Neer's Test

Neer's test is a diagnostic tool for shoulder impingement syndrome. Learn how this simple physical exam can identify the source of your patient’s shoulder pain.

By Bernard Ramirez on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Neers Test?

is a physical exam maneuver used to diagnose shoulder impingement syndrome. Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common condition that occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles become compressed and irritated as they pass through a narrow space between the bones and soft tissues of the shoulder joint. This can result in pain and weakness in the shoulder, limiting movement and function.

During the Neer's test, the patient stands or sits while the examiner stabilizes the scapula with one hand and flexes the patient's arm forward and upward with the other hand. This maneuver compresses the rotator cuff tendons against the acromion, the bony prominence on the top of the shoulder blade. If the maneuver reproduces the patient's pain symptoms, it indicates a positive test result and suggests the presence of shoulder impingement syndrome.

Neer's test is a simple and reliable diagnostic tool that a healthcare provider can perform in a clinical setting. It is often used with other physical exam maneuvers and imaging studies, such as X-rays or MRI scans, to confirm a diagnosis of shoulder impingement syndrome and guide appropriate treatment.

Treatment for shoulder impingement syndrome may include rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid injections, or surgery in severe cases. By identifying the source of the patient's shoulder pain, Neer's test can help healthcare providers develop an effective treatment plan to alleviate symptoms and improve function.

Printable Neer's Test

Download this Neer's Test to diagnose shoulder impingement syndrome.

How does this printable Neer Test work?

The printable Neer test is a template that can be used to perform Neer's test for shoulder impingement syndrome. It is a convenient tool for healthcare providers to document the patient's symptoms and test results during the exam. Here are the steps involved in using and filling out the template:


Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the exam to the patient.

Patient position:

 Ask the patient to stand or sit upright with the arm to be tested at their side.


With one hand, stabilize the patient's scapula to prevent movement during the test.

Arm flexion: 

With the other hand, flex the patient's arm forward and upward, raising it as high as possible.

Test result: 

Observe the patient's response to the maneuver. If the patient reports pain or discomfort, note this on the template.

Repeat on the other side:

Perform the test on the other shoulder if necessary and document the results.


Use the results of Neer's test, other physical exam maneuvers, and imaging studies to confirm a diagnosis of shoulder impingement syndrome if present.

Treatment plan: 

Develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the patient's diagnosis and symptoms.

Using the printable Neer test can help healthcare providers accurately document the patient's symptoms and test results, aiding in making a timely diagnosis and developing an effective treatment plan.

Neer’s Test Scoring

Neer's test’s scoring system is used to quantify the severity of shoulder impingement syndrome based on the patient's response to the exam. The scoring system assigns points for pain and weakness during the test, with higher scores indicating more severe impingement.

The scoring system consists of four categories, each with a maximum possible score of 3 points:

  • Pain during forward flexion: If the patient reports pain during the Neer's test, 1 point is assigned. If the pain is severe enough to stop the test, 2 points are given.
  • Pain during forced elevation: If the patient reports pain during the forced height of the arm, 1 point is assigned. If the pain is severe enough to stop the test, 2 points are given.
  • Weakness during abduction: If the patient experiences weakness or inability to raise the arm during an abduction, 1 point is assigned. If the patient cannot raise the arm at all, 2 points are assigned.
  • Night pain: If the patient reports pain that disturbs their sleep, 1 point is assigned.

The total score is calculated by adding the points from each category, with a maximum possible score of 12. Higher scores indicate more severe impingement and can help healthcare providers develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Neer's test’s scoring system is a simple and valuable tool for quantifying the severity of shoulder impingement syndrome and can aid in monitoring the patient's progress and response to treatment.

Neer’s Test example (sample)

A Neer's Test template typically consists of a standardized format that allows healthcare providers to document the exam results. While the specific design may vary, here is a general outline of how a Neer's Test template may look:

  • Patient information
  • Test procedure
  • Scoring system
  • Results and observations
  • Diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Additional note

The template's layout may be organized in a clear and structured manner, with sections, headings, and designated fields or checkboxes to facilitate efficient documentation of the results.

Download this Neer's Test Example (Sample) here:

Neer’s Test example (sample)

When to use these Neers Shoulder tests?

The Neer's shoulder tests are appropriate when a healthcare provider suspects a patient may have shoulder impingement syndrome. This common condition can cause pain and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. Neer's test is a simple and reliable diagnostic tool that can help healthcare providers identify the presence of shoulder impingement syndrome. It can be performed in a clinical setting with minimal equipment.

Some common indications for using the Neer's shoulder tests include:

Shoulder pain: 

Suppose a patient presents with shoulder pain, primarily if it is localized to the anterior or lateral aspect of the shoulder. In that case, Neer's test may be appropriate to help identify the source of the pain.

Limited range of motion: 

If a patient reports difficulty or pain with shoulder movement, the Neer's test can help to identify impingement of the rotator cuff tendons as a potential cause.

History of shoulder trauma:

 If a patient has a history of shoulder injury or trauma, they may be at increased risk for shoulder impingement syndrome, and the Neer's test can help to confirm or rule out this diagnosis.

Athletes or manual laborers: 

Individuals participating in sports or manual labor may be at increased risk for shoulder impingement syndrome. Neer's test can identify this condition early and prevent further damage or complications.

Benefits of these free Neers Test Templates

Benefits of using free Neer's Test Templates:


Using a pre-designed Neer's Test template can save healthcare providers valuable time that would otherwise be spent creating a template from scratch.


Templates help ensure accuracy and consistency in documentation and scoring, which is essential for making a correct diagnosis and tracking patient progress.


A printable template makes it easier for healthcare providers to perform and document the Neer's test during a physical exam.


A well-designed, easy-to-read template can help healthcare providers maintain a professional appearance and improve patient satisfaction.


Free Neer's Test templates are easily accessible and can be downloaded and printed from anywhere with an internet connection.


The free Neer's Test templates are cost-effective for healthcare providers and patients, as they do not require additional fees or equipment.

Using a Neer's Test template can provide healthcare providers with numerous benefits, including increased accuracy, efficiency, and professionalism. These templates can help healthcare providers make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome while improving patient satisfaction. By providing a free and accessible resource, these templates can help improve patient care quality without adding any extra costs to the healthcare system.

Why use this Neers Test app?

Carepatron is a healthcare platform professionals can use to manage patient care, including assessments like the Neer's test. Carepatron offers centralized patient management, allowing easy access to all relevant patient information and facilitating a holistic approach to care. The platform prioritizes data security and confidentiality, ensuring patient information remains protected.

Carepatron enables seamless collaboration among healthcare professionals involved in a patient's care, which is particularly beneficial when multiple specialists or care teams are engaged in assessing and managing complex conditions. Healthcare professionals can customize assessment templates, including relevant questions, scoring systems, and outcome measures. This flexibility ensures that assessments can be tailored to specific patient needs or clinical requirements.

With Carepatron, healthcare professionals can create and track individualized patient treatment plans. Integration with assessment results allows for evidence-based decision-making and improved patient outcomes. Carepatron provides analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling healthcare professionals to gain insights into patient outcomes, trends, and performance metrics. This data-driven approach supports quality improvement initiatives and facilitates evidence-based practice.

Physical Therapy Software
What are the risks associated with Neer's Test?
What are the risks associated with Neer's Test?

Commonly asked questions

What are the risks associated with Neer's Test?

Neer's Test is generally considered safe, but there is a risk of exacerbating shoulder pain or causing injury in some cases. Healthcare providers should perform the test correctly and avoid causing unnecessary discomfort.

What should patients do to prepare for Neer's Test?

Patients should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that allows for easy shoulder movement. They should also inform their healthcare provider of any shoulder pain or discomfort they have experienced.

Does insurance cover Neer's Test?

Most health insurance plans generally cover Neer's Test. However, patients should check with their insurance provider to confirm coverage and associated costs or copayments.

Can Neer's Test be performed on both shoulders?

Yes, Neer's Test can be performed on both shoulders if necessary. This can help healthcare providers to compare the mobility, strength, and pain levels in each shoulder and develop an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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