Hemoglobin Level

Have a hemoglobin level chart on hand when analyzing and interpreting your patient’s hemoglobin level test results. Click here to download a free template.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Hemoglobin Level Chart?

A hemoglobin level chart is a valuable medical resource that helps patients delineate the typical, elevated, and diminished hemoglobin concentration within a patient’s bloodstream, as seen in their test results. A resource such as this exists because of the importance of having the right quantity of hemoglobin, a protein found in the red blood cells that brings oxygen from the lungs to different tissues and takes carbon dioxide from those tissues back to the lungs in the body. 

On a hemoglobin level chart, you can expect to see established normal levels of hemoglobin depending on the patient’s age and gender. If you want an idea of the chart you’ll see on the template, you may refer to the hemoglobin levels below:


  • Birth: 13.5 to 24.0 g/dl
  • Less than one month: 10.0 to 20.0 g/dl
  • 1-2 months: 10.0 to 18.0 g/dl
  • 2-6 months: 9.5 to 14.0 g/dl
  • Six months to 2 years: 10.5 to 13.5 g/dl
  • 2 to 6 years: 11.5 to 13.5 g/dl
  • 6 to 12 years: 11.5 to 15.5 g/dl


  • 12-18 years old: 12.0 to 16.0 g/dl
  • Over 18 years old: 12.1 to 15.1 g/dl
  • After Middle Age: 11.7 to 13.8 g/dL


  • 12-18 years old: 13.0 to 16.0 g/dl
  • Over 18 years old: 13.6 to 17.7 g/dl
  • After Middle Age: 2.4 to 14.9 g/dL

Do remember that these values may exhibit slight discrepancies between various clinical laboratories. Furthermore, if the patient has a mildly reduced hemoglobin count, it may not indicate illness and instead present a normal range for certain individuals. 

Aside from an individual hemoglobin test, you may also use the hemoglobin chart when you’re analyzing a complete blood count test (CBC), a diagnostic tool used by healthcare practitioners to identify and evaluate any blood-related medical conditions, since the hemoglobin test is an integral part of the aforementioned test.

Printable Hemoglobin Level Chart

Check out our free Hemoglobin Level Chart PDF here

How does it work?

Step One. Obtain a Copy of the Template

Hemoglobin level charts are a valuable resource that’s best to keep handy. So, make sure that you have one when the need arises by doing either of the steps below:

  • Clicking the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button
  • Searching “Hemoblogin Levels Chart” on Carepatron’s template librarys search bar on the website or app

Step Two. Input Essential Information

If you plan on using it as more than a visual aid when educating patients on normal hemoglobin levels, it’s best if you fill out essential patient details, including the test results of their hemoglobin test. 

Step Three. Compare and Contrast

Afterward, use the chart provided to compare and contrast normal levels with those found on your patient’s test results document. Don’t forget to consider their age and gender when analyzing. 

Step Four. Write Down Interpretation

On our template, you may write your observations and/or findings in the space we dedicated to interpreting results. Aside from that, if you wish, you may also utilize the space for additional notes or information to write down medical interventions you need to perform or further examinations you must conduct. 

Step Five. Securely Store the Template

Once your consultation is finished, you must securely store the template to limit access to information to relevant parties only. For digital copies, we recommend storing your document on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant, free patient records software that can safeguard all of the medical records, including a filled-out hemoglobin levels chart relevant to your patient.

Hemoglobin Level Chart Example (sample)

We’ve created a completed PDF file of a hemoglobin levels chart template that’s both printable and digitally accessible. Feel free to view, print, or save a copy when you need an idea of how to use the template as you analyze and interpret your patient’s results. Do note that the answers in the example are fictional. 

Accessing and saving a copy is as easy as viewing the sample below or clicking the “Download Example PDF” button.

Check out our free Hemoglobin Level Chart PDF here

When would you use this Chart?

A hemoglobin level chart has been a valuable tool used in several medical contexts to ascertain if an individual’s hemoglobin levels are within the established normal range corresponding to their gender and age. This resource proves extremely useful in the following scenarios:


Healthcare practitioners can use the hemoglobin levels chart to diagnose anemia and sickle cell disease. Anemia is when a patient has a red blood cell count deficiency or low hemoglobin concentration in the blood that’s usually triggered by factors like vitamin/iron insufficiency, chronic illnesses, and blood loss. Meanwhile, sickle cell disease is a hereditary disorder that affects the shape of a patient’s red blood cells and causes abnormal hemoglobin levels. 


Aside from diagnosing, the hemoglobin levels chart can also assist patients in monitoring and treating patients with anemia and sickle cell disease. With regard to anemia, the chart can be used as a monitoring instrument to evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. 


Hemoglobin level charts also play an essential role in screening potential blood donors to ensure adequate hemoglobin levels before donating. The chart may aid healthcare practitioners in safeguarding the donor’s health and assessing if they are at risk of having post-donation anemia.

Clinical documentation software feedback

What do the results mean?

Our hemoglobin levels chart has a space wherein you can write the hemoglobin results of your patient. That way, you won’t have to jump from one document to another when you compare, contrast, analyze, and interpret. 

Although we’re well aware that you know how to utilize the hemoglobin levels chart, in case you need assistance with what your patient’s results mean in relation to the levels on the chart, here are some general interpretations:

Within the Levels

If your patient’s hemoglobin levels are within the range on the chart, after considering their age and gender, it means that the person’s red blood cells are healthy and functioning properly. 

Lower than the Normal Range

If the patient’s hemoglobin levels are less than the lower limit of the accepted normal range for their age and gender, it may indicate the potential presence of anemia or other blood-related conditions. 

You may want to check if your patient has severe blood loss, a chronic illness they haven’t told you about, or a vitamin or iron deficiency so that you may formulate an immediate and appropriate course of action for management or treatment. 

Higher than the Normal Range

If the patient’s hemoglobin levels exceed the established and accepted normal range of their age and gender, it signifies a condition that affects the blood, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or polycythemia vera. It’s best to assess your patient and have them undergo further examination to identify the specific condition responsible for the deviation from normal levels. 

When using the hemoglobin levels chart, note that normal ranges may vary from one laboratory to another, and for an accurate diagnosis or treatment, you may want to consider requesting additional tests.

Why use Carepatron as your Hemoglobin Level app?

Opting for Carepatron as your app of choice when interpreting results using a hemoglobin level chart and conducting a complete blood count (CBC) test offers many advantages for healthcare practitioners such as yourself. 

Careptron has a centralized workspace. This means you can seamlessly manage clinical documents and electronic patient records, set patient appointment reminders, and even handle medical billing without leaving the platform and downloading additional software. Because of this integrated approach, processes and tasks related to hemoglobin level charting and others are simplified and streamlined, allowing you to devote most of your time, attention, and effort towards caring for your patient. 

In fact, Carepatron strives to assist you to be more efficient and productive in your practice that’s why you can customize tools and workflows according to your unique needs. Aside from that, it enables and empowers not only practitioners but also their patients to handle administrative tasks such as service booking and filling out relevant paperwork. This enhances the experience of these individuals both on and away from the app. 

Since accessibility is one of the top priorities of Carepatron, you’ll be happy to know that the app is accessible on any gadget you have on hand. This means in times when everyone’s hands are full, you have a portable medical dictation software you can use to make clinical notes when needed. Rest assured that these notes, including other patient and practitioner data, are safeguarded because of Careptron’s global compliance with global security requirements, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST. 

Still not convinced? As they say, trying it yourself is the best way to know. So, avail of Carepatron and sign up for an account today. Join the thousands of healthcare practitioners who have seen the benefits of using Carepatron.


Barrell, A. (2023, January 3). What to know about hemoglobin levels. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318050

Beutler, E., & Waalen, J. (2006). The definition of anemia: what is the lower limit of normal of the blood hemoglobin concentration? Blood, 107(5), 1747–1750. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2005-07-3046

Vandergriendt, C. (2023, July 12). Everything you need to know about hemoglobin. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-hemoglobin

World Health Organization. (1986). Nutritional anaemias: Report of a WHO Scientific Group. Retrieved October 25, 2023, from https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/40707/WHO_TRS_405.pdf?sequence=1

Who typically uses a Hemoglobin Level Chart?
Who typically uses a Hemoglobin Level Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses a Hemoglobin Level Chart?

Primary care physicians and specialists like hematologists are the ones who typically use a hemoglobin level chart. 

When are Hemoglobin Level Charts used?

Hemoglobin level charts are used when the referring physician analyzes and interprets the CBC or hemoglobin test results.

How are Hemoglobin Level Charts used?

Our hemoglobin level charts template can be used in multiple ways: as a reference, educational resource for patients, and document for notes on the patient.

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