Primary Teeth

Explore our Primary Teeth Chart to track baby teeth eruption and ensure proper dental care, setting a foundation for lifelong oral health.

By Emma Hainsworth on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Primary Teeth Chart?

A Primary Teeth Chart, also known as a baby teeth chart, is a visual tool used to track the development and eruption of a child's first set of teeth, known as primary teeth. This chart is an essential resource in pediatric dentistry and child healthcare, providing valuable insights into the typical timeline and sequence of the emergence of these teeth.

The human mouth contains 20 primary teeth; the chart usually outlines when each of these teeth is expected to appear and in what order. The teeth are categorized into incisors, canines, and molars and are located in both the upper and lower jaws. The chart illustrates these teeth in a layout that reflects their position in the mouth, making it easy to identify and track each tooth.

One of the primary functions of the chart is to help pediatric dentists, general dentists, pediatricians, and parents monitor a child’s dental development. It aids in identifying any deviations from the typical eruption pattern, which could indicate potential dental issues that might require professional attention. For instance, if a tooth is significantly delayed in eruption, it might signal an underlying problem that needs to be examined.

In addition to tracking development, the Primary Teeth Chart is also a valuable educational tool. It helps parents and caregivers understand their child's dental growth stages, guiding them on when to start oral hygiene practices like brushing and when to seek dental check-ups. It also assists in preparing the child for the process of tooth loss and the subsequent emergence of permanent teeth.

Moreover, the chart is crucial in record-keeping and treatment planning in pediatric dental care. It helps document the child’s dental history and plan appropriate preventive or corrective dental treatments. Overall, a Primary Teeth Chart is a fundamental tool in ensuring the healthy dental development of children, serving as a guide for both dental professionals and parents.

Downloadable Primary Teeth Chart PDF

Check out our free Primary Teeth Chart for better dentist practices

How Does It Work?

Utilizing the Primary Teeth Chart PDF is a fundamental tool for understanding the development of a child's primary teeth. It's invaluable for both dental professionals and parents, aiding in tracking and discussing the emergence of primary teeth. Here's a step-by-step guide to accessing and using our Printable Primary Teeth Chart:

Step 1: Download the Printable Primary Teeth Chart 

Click on the link provided on our website to access the chart. The chart will open in your default PDF reader, which is ideal for digital viewing. If a hard copy is preferred, you can easily print the chart. This is handy for referencing during dental visits or for tracking your child's dental development at home.

Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with the Eruption Timeline

Review the chart to learn about the typical timeline for primary teeth eruption. Note the different types of primary teeth, such as incisors, canines, and molars, and their usual order of appearance.

Step 3: Observe the Pattern of Eruption

Use the chart to understand the usual pattern in which primary teeth emerge, including the order and approximate ages when teeth typically appear. Remember that the timing of teeth eruption can vary from child to child.

By following these steps, you'll thoroughly understand the primary teeth eruption process and how to use the chart effectively. This knowledge is beneficial not only for dental professionals but also for parents and caregivers seeking to monitor and understand the dental health and development of their children.

Primary Teeth Chart Example (Sample)

Here's a concise list of primary teeth names and their typical eruption timeline, as outlined in our free Primary Teeth Chart PDF:

Upper Jaw (Maxilla) Primary Teeth Names and Eruption Timeline:

  • Central Incisor: Generally erupts between 8-12 months.
  • Lateral Incisor: Typically appears between 9-13 months.
  • Canine (Cuspid): Erupts around 16-22 months.
  • First Molar: Surfaces between 13-19 months.
  • Second Molar: Emerges roughly between 25-33 months.

Lower Jaw (Mandible) Primary Teeth Names and Eruption Timeline:

  • Central Incisor: Usually erupts between 6-10 months.
  • Lateral Incisor: Appears between 10-16 months.
  • Canine (Cuspid): Emerges around 17-23 months.
  • First Molar: Generally appears between 14-18 months.
  • Second Molar: Erupts between 23-31 months.

This chart provides a general guide for the sequence and age range for the appearance of primary teeth. It's important to note that the actual timing of eruption can vary from one child to another, making the chart a flexible reference rather than a strict timeline. The Primary Teeth Chart PDF offers a visual and straightforward representation of this information, proving a helpful tool for parents and caregivers in monitoring a child's dental development.

Download our free Primary Teeth Chart Example PDF here

Primary Teeth Chart Example

When would you use this Chart?

The Primary Teeth Chart is an essential tool in pediatric dentistry and child healthcare, serving various practical applications for different practitioners. Knowing when to use this resource is key to maximizing its benefits.

  • Pediatric Dentistry: Pediatric dentists frequently use the Primary Teeth Chart during dental examinations and consultations. It helps them track and discuss a child's dental development, ensuring the teeth are erupting as expected. The chart is crucial in identifying early signs of dental issues and guiding timely interventions.
  • Pediatric Healthcare Providers: Pediatricians and nurses can refer to the chart during routine health check-ups. It enables them to correlate dental development with other developmental milestones, providing a more comprehensive view of the child's overall health.
  • Parental Guidance: Parents can use the chart at home to monitor their child's tooth eruption and to understand what to expect as their child grows. This awareness helps them maintain proper dental hygiene for their children and identify when to seek dental consultation.

The Primary Teeth Chart is a versatile resource, crucial for both healthcare providers and parents. Its use is pivotal in monitoring, planning, and educating about children's dental development, ensuring that their primary teeth remain healthy and develop correctly.

Primary Teeth Care

Utilizing our Free Primary Teeth Chart to track baby teeth development and eruption is just the first step. Equally crucial is adopting effective dental care practices to ensure these teeth' health and proper development. 

Here are key guidelines for maintaining baby teeth, in line with the insights gained from the chart:

  • Start Brushing Early: As baby teeth emerge, brush with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a smear of regular-strength fluoride toothpaste. This should be done twice daily, particularly before bedtime.
  • Use Fluoride Toothpaste: Fluoride helps strengthen teeth and prevent decay. For babies, toothpaste with at least 1000 ppm fluoride is advisable.
  • Register for Dental Services: Enrolling in a local Community Oral Health Service is beneficial. These services often offer free support for baby dental care.
  • Conduct Regular Mouth Checks: A simple monthly examination, such as lifting the baby's top lip, can help spot early signs of tooth decay and monitor the overall health of emerging teeth.

By understanding the baby teeth eruption pattern from the chart and following these care practices, parents and caregivers can promote optimal oral health in babies, laying a solid foundation for their future dental health.

Why Use Carepatron as your Primary Teeth App?

Carepatron presents an effective Primary Teeth Chart solution, perfect for dental professionals needing a detailed and precise tool for monitoring children's dental growth. This platform is specifically engineered for simplicity and accurate charting of primary teeth.

Key Features of Carepatron's Primary Teeth Chart:

  • Customizable Functionality: The chart offers flexibility, allowing dentists to modify its features to suit their practice's and patients' unique requirements, thereby enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning.
  • Comprehensive Support: Carepatron extends thorough support, encompassing training and technical help, to ensure that dental professionals are well-equipped with the necessary tools and assistance.
  • Robust Data Security: With a deep understanding of the importance of patient privacy, Carepatron implements rigorous security protocols to safeguard sensitive patient information.
  • Up-to-Date Research Tools: The platform integrates the latest findings in dental research, keeping the Primary Teeth Chart and other resources current and efficient.

For dental practitioners who value the fusion of advanced technology and healthcare, Carepatron proves to be an invaluable asset. Its easy-to-navigate design, strict security measures, and research-based tools make it an ideal choice for improving patient care in dental settings.

Clinical Documentation Software


Havale, R., Sheetal, B. S., Patil, R., Hemant Kumar, R., Anegundi, R. T., & Inushekar, K. R. (2015). Dental notation for primary teeth: a review and suggestion of a novel system. European journal of paediatric dentistry, 16(2), 163–166. 

Ogodescu, E., Popa, M., Isac, C., Pinosanu, R., Olaru, D., Cismas, A., Tudor, A., & Miron, M. (2022). Eruption Timing and Sequence of Primary Teeth in a Sample of Romanian Children. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 12(3), 606. 

Jain, P., & Rathee, M. (2023). Anatomy, Head and Neck, Tooth Eruption. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Verma, N., Bansal, A., Tyagi, P., Jain, A., Tiwari, U., & Gupta, R. (2017). Eruption Chronology in Children: A Cross-sectional Study. International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry, 10(3), 278–282.

Who Uses a Primary Teeth Chart?
Who Uses a Primary Teeth Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who Uses a Primary Teeth Chart?

Primary Teeth Charts are utilized by pediatric dentists, general dentists, and dental hygienists, specializing in children's dental care. They are also indispensable for dental students focusing on pediatric dental development. Beyond professional use, parents and caregivers frequently refer to these charts to grasp the developmental stages of their child's primary teeth.

What is the Purpose of a Primary Teeth Chart?

The main purpose of a Primary Teeth Chart is to outline the typical timeline and sequence for the emergence of a child's primary teeth. This chart is vital for tracking a child's dental growth, spotting any unusual patterns in tooth eruption, and aiding in planning effective dental care strategies.

When Should a Primary Teeth Chart Be Used?

Primary Teeth Charts are most helpful during pediatric dental exams and regular health check-ups for children. They also serve as an important tool for parents and caregivers to monitor their child’s dental milestones. In educational environments, these charts are valuable for teaching about the fundamentals of early dental health.

How Do You Read a Primary Teeth Chart?

To read a Primary Teeth Chart, one should note the expected age range for the appearance of each type of primary tooth. The chart typically arranges the teeth in the order they emerge, covering both the upper and lower jaws. Understanding the chart involves recognizing various primary teeth types, incisors, canines, and molars, and their anticipated eruption timeline.

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