Biceps Tendonitis Test

Discover a comprehensive guide to diagnosing and managing biceps tendonitis, with special tests and treatment options tailored for healthcare professionals.

By RJ Gumban on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What Is Biceps Tendonitis?

, a common source of shoulder pain, is an inflammation or irritation of the long head of the biceps tendon. This tendon connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint, vital to arm mobility and stability. When subjected to excessive strain, repetitive movements, or overuse, the tendon may become inflamed or irritated, resulting in biceps tendonitis.

Healthcare professionals encounter biceps tendonitis in various contexts, from sports medicine to general practice. Athletes, manual laborers, and individuals with poor postures are at a higher risk of developing this condition. Biceps tendonitis often presents with symptoms such as shoulder pain, tenderness, and stiffness, which may worsen during activities involving overhead movements or when lifting heavy objects.

Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention are crucial to prevent further complications, such as tendon rupture or adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). A comprehensive assessment, including a thorough patient history and physical examination, is essential for an accurate diagnosis. Special tests designed to isolate the biceps tendon can help healthcare professionals differentiate biceps tendonitis from other shoulder pathologies, such as rotator cuff tears or impingement syndrome.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the diagnostic process, special tests, and treatment options for biceps tendonitis. Healthcare professionals will find this resource valuable for enhancing their understanding of the condition and implementing effective patient management strategies.

Printable Biceps Tendonitis Test

Download this Biceps Tendonitis Test to help assess and diagnose your patients.

How Does This Biceps Tendonitis Test Work?

This Biceps Tendonitis Test is designed to help healthcare professionals diagnose biceps tendonitis effectively and efficiently. By conducting a series of special tests, practitioners can identify the presence of pain or discomfort associated with biceps tendonitis and distinguish it from other shoulder pathologies. In this section, we provide a step-by-step guide on performing these tests and interpreting the results.

Step 1: Prepare the Patient

Explain the purpose of the test to the patient and obtain their consent. Ensure the patient wears appropriate clothing that allows easy access to the shoulder area. Depending on the test, position the patient correctly for each test, either sitting or standing.

Step 2: Perform the Tests

Conduct the four tests (Speed's Test, Yergason's Test, Neer's Impingement Test, and Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test) as described in the table. Pay close attention to the patient's response, noting any pain or discomfort in the designated areas during each test. Ensure proper technique and patient positioning to obtain accurate results.

Step 3: Record the Results

Using the provided scoring system, assign a score of 0 (negative sign) or 1 (positive sign) for each test, depending on whether the patient experiences pain or discomfort. Record the scores in the appropriate column of the table.

Step 4: Interpret the Results

A score of 1 on two or more tests indicates a positive finding for biceps tendonitis. If the results are positive, consider further assessment and evaluation, including imaging studies or referral to a specialist, to confirm the diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

The Biceps Tendonitis Test is a valuable tool for healthcare professionals to identify and diagnose biceps tendonitis accurately. By following this step-by-step guide, practitioners can effectively assess their patients' shoulder pain and develop targeted treatment plans to alleviate symptoms and improve functionality.


The scoring system for the Biceps Tendonitis Test is designed to be straightforward, allowing healthcare professionals to quickly and easily interpret the results. Each of the four tests included in the assessment is assigned a score of either 0 or 1 based on the presence or absence of pain or discomfort during the test.

A score of 0 indicates a negative sign, meaning the patient did not experience pain or discomfort during the test. Conversely, a score of 1 indicates a positive sign, meaning the patient experienced pain or discomfort in the designated area during the test.

To determine a positive finding for biceps tendonitis, simply tally the scores for each test. If a patient receives a score of 1 on two or more tests, this suggests the presence of biceps tendonitis. In such cases, healthcare professionals should consider further evaluation and assessment, including imaging studies or a referral to a specialist, to confirm the diagnosis and develop a tailored treatment plan.

By using this straightforward scoring system, healthcare professionals can efficiently diagnose biceps tendonitis and initiate appropriate interventions to help patients recover and regain optimal shoulder function.

Biceps Tendonitis Example (Sample)

Our sample test is crucial because it provides a clear and concise framework to help doctors evaluate the bicep muscle. Practitioners can quickly and reliably assess their patients' symptoms thanks to the clear instructions and organized format, which includes patient information, test descriptions, and scoring. This sample test guarantees a uniform strategy, improving diagnostic precision and care quality.

Download this Biceps Tendonitis Test Example (Sample) here:

Biceps Tendonitis Example (Sample)

When To Use These Biceps Tendonitis Assessments?

Biceps tendonitis is a common injury that can cause pain and discomfort in the shoulder area. It is caused by the inflammation of the biceps tendon that connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder bone. Healthcare professionals may use biceps tendonitis assessments to determine if a patient suffers from this condition.

Here are some situations where it may be appropriate to use a biceps tendonitis assessment:

  • Patients With Shoulder Pain: Biceps tendonitis is a common cause of shoulder pain. Healthcare professionals may use the assessment to confirm a diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
  • Patients With Repetitive Strain Injuries: People who engage in repetitive overhead activities, such as throwing or lifting weights, are at a higher risk of developing biceps tendonitis. Healthcare professionals may use the assessment to identify early signs of the condition and prevent further injury.
  • Patients With a History of Biceps Tendonitis: Patients who have previously suffered from biceps tendonitis are at a higher risk of developing the condition again. Healthcare professionals may use the assessment to monitor the patient's condition and prevent reoccurrence.
  • Athletes: Athletes who participate in sports that involve throwing or overhead movements, such as baseball or tennis, are at a higher risk of developing biceps tendonitis. Healthcare professionals may use the assessment to identify early signs of the condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan to prevent further injury.

Healthcare professionals may use biceps tendonitis assessments to diagnose and manage patients with this condition. The assessments can be used in various situations, including patients with shoulder pain, repetitive strain injuries, a history of biceps tendonitis, and athletes.

Benefits of These Free Biceps Tendonitis Test Templates

Streamlined Assessment Process

These templates simplify the assessment process by providing a clear and structured format, allowing healthcare professionals to easily record and evaluate patient information, test results, and scores.

Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy

Utilizing a standardized template helps ensure consistency in conducting the Biceps Tendonitis Test, leading to improved diagnostic accuracy and more targeted patient treatment plans.


The organized layout of the templates saves time for healthcare professionals, enabling them to quickly conduct assessments and determine appropriate interventions for patients with biceps tendonitis.

Easy to Use

The straightforward design of these templates makes them accessible to a wide range of healthcare practitioners, facilitating accurate assessments and promoting better patient care.


Solution These free templates offer a cost-effective alternative to purchasing expensive diagnostic tools or software, making them an ideal choice for healthcare professionals on a budget.

Shareable and Printable

The templates can be easily shared with colleagues or printed in a clinical setting, ensuring an efficient flow of information and enhanced patient care.

Why Use This Biceps Tendonitis Test App?

Carepatron is the ideal platform for healthcare professionals seeking to streamline their diagnostic processes and improve patient care. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Carepatron simplifies the management of Biceps Tendonitis Tests, enabling users to focus on what truly matters - providing exceptional patient care.

In addition to hosting the Biceps Tendonitis Test template, Carepatron offers a wealth of resources and tools designed to support healthcare professionals in their day-to-day practice. From organizing patient records to facilitating secure communication with colleagues, Carepatron empowers practitioners to work more efficiently and collaboratively.

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your diagnostic process and elevate your patient care with Carepatron. Sign up for a free account today and discover how our platform can revolutionize your practice—experience firsthand the benefits of using Carepatron for your Biceps Tendonitis Tests and more.

Physical Therapy Software
Can the Biceps Tendonitis Test be used to diagnose other shoulder conditions?
Can the Biceps Tendonitis Test be used to diagnose other shoulder conditions?

Commonly asked questions

Can the Biceps Tendonitis Test be used to diagnose other shoulder conditions?

While the Biceps Tendonitis Test is specifically designed to identify biceps tendonitis, some included tests, such as Neer's Impingement Test and Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test, may also help identify other shoulder pathologies like rotator cuff impingement. However, conducting a comprehensive assessment and considering other special tests to diagnose various shoulder conditions accurately is crucial.

Is imaging necessary if the Biceps Tendonitis Test is positive?

A positive Biceps Tendonitis Test suggests the presence of biceps tendonitis, but imaging studies, such as ultrasound or MRI, can help confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the extent of the condition. Imaging studies can also rule out other potential causes of shoulder pain and guide healthcare professionals in developing an appropriate treatment plan.

What should be done if the Biceps Tendonitis Test is negative but the patient still experiences shoulder pain?

If the test is negative, but the patient continues to experience shoulder pain, it is essential to consider other potential causes, such as rotator cuff tears, impingement syndrome, or adhesive capsulitis. A comprehensive assessment, including additional special tests and imaging studies, should be conducted to accurately diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the patient's pain.

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