Male Monthly Hormone Cycle

Use this guide to see the value in long-term tracking of the 24-hour male hormone cycle. This resource is a must for clients struggling with their mental and hormonal well-being.

By Harriet Murray on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Male Monthly Hormone Cycle Chart?

Unlike the month-long hormonal shifts a patient-assigned female at birth (AFAB) experiences, those assigned male at birth (AMAB) cycle through an entire hormonal shift in 24 hours. This charting tool helps to decipher the peaks of testosterone in the male body throughout this shorter cycle. It can highlight irregular patterns that may lead to intervention and a closer look at situational factors. 

On average, Males have approximately ten times more testosterone than females, and this dominating hormone governs the male hormone cycle. Estrogen and progesterone are present but exist in much lower quantities within the male body. Males experience hormonal change and the accompanied symptoms of imbalance, such as mood swings, every day! 

By utilizing this charting tool and repeating it over a month-long period, the daily patterns of testosterone peaking and dipping can become clear and create a valuable educational tool around hormonal change and its impact on the male body. Rather than a diagnosing tool for hormonal imbalance, this chart is a well-being tool that spans over a month and plays into the importance of mood tracking and understanding the patient's own body. 

There are thousands of hormonal monthly trackers designed for females and dedicated to the education of hormone change on the mind and body, yet we need a resource specific to hormonal tracking for males. By distributing this male monthly hormone cycle chart to clients via the Carepatron centralized workspace and free patient portal, you are empowering men to tune into their daily testosterone levels. By identifying patterns, underlying health issues such as mental health concerns or libido can be identified and visualized in a tangible tracking chart. 

How Does it Work?

Step One: Gather your Resources

An easy-to-access and user-friendly chart for recording and documenting the male monthly hormone cycle is a key well-being check for the education of hormonal changes in male patients. Ensure you have your free printable male monthly hormone cycle chart on hand by simply clicking the “Download Template” button or keyword search “male monthly hormone cycle chart” on the extensive database in Carepatrons template library.

Step Two: Distribute the Template and Collate Data

Run through the typical testosterone fluctuations in the 24-hour cycle with your patient by highlighting the informative section of the chart, then share the document with them for personalized daily tracking.

Either print the document for distribution or share the template with them through the free patient portal.

Step Four: Analyze Results

This chart is intended for a monthly overview of the 24-hour male cycle. Encourage daily tracking for a clear pattern to be formed, and advise the patient to reach out to you as their medical provider if they are experiencing fluctuations that don't align with the typical testosterone changes. Abnormal patterns may indicate the need for further intervention, but analysis isn't necessary unless concern is raised.

Step Five: Store the Template Securely

After reviewing the results and hosting a consultation with your patient, should they hold any concerns over patterns forming over the month-long period, you should safely and securely store the chart so that access is only offered to relevant parties.

Ensure this by utilizing Carepatrons HIPAA-compliant free patient records software. Here, all relevant medical records can be safely stored and collated for ease and security.

When would you use this chart?

A male monthly hormone cycle chart is not a commonly used chart as males don't experience the same cyclic hormonal fluctuations as females, and testosterone levels stay quite consistent in their levels throughout the day. Despite this, there are specific situations where charting this 24-hour cycle over a month-long period can be of great benefit to patients and healthcare providers:

Patient Education

Offering this chart to male clients and highlighting the handy information on normal testosterone fluctuations throughout the day can be an informative practice on mood, libido, motivation, and energy levels. By creating a tracking routine a sense of empowerment can be felt by the client as knowledge is formed around the normal functioning of their own body.

Self Led Charting

This is a relatively hands-off chart for healthcare providers and has value for the self-led data tracking of individuals. The patient needs to have the information about what abnormal daily cycle activity looks like, and to see that occur over an extended period of time helps you as their clinician decide further steps for investigation.

Mental Health and Well-Being Practice

Testosterone fluctuations can impact mood, irritability, libido, and energy levels. Having a tool that allows for easy tracking and ‘what to expect’ aspects makes this chart a valuable resource for clients struggling to gain an understanding of their mental well-being.

Note that this chart is not intended for diagnosis of hormonal imbalance or mental health disorders, rather, it is a self-guided tracking model to help build hormonal literacy in your patient.

What do the Results Mean?

The 24-hour cycle of male hormones can be broken down into three key moments on the daily timeline (morning, afternoon, and evening). Below are the typical testosterone peaks and drops throughout these moments, as well as information on what may be causing testosterone imbalances. 

Morning: Testosterone Is Highest

Testosterone levels typically peak in the mornings, leading to feelings of confidence, heightened energy, and lack of temperance control. The morning peak may play a part in the patient's inability to control outbursts of anger. 

Typically, sex drive correlates with testosterone levels, and this heightened period may see an increase in libido. If the patient has high cortisol (eg. stress related factors contributing to the influx of stress hormones), the production of testosterone is significantly impacted. Thus, an abnormal or depleted level of testosterone is produced. 

Afternoon: Testosterone Levels Decrease

It is at the afternoon point in which testosterone levels typically reach a happy medium, and intense reactions to feelings such as anger are less likely to affect the whole body. The medium range offers the male a sense of control, yet testosterone is still present enough for high energy and drive levels. This is a period of focus and balance. 

Evening: Testosterone Is at Its Lowest Point 

In the evening and approaching the end of the 24-day cycle, testosterone levels are expected to reach their lowest point in the male body. Energy decreases, motivation decreases, libido may decrease, and the ability to maintain an erection may be affected. 

Research & Evidence

Research (Batrinos, M. L., 2012; Glover, F. E., 2022; Kauer, S. D., 2022)  indicates that there are some exceptions to the levels of testosterone present in the male body throughout the day, such as a common spike after the consumption of alcohol or caffeine. Work has also been done to find a spike in levels after looking at sexually explicit material or at someone they find attractive, there is also a trend of increasing testosterone in some individuals while watching sports. 

These quick spikes in testosterone can lead to a lack of impulse control and might explain some of the risk-taking behaviors displayed by males while consuming alcohol or participating in team sports. Research also shows that a team loss can cause a dramatic dip in testosterone, inducing feelings of melancholy and frustration. 

By utilizing a tracking tool like the male monthly hormone cycle chart, a distinction between typical hormonal factors and external factors causing sharp spikes or dips can be made. Having knowledge and education about hormonal activity and its impact on mood and energy levels is a valuable tool in health and well-being management. 

The long-form layout of this monthly tracker is supported by workaround mood tracking apps. Research shows that consistent tracking of feelings, and in this case ones associated with changes in testosterone, can help bring awareness to one's own mood, which is proven to improve mental health outcomes. Male mental health is a cause for a great deal of concern, with nearly 1 in 10 males experiencing severe anxiety and depression and less than half receiving medical intervention and treatment (Mental Health America, 2020). This chart is a fantastic stepping stone to begin the conversation around hormonal change and its effects on mood, as well as any overarching problematic or concerning patterns. 


Batrinos, M. L. (2012). Testosterone and Aggressive Behavior in Man. International Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 10(3), 563–568.

Glover, F. E., Caudle, W. M., Del Giudice, F., Belladelli, F., Mulloy, E., Lawal, E., & Eisenberg, M. L. (2022). The association between caffeine intake and testosterone: NHANES 2013–2014. Nutrition Journal, 21(1).

Kauer, S. D., Reid, S. C., Crooke, A. H. D., Khor, A., Hearps, S. J. C., Jorm, A. F., Sanci, L., & Patton, G. (2012). Self-monitoring Using Mobile Phones in the Early Stages of Adolescent Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3), e67.

Mental Health America. (2020). Infographic: Mental Health for Men | Mental Health America.

Who typically requests a male monthly hormone cycle chart?
Who typically requests a male monthly hormone cycle chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a male monthly hormone cycle chart?

Male monthly hormone cycle charts aren’t commonly requested as the male hormone cycle spans 24 hours compared to the monthly cyclic nature of the female hormone cycle. A medical professional such as a doctor or counselor may wish to activate this charting resource for their patient.

When are male monthly hormone cycle charts used?

This is a fantastic tool for a medical professional to offer as a means of education and informative mood tracking for male patients displaying concern over their energy levels, libido, or mood.

How are male monthly hormone cycle charts used?

A male monthly hormone cycle chart is used predominantly by the patient to educate themselves and see patterns in their daily testosterone changes so that identification of recurring changes in mood, energy or libido (strongly governed by testosterone) can be addressed and act as a first step for further intervention if needed.

How long does a male monthly hormone cycle chart take?

The daily aspect of charting by the patient should take less than five minutes, yet the whole chart will take around a month to fully complete to be a viable document for pattern analysis.

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