Life Coach Wheel

Elevate your life with the Life Coach Wheel – your personalized guide to growth and success.

By Liliana Braun on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Template

What is the Life Coach Wheel?

The Life Coach Wheel is a dynamic life coaching tool that fosters personal growth, balance, and fulfillment. This simple yet powerful tool visually represents various life areas, allowing individuals to assess and prioritize their priorities. Life coaches often use this tool in coaching sessions to guide clients through a conscious awareness of their satisfaction levels in different aspects of life, such as work, relationships, health, and more.

The Wheel of Life exercise involves clients identifying areas of satisfaction and areas that need improvement, creating a comprehensive overview of their current life balance. The wheel, resembling a spider web or helicopter view, lets clients reflect on their long-term goals and priorities. By completing the wheel, clients can identify specific actions to achieve a more balanced and satisfying life.

This tool has online versions available, making it accessible to many coaches and individuals. Whether exploring personal development, career advancement, or enhancing relationships, the Life Coach Wheel provides a structured approach to identifying priorities, setting goals, and tracking progress. It's an invaluable resource for those seeking a fulfilling life and wanting to bring more attention to important areas for improvement.

Printable Life Coach Wheel

Download this Life Coach Wheel to help clients create a structured approach to identifying priorities, setting goals, and tracking progress.

The key categories on the Life Coach Wheel

The Wheel of Life, a fundamental life coaching tool, is structured into key categories representing various aspects of an individual's life. These essential life categories include work environment, personal growth, mental well-being, relationships, health, career, financial stability, and more. Coaches use these categories to guide clients in identifying areas that require attention, exploration, and improvement.

The Wheel of Life exercise encourages clients to reflect on their satisfaction levels and prioritize these critical life areas. By assessing each category, individuals can gain a holistic perspective on their lives and pinpoint specific priorities for focus. This powerful coaching tool enables clients to set long-term goals, create actionable plans, and make progress toward achieving a more balanced and fulfilling life.

The Wheel of Life visualizes these key life categories, offering a structured framework for clients to explore and enhance various aspects of their lives. Through thoughtful consideration and guided coaching sessions, individuals can achieve greater balance, satisfaction, and overall well-being across the key categories on the Wheel of Life.

How to use the Life Coach Wheel

  1. Introduce the Wheel of Life: Explain the Wheel of Life concept to your client. It is a visual representation of various life categories, each representing a crucial aspect of their life.
  2. Identify key categories: Collaboratively identify the key life categories relevant to your client's well-being. These may include work, personal growth, relationships, health, finance, etc. Tailor the categories to meet the specific needs and goals of the individual.
  3. Rate satisfaction levels: Ask your client to rate their current satisfaction levels in each category on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being the least satisfied and 10 being fully satisfied. This provides a baseline for understanding areas that require attention.
  4. Visualize the wheel: Plot the satisfaction scores on the Wheel of Life chart to create a visual representation. Connect the points to see how balanced or imbalanced the completed wheel appears. An uneven wheel indicates areas that need improvement.
  5. Set goals and priorities: Based on the assessment, work with your client to set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for each category. Prioritize these goals to create a roadmap for improvement.
  6. Create action plans: Develop actionable steps and strategies for your client to address the identified areas of improvement. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to enhance clarity and feasibility.
  7. Regular review and adjustment: The Wheel of Life is a dynamic tool. Regularly review and reassess satisfaction levels as clients progress. Adjust goals and action plans as needed, ensuring continuous growth and balance.
  8. Encourage reflection: Throughout the coaching process, encourage and challenge your client to reflect on their journey. Celebrate achievements, acknowledge challenges, and adapt the approach as necessary.
  9. Promote accountability: Foster a sense of accountability by regularly checking in on progress and discussing any obstacles. This helps clients stay focused and motivated on their journey toward a more balanced life.
  10. Celebrate success: Celebrate milestones and successes with your client. Positive reinforcement enhances motivation and encourages a proactive approach to life.

Life Coach Wheel example (sample)

We have created a sample Life Coach Wheel template for your reference. You can use this as a guide when filling out the free worksheet or for other educational purposes. Feel free to view it here or download it here.

Download this free Life Coach Wheel example here:

Life Coach Wheel example (sample)

Taking action from the Wheel of Life exercise

After completing the Wheel of Life exercise, the next steps involve a thoughtful and strategic approach to personal development. Start by prioritizing the areas of your life that require more focus and improvement based on the exercise results.

Establish SMART goals for each prioritized aspect, breaking them down into manageable steps. Craft a detailed action plan that outlines specific tasks and potential obstacles, and share your goals with your family and a support network for accountability.

Explore relevant resources, tools, and positive habits to aid your journey. Regularly reflect on your progress, adjust the action plan as needed, and embrace continuous learning to stay informed about effective strategies. Practice self-compassion, acknowledging that personal growth is a dynamic process.

Lastly, celebrate achievements to maintain motivation and reinforce positive changes. Remember, the Wheel of Life is a dynamic tool, and these steps can be revisited to assess progress and set new goals as you begin to continue your personal development journey.

Coaching questions for the wheel of life


What aspects of your current job bring you the most satisfaction?

Are there specific skills or talents you feel underutilized in your current role?

How do you envision your future career progressing in the next 1-2 years?


What financial goals do you want to achieve in the short and long term?

How would you rate your current financial management habits?

What steps can you take to improve your financial well-being?


How would you describe your current state of physical and mental health?

What self-care practices contribute positively to your overall well-being?

Are there areas of your health that require more attention or improvement?

Family & relationships:

Which relationships in your life bring you the most joy and fulfillment?

How do you balance quality time with loved ones amid your other commitments?

Are there unresolved issues or communication challenges within your relationships?

Personal growth:

In what areas do you seek personal development and growth?

How do you nurture your intellectual and emotional well-being?

What new skills or knowledge would you like to acquire?

Recreation & leisure:

What activities or hobbies bring you a sense of joy and relaxation?

How do you incorporate leisure time into your routine?

Are there new recreational pursuits you'd like to explore?


How satisfied are you with your current living and working environments?

Are there changes or improvements you'd like to make to your physical space?

How does your environment contribute to or hinder your overall well-being?


What practices or beliefs provide you with a sense of spiritual connection?

How do you nurture your spiritual well-being on a regular basis?

Are there aspects of your spiritual life that you'd like to explore further?

Contribution & giving back:

In what ways do you currently contribute to your community or causes you care about?

How can you enhance your impact through volunteerism or charitable efforts?

Are there specific causes that resonate with your values and interests?


How would you describe the current state of your romantic relationship, if applicable?

What actions can you take to strengthen and deepen your romantic connections?

Are there communication patterns or relationship dynamics that need attention?

Research supporting the wheel of life

The concept of well-becoming, not commonly used in everyday language or public health economics, has been explored in research, acknowledging the diverse life journeys towards meaning and purpose. Drawing inspiration from the Dahlgren and Whitehead rainbow infographic, a new visual representation resembling "the wheel of life" has been created to redefine well-being as a continuous process of growth across various life stages.

The infographic encapsulates concentric rings representing personal, local, and national/global factors influencing well-being and well-becoming throughout the life course, even addressing topics often avoided, such as death. The study reflects the impact of significant global events like the pandemic and war on national and global factors. Health economists are encouraged to adopt a life-course approach and embrace the well-becoming concept of evaluating individual programs and government policies at a population level (Edwards, 2022).

In a parallel randomized controlled trial focused on elderly individuals in a senior welfare center, the effects of Wheel of Wellness counseling on wellness lifestyle, depression, and health-related quality of life were investigated. Participants undergoing Wheel of Wellness counseling experienced significant improvements in various aspects of a wellness lifestyle, including a sense of control, nutrition, exercise, self-care, stress management, and work. Perceived wellness and depression also showed noteworthy enhancements in the intervention group compared to the control group. The study recommends further research into the long-term effects of the Wheel of Wellness intervention and its impact on health outcomes for the elderly population (Kwon, 2015).

The Wheel of Life, whether as an encompassing visual model of well-being across life stages or a structured counseling intervention, is valuable in promoting holistic well-being and understanding the multifaceted dimensions of an individual's life. Its versatile applications empower individuals to assess, prioritize, and enhance various aspects of their lives, fostering growth, resilience, and improved mental health.

Why use Carepatron as your life coaching software?

Carepatron stands out as a comprehensive and user-friendly Life Coaching software app that integrates advanced technology with the essentials of life coaching. Here's why Carepatron is the ideal choice for your life coaching needs:


Carepatron allows for a highly personalized coaching experience. It understands that every individual is unique, with different goals, needs, and pace of learning. This app allows you to customize your Life Coaching Worksheets to align with your unique goals and preferences.

Ease of use

The app prides itself on its intuitive user interface. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to navigate and utilize the platform. Its clear, easy-to-follow layout makes setting goals, tracking progress, and reflecting on growth a breeze.

Interactive features

Carepatron has interactive features that make the coaching journey more engaging and customizable to your preferred techniques. These features include progress tracking, reminders, and notifications that keep you on track and motivated toward your goals.

Security and privacy

Your personal information and progress data are secure with Carepatron. It prioritizes users' privacy and data security, ensuring your coaching journey remains private and confidential.

Flexibility and accessibility

Whether you prefer working on a desktop or the go using your smartphone, Carepatron has got you covered. It’s accessible across multiple devices, ensuring you can update your progress, check your plans, or review your goals whenever and wherever you want.


If you're working with a life coach, Carepatron can facilitate seamless communication and collaboration. You can share your worksheets, goals, and progress with friends and your coach, fostering effective communication and enhancing the coaching experience.

Incorporating Carepatron as your Life Coaching Software provides a holistic and effective life coaching journey. It's more than just a tool—it's a companion that supports, tracks, and celebrates your progress toward your life goals.

Life Coach Software
What is the Wheel of Life Coaching Tool?
What is the Wheel of Life Coaching Tool?

Commonly asked questions

What is the Wheel of Life Coaching Tool?

The Wheel of Life is a coaching tool that visually represents different areas of life, helping individuals assess and balance key aspects such as career, relationships, and personal development.

How does the Wheel of Life work?

Users rate their satisfaction in various life categories on a scale, visually representing their life balance. This tool aids in identifying areas for improvement and goal-setting.

What benefits does the Wheel of Life offer?

The Wheel of Life provides a holistic view of one's life, fostering self-awareness, goal clarity, and actionable steps forward for positive change through structured coaching conversations.

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