What Is an End of Life Planning Checklist?

An End of Life Planning Checklist is a comprehensive document designed to assist individuals in organizing and outlining their preferences and arrangements for the end of their lives. 

This resource guides individuals to communicate their wishes regarding medical, legal, and personal matters, ensuring their desires are respected and carried out when they can no longer decide for themselves.

Typically, this checklist covers a range of important considerations. These may include advance healthcare directives, which outline preferences for medical treatment in case of incapacitation, as well as the designation of a healthcare proxy or power of attorney to make medical decisions on behalf of the individual. 

It may also address legal matters such as creating a will, specifying how assets should be distributed, and appointing an executor to handle the estate.

Moreover, the checklist often includes details about funeral and memorial preferences, including burial or cremation choices, desired ceremonies, and any specific wishes regarding organ donation. 

Additionally, individuals may use the checklist to document crucial financial information, such as bank accounts, insurance policies, and outstanding debts, to facilitate settling their affairs after death.

By completing an End of Life Planning Checklist, individuals can ease the burden on their loved ones during a challenging time and ensure their final wishes are honored. This resource encourages proactive and thoughtful consideration of one's end-of-life preferences, fostering a sense of control and peace of mind in facing the inevitable. 

It serves as a tool for personal reflection and effective communication with family members, legal representatives, and healthcare providers, contributing to a more organized and respectful transition at the end of life.

End Of Life Planning Checklist Template

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End Of Life Planning Checklist Example

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How does it work?

Access the form

Begin by obtaining a printable End of Life Planning Checklist. This form is often available through legal and healthcare websites, estate planning services, or from your local government.

Personal information

Enter your personal information, including your full name, date of birth, and contact details. This information is crucial for identification purposes.

Healthcare directives

Specify your preferences for medical treatment in case of incapacity. This may include details about life-sustaining measures, resuscitation, and organ donation. Designate a healthcare proxy or power of attorney to make medical decisions on your behalf.

Legal matters

Address legal considerations by outlining your last will. Clearly state how your assets are distributed and appoint an executor to fulfill these wishes. Include information about any existing trusts or estate plans.

Funeral and memorial preferences

Document your preferences for end-of-life ceremonies. Specify whether you prefer burial or cremation, and provide details about any desired funeral or memorial services. Include information on your chosen resting place.

Financial information

List your financial details, including bank accounts, insurance policies, and outstanding debts. This information aids in the settlement of your affairs after death.

Digital assets

Consider and document your digital legacy. Include information about online accounts and social media profiles and instructions for managing or closing them.

Review and update

Periodically review and update your End of Life Planning Checklist to accurately reflect your current wishes and circumstances.

Share with loved ones

Share the checklist with your loved ones, legal representatives, and healthcare providers. Discuss your decisions with them to ensure they understand and can assist in implementing your preferences when the time comes.

Store securely

Safely store the completed checklist in a secure location, such as a safety deposit box or with your legal documents. Provide access information to trusted individuals.

When would you use this checklist?

The End of Life Planning Checklist proves invaluable in various situations. It serves as a comprehensive tool for individuals to express their end-of-life preferences and streamline decision-making processes for their loved ones. Here are vital instances when this checklist becomes particularly relevant:

  • Severe illness or diagnosis: When faced with a painful or terminal illness, individuals can use the End of Life Planning Checklist to articulate their specific medical treatment preferences, ensuring that healthcare providers and family members are informed about their desires for care.
  • Aging and retirement: As individuals age or approach retirement, it becomes prudent to complete the checklist to address medical preferences and outline financial, legal, and funeral decisions. This proactive approach aids in avoiding confusion and potential disputes among family members.
  • Estate planning: Individuals engaging in estate planning can use the checklist to formalize their last will, designate beneficiaries, and appoint executors. This step is crucial in ensuring that assets are distributed according to the individual's wishes.
  • Organizing personal affairs: The checklist benefits anyone wishing to manage their affairs comprehensively. It includes sections for financial information, digital assets, and other details essential for settling an individual's estate after their passing.
  • Medical procedure consent: Before undergoing medical procedures, individuals can use the checklist to document their preferences regarding specific interventions, resuscitation measures, and organ donation. This is especially relevant for surgeries or treatments with potential life-altering consequences.
  • Family discussions: Engaging in family discussions about end-of-life preferences can be facilitated by using the checklist. It serves as a structured guide, helping individuals communicate their wishes clearly and providing a basis for open and supportive conversations with family members.

What do the results mean?

The results of completing an End of Life Planning Checklist can have significant implications for individuals and their loved ones, providing clarity and guidance during challenging times. Here are typical results and what they typically mean:

  • Clear Communication of wishes: One of the primary outcomes is the clear communication of an individual's end-of-life wishes. This includes preferences for medical treatment, decisions about organ donation, funeral and memorial choices, and the distribution of assets. The checklist serves as a tangible record of these decisions, ensuring that loved ones are aware of and can honor the individual's desires.
  • Reduced family disputes: Detailing one's wishes in advance minimizes the likelihood of family disputes. The checklist serves as a reference point that can help prevent disagreements among family members regarding critical decisions, such as medical care and the distribution of assets.
  • Empowerment and control: Completing the checklist empowers individuals to take control of their end-of-life decisions. It provides a structured framework for expressing personal values and preferences, fostering a sense of empowerment and control over the inevitable, which can be exceptionally comforting during challenging times.
  • Easier decision-making for loved ones: The checklist serves as a roadmap for family members and designated decision-makers, making navigating complex and emotionally charged situations easier. Having clear instructions can alleviate the burden of decision-making and reduce stress during an already difficult time.
  • Legal and financial preparedness: The checklist facilitates legal and financial preparedness by ensuring that important documents, such as wills and information about financial accounts, are in order. This contributes to a smoother transition for the estate settlement process.
  • Respect for individual autonomy: Results from completing the checklist reflect a commitment to respecting individual autonomy. It emphasizes the importance of honoring personal choices, values, and beliefs, allowing individuals to live out their final moments that align with their unique perspectives.

Research & Evidence

Scholarly research consistently underscores the pivotal role of patient autonomy and dignity in healthcare decision-making (Cake & Alcp, 2023). Actively participating in end-of-life care planning grants individuals a sense of control and significantly enhances the likelihood of receiving care that resonates with their deeply held values and preferences (Chiu, 2023).

Encapsulated within meticulously crafted checklists, documented end-of-life preferences are a powerful tool to mitigate family conflicts (Milne, 2023). By fostering clear communication of one's wishes, these checklists contribute to smoother decision-making processes among family members, reducing uncertainties and potential disputes (Parker-Pope, 2023).

The broader concept of advance care planning, which includes the strategic use of tools like comprehensive checklists, has become increasingly prominent in contemporary medical literature (End Of Life Choices Oregon, 2023). Research consistently advocates for early engagement in discussions surrounding end-of-life preferences, emphasizing its correlation with improved patient and family outcomes, heightened care quality, and increased satisfaction with medical decisions (Robertson, 2021).

The importance of sound documents such as wills and advance healthcare directives is well-documented in the legal and ethical realms. Their research supports using comprehensive checklists to holistically cover the various dimensions of an individual's end-of-life journey (Better Place Forests, 2023).

Engaging in end-of-life planning extends beyond the clinical; it holds psychosocial benefits, fostering a sense of peace, reducing anxiety, and promoting overall well-being for individuals and their families during this challenging period (Eterneva, 2023).


Better Place Forests. (2023, October 12). End-of-life planning checklist. Better Place Forests. https://www.betterplaceforests.com/blog/end-of-life-planning/end-of-life-planning-checklist/

Cake, & Alcp, A. L. M. C. (2023, September 19). [FREE] End-of-Life Planning Checklist with documents for 2022. Cake Blog. https://www.joincake.com/blog/end-of-life-planning-checklist/

Chiu, R. (2023, February 27). End-of-Life Planning Checklist. Canada Protection Plan. https://www.cpp.ca/blog/end-of-life-planning-checklist/

End Of Life Choices Oregon. (2023, March 23). Checklist: End of life planning. End of Life Choices Oregon. https://eolcoregon.org/help-end-life-choices-oregon/checklist-end-of-life-planning/

Eterneva. (2023, July 13). Love Letter. Eterneva. https://www.eterneva.com/resources/end-of-life-checklist

Milne, B. (2023, October 12). End-of-life planning checklist. Better Place Forests. https://www.betterplaceforests.com/blog/end-of-life-planning/end-of-life-planning-checklist/

Parker-Pope, T. (2023, January 8). 6 joyful steps for end-of-life planning. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/01/05/end-of-life-planning/

Robertson, D. (2021, July 27). Planning For The End: An End Of Life Planning Checklist. Dr. Care Solutions. https://www.drcaresolutions.com/blog-post/planning-for-the-end-an-end-of-life-planning-checklist

How to create an End Of Life Planning Checklist?
How to create an End Of Life Planning Checklist?

Commonly asked questions

How to create an End Of Life Planning Checklist?

Creating an End Of Life Planning Checklist is easy. Use resources like Carepatron or other online tools, input your preferences for medical, legal, and personal matters, and customize it to align with your unique wishes.

When are End Of Life Planning Checklists used?

End Of Life Planning Checklists are used during serious illness, aging, or when engaging in estate planning. They guide individuals to communicate their preferences, ensuring clarity and reducing potential disputes among family members.

How are End Of Life Planning Checklists used?

Users can access online platforms or templates to fill out the checklist comprehensively. It covers medical directives, legal considerations, funeral preferences, and financial details. The list is then shared with loved ones, legal representatives, and healthcare providers to facilitate decision-making.

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