Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan

Download our comprehensive Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template – a user-friendly guide for healthcare professionals to enhance patient care.

By Joshua Napilay on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template?

An Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan is a document healthcare professionals use to outline a comprehensive approach to care for patients with limited physical activity due to medical conditions, injuries, or overall health status.

The template guides nurses in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the care provided to patients with activity intolerance. It typically includes several key components:

  • Patient assessment: This section gathers information about the patient's medical history, health status, and factors contributing to activity intolerance. Nurses assess the patient's baseline activity level, identifying specific limitations and challenges.
  • Nursing diagnosis: Based on the assessment, nurses formulate a nursing diagnosis that identifies the patient's activity intolerance and the underlying causes. This diagnosis guides the development of appropriate interventions and goals.
  • Goals and expected outcomes: The template outlines measurable and realistic goals for the patient. These goals are specific to improving the patient's ability to engage in physical activity, considering their circumstances and health condition.
  • Interventions: This section details the nursing interventions that will be implemented to address the identified issues. Interventions may include therapeutic exercises, mobility assistance, pain management strategies, and education on energy conservation techniques.
  • Evaluation: The care plan template includes a framework for ongoing evaluation to assess the effectiveness of interventions and whether the patient is progressing toward the established goals. Adjustments to the care plan can be made based on this evaluation.
  • Patient education: Education is a crucial aspect of the care plan, helping patients understand their condition, learn self-management strategies, and actively participate in their care.

The Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template helps healthcare providers address activity limitations systematically and improve patient outcomes through enhanced communication and consistent care delivery.

Printable Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan

Download this Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan nurses in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the care provided to patients with activity intolerance.

How does it work?

1. Patient Assessment

Assess the patient's medical history, current health status, and activity levels using standardized tools to identify limitations and challenges.

2. Nursing diagnosis

Create a nursing diagnosis for activity intolerance based on evidence gathered during assessment. Use terms such as "impaired physical mobility" or "ineffective breathing pattern."

3. Goals and expected outcomes

Establish measurable and realistic goals that focus on improving the patient's ability to engage in physical activity. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

4. Interventions

Outline a comprehensive plan of nursing interventions to address the identified issues. Include therapeutic exercises, mobility assistance, pain management strategies, and patient education on energy conservation techniques.

5. Evaluation

Assess patient progress towards goals regularly. Use measures to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. Modify the care plan as needed.

6. Patient education

Create an education plan that empowers patients to understand their condition, how to manage it, and when to seek medical attention.

7. Documentation

Create a comprehensive and accurate nursing care plan for Activity Intolerance. Include relevant data, assessments, diagnoses, goals, interventions, and evaluations.

8. Review and collaboration

Review the care plan regularly with the healthcare team for consistent care. Collaborate with other professionals for holistic patient management.

9. Printable template

Utilize a printable Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template that follows the established format. Ensure that the template is easily accessible and can be updated as the patient's condition evolves.

10. Continuous improvement

Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by seeking feedback from the healthcare team and incorporating lessons learned into future care plans. Stay updated on evidence-based practices and adjust the care plan accordingly.

Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan example (sample)

The Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan for Mrs. Smith, a 68-year-old patient diagnosed with chronic heart failure, exemplifies a comprehensive and individualized approach to addressing her limited mobility. 

The template outlines specific interventions tailored to Mrs. Smith's condition, including therapeutic exercises, mobility assistance with a walker, and pain management strategies. 

The short-term and long-term goals, such as increasing walking distance and achieving independence in light household activities, provide measurable targets for tracking progress. Patient education on self-management strategies and signs of deterioration empowers Mrs. Smith to participate actively in her care.

Healthcare professionals can utilize this example as a guide in their practice, documenting and adapting it to the unique needs of patients facing similar challenges. 

The structured template, available in a PDF format, facilitates easy accessibility and can be a valuable resource for improving communication among healthcare teams and ensuring a consistent and evidence-based approach to patient care.

Download this Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan:

Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan

When would you use this template?

The Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template is a valuable resource that is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Post-surgery or hospitalization: Patients recovering from surgery or a hospital stay may have activity limitations. Nurses can use this template to create personalized care plans catering to their patient's needs and aiding recovery.
  • Chronic illness management: Patients with chronic illnesses often have reduced tolerance for physical activity. The template helps healthcare practitioners manage and improve the patient's activity levels over time.
  • Rehabilitation programs: Rehabilitation patients benefit from a structured care plan tailoring interventions to enhance activity tolerance gradually.
  • Elderly care: Elderly individuals may have mobility and activity issues due to aging or health conditions. Nurses in senior care can use this template to create safe activity plans.
  • Home healthcare settings: Templates are valuable tools for nurses to create in-home healthcare plans that can be easily communicated and implemented in a patient's home environment.
  • Preventive care: Using templates proactively can help identify and address issues before they escalate, especially in wellness programs or for those with activity intolerance risk factors.
  • Palliative care: The template can be adapted in palliative care to alleviate symptoms of activity intolerance, improving patient comfort and well-being.
  • Long-term care facilities: Nurses can develop care plans for long-term residents using the provided template to ensure structured activity maintenance or improvement based on their unique needs.

By employing the template in these scenarios, healthcare practitioners can enhance patient care quality, promote better outcomes, and facilitate effective communication among the healthcare team. 

The template is a practical tool for individualized patient care planning, aligning interventions with the specific challenges of activity intolerance.

What do the results mean?

Interpreting the results of a plan involves assessing the patient's progress and the effectiveness of implemented interventions. Here are typical results and their meanings:

  • Improved activity tolerance: Interventions like therapeutic exercises and mobility assistance can lead to positive outcomes such as increased stamina, mobility, and performance in physical activities, contributing to improved activity tolerance.
  • Stabilized condition: Interventions may focus on preventing a decline in activity tolerance rather than significant improvement, if necessary. Effective management and mitigation of factors contributing to activity intolerance can stabilize the patient's condition.
  • Achieved goals: Meeting the specified goals within the set timeframe signifies successful care plan implementation. For instance, if the goal was to increase the patient's walking distance by a certain percentage, achieving or exceeding this target demonstrates progress and effectiveness in care.
  • No significant change: In some instances, despite concerted efforts, there may be no significant change in the patient's activity tolerance. This result prompts a reevaluation of the care plan, necessitating adjustments to interventions or the identification of potential barriers to progress.
  • Exacerbation or decline: A decline in activity tolerance or worsening of symptoms may indicate that the current interventions are not effectively addressing the underlying issues. It prompts a reassessment of the care plan to identify the reasons for the setback and implement appropriate modifications.
  • Patient satisfaction and adherence: Assessing patient satisfaction and adherence to the care plan is crucial. If the patient reports satisfaction with their progress and adheres to the prescribed interventions, it suggests a positive response to the plan and the likelihood of continued success.

A free Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template is helpful for healthcare professionals to document quantitative and qualitative data related to patient activity levels and experiences. Regular reviews contribute to continuous improvement, and the template promotes accessibility and cost-effectiveness.

Why use Carepatron as your Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan app?

Carepatron is the ultimate Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Template app revolutionizing the healthcare industry! Our innovative platform provides healthcare professionals with an unparalleled tool to streamline and elevate patient care strategies. 

With our platform, you can easily create, update, and access care plans, optimizing your workflow and saving valuable time in the fast-paced healthcare environment.

Our comprehensive suite of tools makes us the go-to practice management software. Our customizable templates are specifically designed to adapt to the unique needs of your patients, allowing you to tailor interventions, set measurable goals, and track progress seamlessly. 

Our intuitive interface makes even the most complex care plans easily navigable, enabling you to focus on delivering the highest quality care without being bogged down by administrative tasks.

Collaboration is critical to adequate healthcare, so we foster teamwork. Our cloud-based architecture enables real-time collaboration among healthcare professionals, whether you work in a hospital, clinic, or home healthcare setting. 

With us, plans are accessible wherever and whenever needed, allowing instant updates, secure data sharing, and improved communication. This results in enhanced patient outcomes and satisfaction, our ultimate goal.

We are dedicated to empowering healthcare professionals with the tools they need to provide exceptional patient care. With our user-friendly design, advanced features, and commitment to collaboration, we are confident that Carepatron will become an essential part of your patient care strategy. 

Join us today and experience the future of healthcare!

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Ahernandez. (2023, February 28). Nursing diagnosis Decreased activity tolerance. Nursing Diagnosis.

Assis, C. C., De Barros, A. L. B. L., & Ganzarolli, M. Z. (2007). Evaluation of expected outcomes of nursing interventions to address the nursing diagnosis of fatigue among patients with congestive heart failure. Acta Paulista De Enfermagem, 20(3), 357–361.

Kim, T. Y. (2007). Clinician adoption patterns and patient outcome results in Evidence-Based nursing Plans of care. PubMed Central (PMC).

Latif, Y. (2021, October 28). Activity intolerance.

Mozafaripour, S. (2023, January 30). How to write a care Plan: a guide for nurses. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences.

How do you create an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan template?
How do you create an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan template?

Creating a care plan template involves assessing the patient, formulating a nursing diagnosis, setting measurable goals, planning interventions, and regularly evaluating and updating the plan based on the patient's progress.

When are Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Templates used?

These templates are used when patients experience limited ability to engage in physical activity due to various health issues. They are applicable post-surgery, during rehabilitation, in chronic illness management, and for elderly care, among other scenarios.

How are the Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan Templates used?

The templates guide healthcare professionals in systematically addressing activity intolerance. They include sections for patient assessment, nursing diagnosis, goals, interventions, evaluation, patient education, and clinical documentation, ensuring a comprehensive and individualized approach to care.

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