CCP Antibody

Learn more about the CCP Antibody test and get a free request form template by clicking here.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a CCP Antibody Test?

A , also called the anti-CCP antibody test, is a medical test that identifies CCP (cyclic citrullinated peptide) antibodies�??a type of autoantibody�??in the blood. While antibodies are in charge of fighting the harmful foreign objects in the blood, autoantibodies like the CCP accidentally attack the healthy cells in the body, resulting in possible diseases.

This test, along with or after the rheumatoid factor (RF) test, is often used to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis.

How Does It Work?

Step One. Access and Download the Template

To have a PDF file of the CCP Antibody Test that you can bring out when needed, here are two steps you can do:

  • Click the �??Download Template�?� or �??Use Template�?� button
  • Search �??CCP Antibody Test�?� in Carepatron�??s template library�??s search bar on the website or app

Step Two. Assess and/or Interview the Patient

So you can determine if your patient needs a CCP antibody test, you must interview your patient, ask about their symptoms, and conduct a quick physical examination to evaluate their current condition.

Step Three. Collect the Blood Sample

The patient must show or give up the filled-out template to the practitioner who collects the blood sample to prove that the referring physician requested the test. The test will only be performed by inserting a small needle in a vein and taking a blood sample.

Step Four. Analysis and Interpretation

The client may leave the request form with the lab technician, so they have a guide while they analyze or bring it to the next appointment with their referring physician during the interpretation of results.

Step Five. Securely Store the Template

Whoever decides to keep the filled-out template of the CCP Antibody Test request form, once a diagnosis has been made, vitals have been monitored, or a treatment plan has been formulated, the template must be securely stored. Physical copies should be stored at a secure physical location. In contrast, digital copies can be stored on Carepatron, a free clinical documentation software that safeguards medical records only for access by relevant parties.

When Would You Use This Test?

Though designed to be used by multiple practitioners, the following healthcare practitioners will find the CCP Antibody test valuable for their practice:

Mentioned practitioners can use the test when:

  • They want to narrow down the cause of their patient�??s symptoms.
  • They want to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis because of a suspicion based on the typical or atypical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • They need to ensure that the patient doesn�??t have CCP autoantibodies that will negatively impact their health.

Should you, the referring physician, decide that the patient must undergo the test, we�??ll leave it up to you and your expertise.

What Do the Results Mean?

If a patient has a positive result, they have the CCP antibodies in their blood and either are developing rheumatoid arthritis or already have it.

Do note that one must also consider the results from the rheumatoid factor (RF) test and observations from a physical examination before finalizing a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Research & Evidence

According to multiple studies and research, the CCP antibody test is practical and valuable when diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis because of its high specificity and sensitivity, accuracy compared to RF testing, and capability of detecting the presence of CCP antibodies. These are among the many reasons why the test isn�??t only practical and helpful but is widely used by healthcare practitioners worldwide. 


  • CCP Antibody test. (n.d.).
  • Yashoda hospitals. (2023, September 21). Yashoda Hospitals.
Who typically requests a CCP Antibody Test?
Who typically requests a CCP Antibody Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a CCP Antibody Test?

All healthcare practitioners who assess their patients for symptoms and those who treat rheumatoid arthritis, like general physicians, rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, and internists, can request a CCP antibody test using our template.

When are CCP Antibody Tests used?

They are typically used when diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis or eliminating the possibility of the patient having said condition.

How long does a CCP Antibody Test take?

Collecting a blood sample to analyze will only take a few minutes. However, depending on the physicians in charge, the added RF test, analysis of both samples and interpretation may take a few hours.

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