Yergason's Test

Learn about Yergason's test, a clinical examination used to diagnose shoulder injuries. Download a free printable template and see an example.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a Yergason's Test?

Yergason's Test is a medical examination to assess the integrity of the transverse ligament and the bicipital groove in the shoulder joint. The test is named after American orthopedic surgeon Dr. John B. Yergason.

During the test, the patient's arm is positioned with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees, and the forearm is pronated. The examiner then resists the patient's attempt to supinate their forearm while the patient simultaneously tries to resist the force. The test is considered positive if the patient experiences pain or the bicipital tendon pops out of the bicipital groove.

‍is commonly used to evaluate patients with shoulder pain, especially those with suspected biceps tendonitis or bicipital instability. It is one of several tests used to assess the shoulder joint and its surrounding structures, and the test results can help guide the course of treatment for the patient.

Printable Yergason's Test

Download this Yergason's Test to diagnose shoulder injuries in clients.

How does this printable Yergason's Test Shoulder work?

The printable Yergason's Test Shoulder is a free resource that provides a standardized way to administer the Yergason's test. Here are the steps involved in doing the test:

Step 1

Download the printable Yergason's Test Shoulder template from a reliable source.

Step 2

Print the template on an A4 paper or a similar size.

Step 3

Ask the patient to sit or stand with their arm at their side, elbow flexed at a 90-degree angle, and forearm pronated (palm facing down).

Step 4

Stand in front of the patient and place one hand on the wrist and the other on the elbow to stabilize the arm.

Step 4

Instruct the patient to attempt to supinate their forearm (rotate the palm up) against the resistance provided by you.

Step 5

Simultaneously apply resistance to the patient's supination motion by pressing down on their wrist.

Step 6

Assess the patient's response to any pain, discomfort, or clicking sound, and also look for any bicipital tendon movement out of the bicipital groove.

Step 7

Note the patient’s response and document the test results in the patient's medical record.


A negative test result indicates that the biceps tendon is likely intact and in its proper position within the bicipital groove, while a positive test result may indicate a problem with the biceps tendon, such as biceps tendonitis or a bicipital instability.

Yergason's Test example (sample)

We have provided a sample answered template to serve as a guide for users. You can download the sample template to see how to fill out the template and interpret the results of Yergason's test.

Download this Yergason's Test Example (Sample) here:

Yergason's Test example (sample)

When to use these Yergason's Assessments?

Yergason's Test should be used when evaluating patients with shoulder pain, tenderness, weakness, or clicking sounds. These symptoms may indicate a range of shoulder conditions, including biceps tendonitis or bicipital instability. Yergason's Test can help assess the integrity of the transverse ligament and the bicipital groove in the shoulder joint, both important structures that help stabilize the biceps tendon.

The results of Yergason's Test can guide the patient's treatment course. If the test is negative, it suggests that the biceps tendon is likely intact and in its proper position within the bicipital groove. However, if the test is positive, it may indicate a problem with the biceps tendon, such as biceps tendonitis or bicipital instability. In such cases, further diagnostic tests or imaging studies may be needed to confirm the diagnosis and guide the treatment.

It is important to note that Yergason's Test is not a standalone diagnostic tool and should be interpreted with other clinical findings and diagnostic tests. Medical professionals may also use other diagnostic tests like Speed's or O'Brien's to evaluate the shoulder joint and surrounding structures. Therefore, the results of Yergason's Test should be considered in the context of the patient's overall clinical presentation and medical history.

Benefits of these free Yergason's Test Templates

The free Yergason's Test Templates offer several benefits, including:


The templates provide a standardized way to administer the Yergason's Test, ensuring consistency and accuracy in the results.


The templates are quick and easy to use, saving time for the medical professional and the patient.


The templates provide a record of the test results that can be documented in the patient's medical record for future reference.


The templates are available for free download, making them accessible to healthcare providers and patients.

Learning tool

The templates can be used as a learning tool for medical students and residents studying the evaluation and treatment of shoulder injuries.

Why use this Yergason's Test app?

The Yergason's Test app offered by Carepatron is a user-friendly and efficient way to administer the Yergason's Test. With the app, medical professionals can easily administer the test, record the results, and document them in the patient's medical record. The app also provides helpful tips and information on interpreting the test results. Carepatron is the best place to use this app as it offers a secure and HIPAA-compliant platform for medical professionals.

Physical Therapy Software
Who created the Yergason's Test?
Who created the Yergason's Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who created the Yergason's Test?

The Yergason's Test was first described by American orthopedic surgeon Dr. John B. Yergason in 1909.

How to use the Yergason's Test?

The Yergason's Test involves resisting the patient's attempt to supinate their forearm while the patient simultaneously tries to resist the force. The results are interpreted based on the patient's response.

What are the benefits of the Yergason's Test?

The Yergason's Test helps to assess the integrity of the transverse ligament and the bicipital groove in the shoulder joint, and the results can guide the course of treatment for the patient.

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