Belly Press Test for Shoulder

Discover the Belly Press Test For Shoulder and how it can help you assess your patient's shoulder. Access our free template today!

By Ericka Pingol on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Belly Press Test For Shoulder?

The subscapularis is a large triangular muscle on the shoulder joint's anterior side. It originates from the subscapular fossa, which is part of the scapula (shoulder blade) and attaches to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. The subscapularis is essential in internally rotating and adducting the arm and stabilizing the shoulder joint. It is one of four muscles that comprise the rotator cuff and is vital in maintaining shoulder joint integrity.

Injury to this muscle can lead to decreased range of motion, pain, and weakness in the affected area. Strengthening exercises for the subscapularis is important to help keep the shoulder joint healthy and reduce the risk of injury.

Healthcare professionals, especially physical therapists, use the to assess the function of the subscapularis muscle. This test is often used as an alternative to the Lift Off Test, allowing providers to measure the subscapularis' strength, integrity, and range of motion.

Check out this video to see how the Belly Press Test is performed:

Printable Belly Press Test for Shoulder

Download this Belly Press Test for Shoulder to assess your patient’s shoulder.

How does this Belly Press Test For Shoulder work?

Our free Belly Press Test For Shoulder template includes a step-by-step guide on performing this exam. It also has a section where you can jot down your findings after conducting the assessment. Here's how to get started:

Step One: Access the free template

Download our free Belly Press Test For Shoulder from the link on this page or the Carepatron app. You can also get it from our resources library.

Step Two: Discuss the exam with your patient

Thoroughly explain how the test works to your patient and ensure they understand what's expected of them. Explain that the test is designed to measure the subscapularis' condition.

Step Three: Assess your patient

Use the instructions listed on the template to perform the Belly Press Test For Shoulder. Ensure your patient is comfortable and relaxed throughout the assessment.

Step Four: Record and analyze the results

Document your patient's results on the template, then analyze them to determine the subscapularis' condition. Based on your patient's results, make a diagnosis and discuss it with them.

Belly Press Test For Shoulder Interpretation

The Belly Press Test For Shoulder is a reliable indicator of the subscapularis condition. A positive test result indicates that the subscapularis tendon is intact and functioning normally. On the other hand, a negative test result indicates subscapularis tendon disruption or injury.

This exam should be used with other orthopedic tests to make an accurate diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan. It is important to remember that each patient’s situation is unique and different tests may need to be performed to determine the exact cause of the issue.

Belly Press Test For Shoulder example (sample)

Here is a Belly Press Test PDF example illustrating how to jot down findings after administering the exam. You can view the sample here or download it as a PDF for reference.

Download the free Belly Press Test For Shoulder example (sample)

Belly Press Test For Shoulder example (sample)

When to use this Belly Press Assessment For Shoulders?

The Belly Press Assessment For Shoulder is most often used to evaluate the performance of a patient’s subscapularis muscle. It can help determine if there is potential for weakness or injury of this muscle, which may be necessary when creating a treatment plan. You can also use this exam to:

Check the range of motion in a patient's shoulder

You can administer the Belly Press Test For Shoulder to evaluate the range of motion in a patient’s shoulder. This is important information for determining whether or not a certain exercise or intervention will be effective in the patient’s shoulder rehabilitation.

Assess the strength and stability of a patient’s subscapularis muscle

This exam can also be used to evaluate the strength and stability of a patient’s subscapularis muscle. Weakness or instability in this muscle could be causing shoulder pain, so it is important to assess this during a physical exam.

Evaluate posture, alignment, and balance in the shoulder area

The Belly Press Test For Shoulder can also evaluate posture, alignment, and balance in the shoulder area. Poor posture or misalignment can strain the shoulder joint, leading to pain. Through this test, you can determine if any corrections need to be made to improve shoulder joint function and reduce pain.

Test for signs of shoulder impingement

Shoulder impingement is a common cause of shoulder pain and can be diagnosed through physical tests. You may use the Belly Press Test For Shoulder to measure shoulder strength and range of motion and look for signs of shoulder impingement. A positive result on the Belly Press Test may indicate shoulder impingement.

Benefits of free Belly Press Test For Shoulder

This free Belly Press Test For Shoulder is fully digital and easy to perform in minutes. Here are some of its other advantages:

It's comprehensive

Our template provides a step-by-step guide on performing the Belly Press Test For Shoulder, allowing you to accurately assess your patient's shoulder in no time.

It's cost-effective

Unlike traditional assessments, the free Belly Press Test For Shoulder does not require any special equipment or additional costs. You can also use it anytime, anywhere.

It helps patients feel in control of their treatment

By involving them in the assessment process, patients can better understand their condition and how to manage it. This helps to promote engagement with their treatment plan.

It promotes early diagnosis and effective treatment

Regularly using the Belly Press Test For Shoulder can help you identify any changes that may indicate an underlying issue or injury. This allows for an early diagnosis and helps patients start treatment immediately.

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How to interpret Belly Press Test For Shoulder?
How to interpret Belly Press Test For Shoulder?

Commonly asked questions

How to interpret Belly Press Test For Shoulder?

A positive Belly Press Test For Shoulder indicates an issue or injury in the subscapularis muscle. Meanwhile, a negative result indicates the absence of an issue.

What does the Belly Press Test For Shoulder measure?

This exam measures the subscapularis' ability to contract fully, indicating the muscle's overall health. The test also checks the strength and endurance of the subscapularis and helps identify any muscular imbalances between it and other muscles in the upper back or shoulders.

What are the benefits of the Belly Press Test For Shoulder?

The Belly Press Test For Shoulder helps diagnose issues that may be causing pain or mobility problems in the shoulder, such as rotator cuff tears or impingement. The test can also assess the progress of any physical therapy or exercise regimen related to shoulder health. Finally, it's a great way to track improvements in strength and endurance over time.

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