Stork Balance Test

Assess balance effectively with our Stork Balance Test template. Ideal for tracking athletic performance and preventing injuries. Download our free example now!

By RJ Gumban on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Why are good static balance capabilities important?

Good balancing capabilities are crucial for maintaining overall physical health and functional independence. Static balance is essential for performing daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and standing up from a seated position. It plays a vital role in athletic performance, helping athletes maintain stability and control during dynamic movements and sports activities.

Maintaining good balance reduces the risk of falls and related injuries, particularly in older adults. Falls are a leading cause of injury among the elderly, and balance training programs can significantly reduce this risk. Improving balance also enhances proprioception, the body’s ability to sense its position in space, leading to better coordination and movement efficiency.

Research indicates that balance exercises can improve muscle strength, flexibility, and overall stability, critical for preventing falls and enhancing the quality of life (Sadaqa et al., 2023). Additionally, good balance supports functional fitness, which is essential for maintaining independence and reducing the risk of mobility-related issues as one ages.

What is the Stork Balance Test?

The Stork Balance Test is a straightforward and practical assessment used to evaluate an individual's ability to maintain balance on one leg. It is widely used in many sports and rehabilitation settings to monitor athletes' equilibrium and proprioception skills. During the test, the individual stands on one leg with the non-supporting foot placed against the inside knee of the supporting leg, hands on hips. The individual then raises their heel to balance on the ball of the foot, and the duration they can maintain this position is recorded.

This test helps identify balance deficiencies and track improvements over time (Johnson & Nelson, 1979). It is precious for athletes, providing insights into their balance capabilities, which is essential for performance and injury prevention. The test also benefits older adults, helping detect balance issues that could increase the risk of falls.

How to use our Stork Balance Test template

Using the Stork Balance Test template is straightforward and helps healthcare professionals assess an individual’s balance capabilities effectively. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Download the template

Begin by downloading the Stork Balance Test template from our website or the Carepatron app. Ensure you have the latest version of the app too.

Step 2: Prepare the patient

Explain the test procedure to the patient, conduct a health risk screening, and obtain informed consent. Record the patient's basic information, including age, height, weight, and gender. Allow the patient to warm up for about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Set up the test environment with a non-slip surface

Ensure you have a flat, non-slip surface and a stopwatch ready. Have the patient remove their shoes and place their hands on their hips. Position the non-supporting foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg.

Step 4: Conduct the test

Give the patient one minute to practice balancing. Then, instruct the patient to raise their heel to balance on the ball of the right leg. Ensure the patient places the toes of the right foot against the knee of the left foot. Start the stopwatch as soon as the heel is raised from the floor and stop it if any criteria for disqualification occur (hands come off hips, supporting foot moves, etc.).

Step 5: Record and interpret results

Perform three attempts and record the time for each attempt in the template. Use the best attempt for scoring. Refer to the table in the template to classify the patient’s balance ability (excellent, good, average, fair, poor). The available data pertains exclusively to 15-16-year-olds and should not be used to interpret test results for a demographically diverse group of test-takers.

Benefits of using our template

Using our Stork Balance Test template offers several advantages for healthcare professionals. This template streamlines the assessment process, ensuring accurate and consistent results every time.

Consistency and accuracy

Our template provides a standardized format for conducting the Stork Balance Test, ensuring consistency and accuracy in every assessment. This helps obtain reliable data, crucial for tracking patient progress over time.

Time efficiency

The template simplifies the process, making it quick and easy to administer the test and record results. This efficiency allows healthcare professionals to spend more time on patient care and less time on paperwork.

Comprehensive documentation

With our template, all necessary patient information, test procedures, and results of clinical tests are neatly organized and documented. This comprehensive approach ensures that nothing is overlooked and all relevant data is captured for future reference.

How do healthcare professionals address impaired balance?

Healthcare professionals assess static balance through a combination of assessments, exercises, and interventions tailored to the individual’s needs. Initially, they conduct thorough evaluations, including balance tests like the Stork Balance Test, to determine the extent of the athlete's ability or impairment. Once assessed, a personalized treatment plan is developed.

Physical therapists often incorporate balance training exercises to improve stability and coordination. These exercises might include standing on one leg, walking the other from heel to toe, and using balance boards. Strengthening exercises for the core and lower body muscles are also crucial, as they support balance.

Addressing underlying issues like vision problems or neurological conditions can significantly enhance balance. To prevent falls and ensure safety, assistive devices like canes or walkers may be recommended for individuals with severe balance impairments.


Johnson, B. L., & Nelson, J. K. (1979). Practical measurements for evaluation in physical education. Burgess Publishing Company.

Sadaqa, M., Németh, Z., Makai, A., Prémusz, V., & Hock, M. (2023). Effectiveness of exercise interventions on fall prevention in ambulatory community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review with narrative synthesis. Frontiers in Public Health, 11(11), 1209319.

How long does the Stork Balance Test take to perform?
How long does the Stork Balance Test take to perform?

Commonly asked questions

How long does the Stork Balance Test take to perform?

The Stork Balance Test takes less than a minute per stork test attempt. Including preparation and multiple attempts, it typically takes around 10-15 minutes.

Can the Stork Balance Test be used for all age groups?

Yes, the Stork Balance Test can be adapted for all age groups. It is commonly used for athletes but can also be valuable for assessing balance in older adults and children.

What if the patient cannot balance for even a few seconds?

If a patient struggles to balance even for a few seconds, this may indicate significant balance issues. Further assessment and a tailored intervention plan should be developed to address these challenges.

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