Wheel Of Life

Give your client our free Wheel of Life Assessment worksheet to help them assess their current level of life satisfaction.

By Chloe Smith on Sep 27, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a wheel of life?

A wheel of life is a versatile tool used by life coaches, counselors, and healthcare practitioners to help individuals assess their overall well-being and life satisfaction across various domains. It is a circular diagram divided into distinct sections, each representing a key area of life, such as work, health, relationships, spirit/self, and family/friends (Byrne, 2005).

At the center of the life wheel is a numerical scale, typically ranging from 0 to 10, which allows individuals to rate their level of satisfaction or fulfillment in each life area. By visually representing these ratings on the corresponding sections of the wheel and into a spider web, individuals raise their awareness and understanding and, as a result, can easily identify thriving areas and those that may require more attention or improvement (Swart, 2022).

The wheel of life typically talks about how a balanced life involves harmony within the following categories:

  • Family and friends: Assessing the quality of family and other relationships and the level of satisfaction derived from family life.
  • Partners and love: Reflecting on the quality and importance of romantic connections.
  • Growth and learning: Thinking about areas for personal growth and self-improvement.
  • Spirituality: Reflecting on spiritual or religious beliefs and the sense of inner peace and purpose.
  • Finance: Assessing financial security and satisfaction with financial management and goals.
  • Career: Considering job satisfaction, work environment, career growth, and professional fulfillment.
  • Health: Evaluating physical health, fitness, and overall well-being.
  • Fun and recreation: Evaluating the quality and quantity of leisure time and recreational activities.

Do note that the presence of the areas may vary depending on the life wheel template or the one completing the wheel of life.

Why is the Wheel of Life Assessment used as a life coaching tool?

The Wheel of Life Assessment is a great life coaching tool that provides a comprehensive and visual representation of an individual’s overall life satisfaction across multiple domains. Here are some key reasons why this life coaching wheel is widely employed by life coaches (Richter et al., 2021):

Holistic perspective

This life balance wheel covers various life areas, such as career, health, relationships, personal growth, self-care, and finances. This holistic approach allows life coaches to understand clients' situations and personal issues and identify neglected areas.

Visual clarity

The life balance wheel's circular format presents information clearly and concisely, making it easier for clients to comprehend and recognize potential imbalances or areas for improvement.


Completing the Wheel of Life assessment encourages clients to reflect on their own lives, current circumstances, and priorities, fostering greater conscious awareness and conscious decision-making.

Progress tracking

This life balance wheel can be revisited periodically, allowing coaches and clients to track progress, celebrate achievements, and adjust their action plans toward a fulfilling life.

After working on this wheel, clients can leverage the Action Plan Template to outline and organize the steps necessary to achieve their goals. This tool helps break down complex objectives into manageable tasks, assign responsibilities, and establish deadlines.

How to use this Wheel of Life Assessment

Using our free Wheel of Life template is quick and straightforward. Check out the instructions to know how to proceed with the assessment:

Step 1: Download the assessment

The link on this page allows you to download a copy of the blank wheel of life worksheet PDF for free to use as is or as a guide if your client wants to create their own wheel. You can also access it within your Carepatron app.

Step 2: Give your client a copy

Provide your client with a copy of the assessment or life balance wheel to complete. Spend time clearly explaining what you're using to evaluate their satisfaction in different areas of life.

Step 3: Let the client complete the life wheel assessment

This assessment is designed so individuals can efficiently work on it independently. Before starting, explain the purpose of the Wheel of Life worksheet. Guide them throughout the assessment and encourage them to consider how they would like their lives to be in the future.

Step 4: Review the assessment

Once the client feels satisfied with their wheel, review it with them and identify areas that need improvement or areas they are satisfied with. During these coaching sessions, you can identify and agree on priorities for future exploration and goal-setting.

When should you do the Wheel of Life Assessment?

The Wheel of Life Assessment can be effective at various stages of an individual's personal growth journey. Here are some key moments when it can be particularly beneficial to complete this exercise:

Beginning of a coaching or counseling journey

Conducting the Wheel of Life Assessment at the start of a life coaching or counseling process provides a baseline understanding of the client's current life situation and areas that may require focus or improvement.

Periods of transition or change

Major life transitions, such as starting a new job, relocating, or experiencing a significant personal event, can be opportune times to reassess life balance and priorities using the life balance wheel.

Goal setting and evaluation

When setting new goals or evaluating progress toward existing goals, the life balance wheel can help identify areas of strength and areas that may need additional attention or adjustment.

Regular check-ins

Periodically revisiting the life balance wheel template, perhaps annually or bi-annually, can help individuals monitor their overall life satisfaction and make necessary adjustments to maintain a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Moments of stagnation or dissatisfaction

If an individual feels stuck or dissatisfied with their current circumstances, the Wheel of Life Assessment can provide valuable insights into areas contributing to these feelings and help identify potential solutions.

Taking action from the Wheel of Life Assessment

After completing the wheel of life exercise, the next steps involve a thoughtful and strategic approach to personal development. Based on the exercise results, clients can start by prioritizing the areas of their lives that require more focus and improvement.

Encourage them to establish SMART goals for each prioritized aspect, breaking them down into manageable steps. Help them identify actions they need to take, outline potential obstacles, and share their goals with family and a support network for accountability.

Clients can also explore relevant resources, tools, and positive habits to aid their journey. They can adjust the action plan as needed and embrace continuous learning to stay informed about effective strategies. Also, encourage them to practice self-compassion, acknowledging that personal growth is dynamic until they are fully satisfied with their life balance.

Lastly, remind them to celebrate achievements to maintain motivation and reinforce positive changes. Remember, the Wheel of Life is a dynamic tool, and these steps can be revisited to assess progress and set new goals as you begin to continue your personal development journey.


Byrne, U. (2005). Wheel of life: Effective steps for stress management. Business Information Review, 22(2), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266382105054770

Richter, S., van Zyl, L. E., Roll, L. C., & Stander, M. W. (2021). Positive psychological coaching tools and techniques: A systematic review and classification. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 667200. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.667200

Swart, J. (2022). The wheel of life as a coaching tool to audit life priorities. ResearchGate. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joan-Swart

What is the wheel of life concept?
What is the wheel of life concept?

Commonly asked questions

What is the wheel of life concept?

The wheel of life concept is a tool used in life coaching and personal development to help individuals assess their level of satisfaction and balance across different areas of their lives. It typically provides helicopter view categories such as career, finances, health, relationships, personal growth, and leisure.

How do you score the Wheel of Life Assessment?

To score the Wheel of Life Assessment, individuals rate their level of satisfaction in each category on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most satisfied. The scores are then plotted on a circular diagram on a life wheel worksheet, visually representing the individual's life balance. Areas with lower scores indicate opportunities for improvement or focus.

How do you facilitate the Wheel of Life Assessment?

To facilitate the Wheel of Life Assessment, coaches or facilitators guide individuals through rating their satisfaction in each category. They may provide a list of questions or prompts to help individuals reflect on their current situation and identify areas that need attention. The facilitator then helps the individual interpret the results and any challenge they might encounter and develop action plans to achieve overall life balance and satisfaction.

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