Thalassophobia Test is a valuable tool for anyone who suspects they may have a fear of the ocean or deep water. If you experience feelings of anxiety, fear, or panic related to the sea, the Thalassophobia Test can help you identify the presence and severity of your fear.

It can also help you better understand your fears and anxieties about the ocean and provide a starting point for discussions with mental health professionals.

Mental health professionals can also use the Thalassophobia Test as a screening tool to identify patients who may require treatment for thalassophobia. If you are a mental health professional, the Thalassophobia Test can help assess the presence and severity of thalassophobia in your patients.

This can help you determine the appropriate treatment and support for your patients.

Who is this Thalassophobia Test PDF for?

The Thalassophobia Test PDF is a versatile resource many individuals and professionals use. Here are some specific groups of people who may find this resource helpful:

Individuals who suspect they may fear the ocean or deep water

If you experience feelings of anxiety or fear related to the sea or deep water, the Thalassophobia Test can help you assess the presence and severity of your symptoms. This information can help you seek appropriate treatment for your phobia.

Mental health professionals

Mental health professionals can use the Thalassophobia Test to screen patients for thalassophobia. The test can provide a starting point for discussions about fear and anxiety related to the ocean and can help mental health professionals develop appropriate treatment plans for their patients.


The Thalassophobia Test can also be used by researchers studying phobias and anxiety disorders. By administering the test to study participants, researchers can collect data on the prevalence and severity of thalassophobia in different populations.

Public health professionals

Public health professionals can use the Thalassophobia Test to better understand the prevalence of thalassophobia in different populations. This information can inform public health interventions aimed at reducing the impact of phobias on individuals and communities.


Educators who work with individuals who may have thalassophobia, such as swim coaches or lifeguards, can use the Thalassophobia Test to understand better the fears and anxieties of their students or clients. This information can be used to develop strategies to help individuals overcome their fears and feel more comfortable in and around bodies of water.

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Benefits of free Thalassophobia Tests

Taking the Thalassophobia Test can have several benefits for individuals who suspect they may have a fear of the ocean or deep water. Here are five benefits of using this free resource:

Helps identify the presence and severity of thalassophobia

The Thalassophobia Test can help individuals understand the extent of their fear and anxiety related to the ocean and determine whether they may have a specific phobia.

Provides a starting point for discussions about fear and anxiety related to the ocean

The test can be used as a conversation starter for individuals who want to discuss their fears related to the sea with mental health professionals, friends, or family members.

It can be used to track changes in fear and anxiety levels over time

By taking the Thalassophobia Test at different intervals, individuals can track changes in their fear and anxiety levels related to the ocean and monitor the effectiveness of any treatments or interventions.

May help individuals seek appropriate treatment for their phobia

Identifying the presence and severity of thalassophobia can help individuals seek appropriate treatment, such as therapy or medication, to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Can be used as a screening tool for mental health professionals

Mental health professionals can use the Thalassophobia Test as a screening tool to identify patients who may fear the ocean or deep water and determine the appropriate course of treatment.

How to interpret the Thalassophobia Test results?
How to interpret the Thalassophobia Test results?

Commonly asked questions

How to interpret the Thalassophobia Test results?

The scores from the Thalassophobia Test can be interpreted as follows:

0-10: Mild or no thalassophobia

11-20: Moderate thalassophobia

21-30: Severe thalassophobia

31-40: Extreme thalassophobia

What does the Thalassophobia Test do?

The Thalassophobia Test is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals assess their fear or anxiety about the ocean or deep water.

How is the Thalassophobia Test scored?

Each statement in the Thalassophobia Test is scored on a scale of 0-4, with 0 representing "not at all" and four representing "extremely." The scores are added to give an overall score that can be used to assess the presence and severity of thalassophobia.

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