Baby Teeth Chart

Explore our Baby Teeth Chart to understand the typical order and age range for the eruption of baby teeth, as advised by the American Dental Association.

By Emma Hainsworth on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Baby Teeth Chart?

A Baby Teeth Chart, also known as a Pediatric Tooth Eruption Chart, is an informative guide used by parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to track and understand the development of primary teeth in infants and young children. This chart is an essential resource in pediatric dentistry and child care, providing a visual representation of the typical order and timing of the emergence of baby teeth.

The chart details the eruption schedule of the 20 primary teeth, commonly referred to as baby teeth or milk teeth. These include the central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first molars, and second molars, found in both the upper and lower jaws. Each tooth type has a general age range for when it is expected to appear and when it will likely be lost to make way for permanent teeth.

Typically, the first teeth to erupt are the lower central incisors, which usually appear around six months of age. However, there is considerable variability in the timing of tooth eruption among children. The chart helps track this development, with most children having a full set of primary teeth by the age of three.

For healthcare professionals, particularly pediatric dentists, the chart is a crucial aid in monitoring a child's oral health. It helps in identifying any abnormalities, such as delayed tooth eruption or missing teeth, which could be indicative of broader health concerns.

Printable Baby Teeth Chart PDF

Check out our free Baby Teeth Chart PDF here

How to utilize the Baby Teeth Chart PDF?

A baby teeth eruption chart is an essential tool for understanding the development of a child's primary teeth. It's useful for both dental professionals and parents, helping to track and discuss the emergence of baby teeth. Here's a step-by-step guide to accessing and using our Printable Baby Teeth Eruption Chart:

Step 1: Download the Printable Baby Teeth Eruption Chart

  • Access: Click on the provided link on our website to access the chart.
  • Viewing the chart: The chart will open in your default PDF reader, making it convenient for digital viewing.
  • Printing option: If you prefer a hard copy, you can easily print the chart. This is useful for referencing during dental visits or tracking your child's tooth development at home.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the eruption timeline

  • Understanding the timeline: Review the chart to learn about the typical timeline for baby teeth eruption.
  • Identifying teeth types: Note the different types of teeth, such as incisors, canines, and molars, and their usual order of appearance.

Step 3: Observe the pattern of eruption

  • Eruption pattern: Use the chart to understand the usual pattern in which baby teeth emerge. This includes the order and approximate ages when teeth typically appear.
  • Individual variations: Remember that the timing of teeth eruption can vary from child to child.

By following these steps, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of the baby teeth eruption process and how to use the chart effectively. This knowledge is valuable not only for dental professionals but also for parents and caregivers looking to monitor and understand the dental health and development of their children.

Baby Teeth Chart Example (sample)

Here's a summarized list of baby teeth names and their general eruption timeline, as featured in our free Baby Teeth Eruption Chart PDF:

Upper jaw (Maxilla) baby teeth names and eruption timeline:

  • Central incisor: Typically erupts between 8-12 months.
  • Lateral incisor: Usually appears between 9-13 months.
  • Canine (cuspid): Erupts around 16-22 months.
  • First molar: Generally surfaces between 13-19 months.
  • Second molar: Appears roughly between 25-33 months.

Lower jaw (Mandible) baby teeth names and eruption timeline:

  • Central incisor: Eruption usually occurs between 6-10 months.
  • Lateral incisor: Typically surfaces between 10-16 months.
  • Canine (cuspid): Emerges around 17-23 months.
  • First molar: Generally appears between 14-18 months.
  • Second molar: Usually erupts between 23-31 months.

This layout and timeline provide a general guide for the order and age range in which you can expect the baby teeth to appear. Remember, the actual timing of eruption can vary from child to child, so the chart serves as a general reference rather than a strict schedule. Our Baby Teeth Eruption Chart PDF offers a visual and easy-to-understand representation of this information, useful for parents and caregivers in tracking a child's dental development.

Download our Baby Teeth Chart Example PDF

Baby Teeth Chart Example

When would you use this chart?

The Baby Teeth Chart is a valuable resource in several scenarios, especially for those involved in pediatric dentistry, healthcare, and child care. This chart provides a visual guide to the typical timeline and sequence of baby teeth eruption, making it a useful tool in various situations:

Pediatric dentistry: 

Dental professionals specializing in pediatric care often use the Baby Teeth Chart to monitor and explain the development of a child's teeth to parents. It aids in identifying any deviations from the typical eruption pattern, which could indicate potential dental issues.

Parental guidance:

 Parents find the Baby Teeth Chart particularly useful for tracking the progress of their child's dental development. It can help them anticipate when to expect the emergence of teeth and be alert to any potential dental issues that might require professional attention.

Early childhood educators:

In early childhood education settings, this chart can be used as an educational tool to teach young children about dental health and hygiene. It can be incorporated into health education curricula to foster awareness from a young age.

In essence, the Baby Teeth Chart is a versatile, useful resource for anyone involved in the care, health, and education of young children. It helps in understanding the normal progression of dental development, assists in identifying potential dental issues early, and serves as a valuable educational tool in various settings.

Baby teeth care

In addition to utilizing our Free Baby Teeth Chart for tracking the development and eruption of baby teeth, it's equally important to focus on the care and maintenance of these teeth. Once you have a grasp on the timeline and sequence of baby teeth emergence from the chart, transitioning into effective dental care practices becomes crucial for ensuring the health and proper development of these teeth. 

Here are some guidelines for taking care of baby teeth:

  • Begin brushing as teeth emerge: Start brushing the baby's teeth as soon as they appear. A small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a smear of regular-strength fluoride toothpaste should be used twice a day, especially before bedtime.
  • Choose fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride in toothpaste strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of decay. For babies, a toothpaste containing at least 1000 ppm fluoride is recommended.
  • Enroll in oral health services: It's beneficial to register the baby with a local Community Oral Health Service. These services are often free and provide essential support for maintaining oral health in babies.
  • Monthly oral examinations: Performing a quick check by lifting the baby’s top lip once a month can help in early detection of tooth decay. This is an easy yet effective way to monitor the health of the emerging teeth.

By understanding the eruption pattern of baby teeth through the chart and implementing these dental care practices, parents and caregivers can ensure the best oral health for their babies, setting a strong foundation for their future dental well-being.

Why use Carepatron as your Baby Teeth app?

Carepatron offers an efficient Baby Teeth Chart solution, ideal for dental professionals seeking a comprehensive and accurate tool for tracking children's dental development. This platform is designed with a focus on ease of use and accurate teeth charting.

Key features of Carepatron's Baby Teeth Chart:

  • Customizable functionality: The chart is adaptable, enabling dentists to tailor its features to the specific needs of their practice and patients, improving accuracy in diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Comprehensive support: Carepatron provides extensive support, including training and technical assistance, ensuring dental professionals have the resources they need.
  • Strong data security: Recognizing the importance of patient confidentiality, Carepatron employs strict security measures to protect sensitive patient data.
  • Research-based tools: The platform incorporates the latest dental research, ensuring that the Baby Teeth Chart and other tools are up-to-date and effective.

For dental professionals who prioritize the integration of advanced technology in healthcare, Carepatron stands as a valuable tool. Its user-friendly design, combined with stringent security and research-informed resources, makes it an excellent choice for enhancing patient care in dental practices

Clinical documentation software benefit


Havale, R., Sheetal, B. S., Patil, R., Hemant Kumar, R., Anegundi, R. T., & Inushekar, K. R. (2015). Dental notation for primary teeth: a review and suggestion of a novel system. European journal of paediatric dentistry, 16(2), 163–166.

Ogodescu, E., Popa, M., Isac, C., Pinosanu, R., Olaru, D., Cismas, A., Tudor, A., & Miron, M. (2022). Eruption Timing and Sequence of Primary Teeth in a Sample of Romanian Children. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 12(3), 606.

Prabhakar, M., & Sivapathasundharam, B. (2021). Tooth eruption clock: A novel learning aid. Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology : JOMFP, 25(3), 515–516.  

Verma, N., Bansal, A., Tyagi, P., Jain, A., Tiwari, U., & Gupta, R. (2017). Eruption Chronology in Children: A Cross-sectional Study. International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry, 10(3), 278–282.

Who Uses a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart?
Who Uses a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who Uses a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart?

Baby Teeth Eruption Charts are used by pediatric dentists, general dentists, pediatricians, and dental hygienists. They are also a valuable tool for dental students learning about child dental development. Parents and caregivers often refer to these charts to understand the stages of their child's dental growth.

What is the Purpose of a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart?

The primary purpose of a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart is to track the timeline and sequence of the emergence of baby teeth. This chart is essential for monitoring a child's dental development, identifying any deviations from the normal eruption pattern, and planning appropriate dental care.

When Should a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart Be Used?

These charts are particularly useful during pediatric dental examinations and routine health check-ups. They are also beneficial for parents and caregivers at home to keep track of their child’s dental milestones and in educational settings to teach about early dental health.

How Do You Read a Baby Teeth Eruption Chart?

A Baby Teeth Eruption Chart is read by observing the typical age range for each tooth’s appearance. The chart usually lists the teeth in the order they generally emerge, including the upper and lower jaws. Understanding this chart involves recognizing the different types of baby teeth (like incisors, canines, and molars) and their expected timeline of eruption.

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