Enneagram Test

Discover your personality with our free Enneagram Test. Uncover insights into the nine Enneagram types. Start your journey today.

By Olivia Sayson on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is an Enneagram Test?

The Enneagram Test is one of the many personality tests people may encounter online. If you have heard about Myers-Brigss, 16 Personality, or MBTI, it is closely familiar with these. This enneagram personality test reveals a good understanding of an individual's personality based on their responses to each statement.

Regarding the background of its translation, the term Enneagram means 'drawing of nine.' The Greek word 'ennea' means nine, and 'gram' means figure or drawing. This creates the definition drawing of nine, deeply related to the nine different figures or personalities.

The nine personality types in the Enneagram Test are identified numerically and defined by a specific title. The numerals are categorized by the typical personality and traits they hold. Enneagram Tests can aid in a deeper understanding of an individual's motivation, emotions, fears, strengths, and weaknesses.

Other times, people refer to it as the number personality test or personality number quiz because it refers to an aspect of the Enneagram Test, such as identifying one's Enneagram type by selecting a number associated with certain personality traits or tendencies.

Like the astrology or natal chart, Enneagram results can't be only one type. A person's result may be a mixture of two or three types firmly based on the responses. Remember that the Enneagram doesn't rigidly define personality; human psychology is dynamic and may evolve.

How can Enneagram personality test results improve relationships?

Understanding one's Enneagram type can be transformative for your clients' relationships. Insights into behavior patterns and communication styles empower them to navigate interactions with heightened awareness and empathy.

By recognizing and appreciating the Enneagram types of others, clients can foster healthier dynamics and communication. For instance, identifying the Helper's (Type 2) tendency to prioritize others can aid in setting boundaries, while understanding the Investigator's (Type 5) need for privacy can lead to establishing respect.

How can official Enneagram Test results support clients' personal growth?

Enneagram results offer a roadmap for growth, pinpointing strengths and areas needing development. Each type comes with tailored growth suggestions to achieve balance and self-awareness.

For instance, if your client is a Type 3 (The Achiever), focus on fostering authenticity and self-worth beyond achievements. Encourage assertiveness and goal prioritization for a Type 9 (The Peacemaker).

Understanding how different types handle stress and conflict equips clients with healthier coping mechanisms. They can tackle obstacles hindering personal development by grasping core motivations and fears.

How to use this Enneagram Test template?

Discovering personality types is a fun activity that involves knowing the inner self. Not only is it helpful to know oneself better, but it also directs how to overcome fears and realize motivations. Administer this Free Enneagram Personality Test to your patient by following these steps: 

Step 1: Download the template

Once the test is downloaded, print the file for the client. The file is editable and may be administered during the digital or virtual consultation.

Step 2: Read each line carefully

Explain the statements to the client and advise to ensure that each statement is well-understood to get the best results.

Step 3: Pay attention to the choices

Ensure that the level of agreement is clear to the client. Explain how each question can be answered and the range or level of agreement to a particular item. You may also show how to answer an example item so that it is more apparent how to respond to the questions.

Step 4: Check the answers

Once the client is through with answering the test, make sure that all fields are completed. Double-check all items so that you may proceed with the calculation.

Step 5: Read the results

After completing the calculations, read out to the client their personality type and address their concerns about their personal development. Relate their results to their situation and lead them to discover themselves through their completed test.

Who can use these printable Enneagram Tests (PDF)?

Personality Tests are very accessible online, just like those that are readily available on the internet. This Printable Enneagram Test is free to use for everyone. Specifically, here are some groups that can use the test:

  • Counselors: They can use the Enneagram Test to gain insights into their clients' personalities, facilitating more effective counseling sessions tailored to individual needs.
  • Life coaches: Enneagram Tests help life coaches understand clients' underlying motivations and behaviors, enabling them to offer targeted guidance for personal development and goal achievement.
  • Psychologists: Psychologists utilize the Enneagram Test in psychotherapy to deepen their understanding of client's thought patterns and emotional responses, aiding in treatment planning and progress monitoring.
  • Leadership coaches: The Enneagram Test enhances leadership effectiveness by allowing them to recognize and leverage their clients' unique leadership styles and communication preferences.
  • Religious groups: Religious groups can employ Enneagram Tests for spiritual growth and self-awareness, helping individuals understand how their personality influences their beliefs, behaviors, and relationships within their faith community.

Overall, this Enneagram Test PDF is helpful to anyone who wants to discover more about and understand their inner self and core beliefs. Those who seek personal development may also find it useful.

Why is this template popular with life coaches?

Life coaches use the Enneagram Test to profoundly understand thought patterns, potential limiting beliefs, and internal conflict. Here are a few of the reasons why the Enneagram Test is frequently used in life coaching: 

It draws a map outside the box

Since Enneagram does not box you into one personality type, it directs you to others you possess. The Enneagram pattern shows how multidisciplinary a person can become. Because of its wing system, life coaches provide better explanations and advice in personal development. 

Enneagram gives keys to your inner self

Life coaches find Enneagram to be the key to many doors in a person's personality. In analogy, the Enneagram type could be a person's personality blueprint. If you know how the system or structure works, it brings out the potential quickly. It allows clients to discover more about themselves and be self-confident.

It explains a person's why

Often, clients reach out to Life Coaches about a part of their personality that is a barrier to their personal development. Enneagram personality types help explain the unhealthy personality and how the remaining parts of their Enneagram personality type can improve it.

Simply put, the Enneagram is a powerful coaching tool. It is a multipurpose tool that helps with different aspects of personal development.  

What are the nine types of the Enneagram Test?
What are the nine types of the Enneagram Test?

Commonly asked questions

What are the nine types of the Enneagram Test?

The nine types are: Type 1 (The Reformer), Type 2 (The Helper), Type 3 (The Achiever), Type 4 (The Individualist), Type 5 (The Investigator), Type 6 (The Loyalist), Type 7 (The Enthusiast), Type 8 (The Challenger), and Type 9 (The Peacemaker).

Who can benefit from taking the Enneagram Test?

Anyone seeking self-awareness and personal growth can benefit from the Enneagram Test, including individuals, couples, families, counselors, therapists, coaches, and organizations.

How long does it take to complete the Enneagram Test?

Typically, the Enneagram Test takes around 10-20 minutes to complete, but the duration may vary depending on the complexity of the assessment and the depth of reflection involved.

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