Tooth Number Charts

Utilize this printable Tooth Number Chart to easily keep track of your patient's dental information. Access a free PDF example for reference.

By Ericka Pingol on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Tooth Number Chart?

Dental professionals use a to systematically identify and designate individual teeth within the oral cavity. It is a standardized approach for precise and effective communication regarding specific teeth across diagnoses, treatment planning, and discussions. Two well-known tooth numbering systems exist – the Universal Numbering System and the Palmer Notation Method.

The Universal Numbering System, which is more widely utilized, assigns a unique number to each tooth. It starts from the upper right third molar, designated as tooth number 1, extends along the upper arch to the upper left third molar, tooth number 16, and proceeds down the lower arch from the lower left third molar, tooth number 17, to the lower right third molar, tooth number 32.

Printable Tooth Number Chart

Download this Tooth Number Chart to keep track of your patient’s dental health.

How does it work?

Our printable Tooth Number Chart uses the Universal Number System, allowing you to track dental information efficiently. Here's how to get started:

Step One: Download the chart

Access the free template through the link provided on this page. You can also download it from the Carepatron app or our extensive resource library.

Step Two: Explain how it works

Explain the chart and its purpose to your patient. Tell them which number corresponds with each tooth, ensuring they thoroughly understand how it works.

Step Three: Record information

Using the Tooth Number Chart, record any relevant dental information you need, such as teeth affected by decay or tooth replacement options. This will help ensure your patient's dental data is organized and easily accessible.

Step Four: Monitor progress

As you continue to work with the Tooth Number Chart, monitor any changes in your patient's dental health. This will help provide insight into areas where further work needs to be done and inform decisions on future treatment options.

Tooth Number Chart example (sample)

We've prepared a Tooth Number Chart PDF example to illustrate the chart's usage. This sample demonstrates how to map a patient's tooth numbers and assess potential dental concerns. You can preview the sample online or download the PDF version.

Download the free Tooth Number Chart example (sample)

Tooth Number Chart example (sample)

When do you use this Tooth Number Chart?

You can use Carepatron's free Tooth Number Chart template to track dental information. This chart is especially useful when recording information on a patient's teeth, such as noting areas of decay or impacted wisdom teeth. Additionally, you can utilize this to:

Identify risks of dental issues

The Tooth Number Chart can help you identify areas of risk, such as pre-existing damage or cavities that need to be addressed. This information is valuable and should inform decisions on future treatments and preventive measures.

Compare tooth conditions across patients

You can also use this chart to compare the tooth conditions between patients. This process can help you assess health trends across your practice and make data-informed decisions on treatments for a given patient.

Educate patients about oral health and dental risks

Educating patients about their tooth numbers and potential dental risks is crucial. By comprehending the significance of tooth numbers and their implications for oral health, patients can make informed decisions about dental care and maintenance.

Facilitate effective communication with other dental professionals

The Tooth Number Chart can be valuable for communicating with other dental professionals. For instance, when referring a patient to a specialist, the chart can provide an at-a-glance overview of key areas of concern, enabling more effective and efficient care coordination.

Benefits of Free Tooth Number Chart

The free Tooth Number Chart can be a valuable asset in your dental practice. Here are some of its benefits:

It's efficient

The chart contains all essential details for accurate dental monitoring, eliminating the need for additional paperwork or calculations. You can use it quickly and easily to access the information you need.

It's fully digital

You can easily access our free template online and incorporate it into your dental practice. It's also available in digital format, so you can easily customize it to suit your needs.

It's educative

This chart serves dental professionals and provides an excellent educational tool for patients. It can help them better understand their dental conditions and the importance of proactive oral care.

It's cost-effective

As a free digital resource, the Tooth Number Chart eliminates the need for costly physical resources and helps you save on your practice's operational costs.

How are tooth numbers determined?
How are tooth numbers determined?

Commonly asked questions

How are tooth numbers determined?

Tooth numbers are standardized based on the Universal Numbering System or the Palmer Notation System. Dental professionals use these systems to consistently identify specific teeth in the mouth.

What does the Tooth Number Chart signify?

The Tooth Number Chart displays the numbering of teeth in a patient's mouth. It helps track dental conditions, treatment progress, and potential issues over time.

Is the Tooth Number Chart reliable?

The Tooth Number Chart is a dependable method for recording and monitoring tooth numbering and dental conditions. It adheres to established dental practices and is endorsed by dental healthcare providers.

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