Schober Tests

Discover Carepatron, a trusted Schober Test app used globally. Streamline your patient assessments with our user-friendly interface and advanced features.

By Telita Montales on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Schober Test?

The Schober Test is a vital tool in physical examinations that measures the range of motion in the lumbar spine. Originating from the work of Dr. Paul Schober, a German physician in the 1930s, this test has become an invaluable resource in diagnosing conditions that affect spinal mobility, such as ankylosing spondylitis.

The process of the Schober Test is straightforward yet effective. It begins with marking two points on a patient's back, one at the level of the posterior superior iliac spine and another 10cm above it. The patient is then asked to bend forward to the fullest extent possible. If the distance between the two points increases upon bending, it indicates normal spinal flexibility.

In addition to the original Schober Test, a modified version also exists. This variant incorporates an extra mark 5cm below the posterior superior iliac spine, providing a more comprehensive evaluation of lumbar spine mobility.

The simplicity and effectiveness of the Schober Test make it a vital part of any healthcare provider's clinical toolkit. Professionals can assess a critical aspect of spinal health with a skin marker and tape measure. The test's results can be effortlessly integrated into documentation processes.

Printable Schober Test

Download this Schober Test to assess range of motion.

How does it work?

The Schober test works by measuring changes in the distance between two points on the lower back as a person bends forward. Here are the steps involved in performing the test:

Step 1: Marking the Points 

Using a skin marker, draw a horizontal line across the dimples of Venus (the posterior superior iliac spine). Then, measure and mark a point 10cm above this line. In the modified Schober test, an additional point is marked 5cm below the initial line.

Step 2: Measuring Initial Distance 

Measure the distance between the two points in the standing position. This should be 15cm in the modified Schober test and 10cm in the original test.

Step 3: Forward Bending 

Ask the patient to bend forward as far as possible without bending their knees.

Step 4: Measuring Final Distance 

Again measure the distance between the two points. An increase of less than 5cm in the original Schober test or less than 20cm in the modified test can indicate reduced spinal mobility.

Step 5: Documenting Results 

Document the results using your preferred clinical documentation methods, such as a printable Schober test from Carepatron.

Schober Test Example (sample)

To give a more concrete example, let's consider a hypothetical sample of how results might be documented in a Schober Tests PDF:

  1. Patient details: The document would start with essential details such as the patient's name, age, and test date.
  2. Initial measurement (standing): This section records the baseline distance between the two marked points on the patient's back while standing upright, for instance, 10cm.
  3. Final measurement (forward bending): Following the forward bend, the distance between the two points is re-measured and noted here. In our example, this is 15cm.
  4. Interpretation: The final segment interprets the result. The increase from 10cm to 15cm signifies normal spinal mobility.

This sample Schober Tests PDF is an efficient way to standardize the documentation process, ensuring all relevant information is captured consistently across different patients and healthcare providers. Doing so helps maintain accuracy and facilitates better communication and understanding among medical professionals.

Download this Schober Test Example:

Schober Test Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

Various healthcare professionals frequently employ the Schober Test when evaluating a patient's spinal flexibility. It plays an integral role in diagnosing conditions that lead to decreased spinal mobility, such as ankylosing spondylitis.

Physiotherapists, rheumatologists, and orthopedic surgeons often rely on this test during physical examinations. Besides clinical settings, the Schober Test also finds utility in research environments. Here, it aids in quantifying alterations in spinal mobility over time or in response to specific treatments.

The Schober Test form becomes particularly relevant in several scenarios. For instance, when a patient reports experiencing lower back pain or stiffness, this test can be used to evaluate the extent of the issue. Similarly, the Schober Test form can provide critical insights if a healthcare professional suspects a condition like ankylosing spondylitis that impacts spinal mobility.

In addition to its diagnostic value, the Schober Test is a non-invasive, quick, and simple tool. Hence, it efficiently provides valuable information about a patient's spinal health without causing discomfort or requiring extensive resources. Its simplicity and effectiveness make the Schober Tests a valuable tool in clinical and research contexts, aiding in comprehensive patient assessments and supporting evidence-based care.

The Schober Test form is a resourceful tool that can be used when evaluating a patient's spinal mobility, whether due to reported symptoms or as part of a broader examination process.


The Schober Test form offers numerous benefits, making it a preferred choice among healthcare providers for assessing spinal mobility. Here's why:

Ease of Use

The Schober Test is uncomplicated and doesn't require any specialized equipment. This simplicity makes it effortlessly integrable into diverse healthcare settings, enhancing its usability.

Swift Evaluation

One of the significant advantages of the Schober Test is its quick execution. It can be completed within minutes, offering immediate insights into a patient's spinal mobility. This speed allows for efficient patient assessments, saving valuable time in busy clinical environments.

Non-Intrusive Approach

As a physical examination tool, the Schober Test is non-invasive. It poses minimal risk to the patient while providing critical information about their spinal health, making it a patient-friendly assessment tool.

Valuable Insights

The results derived from the Schober Test can guide further diagnostic procedures and inform treatment planning. This informative nature of the test makes it an invaluable tool in delivering personalized, effective patient care. 

Cost-Effective Assessment

The Schober Test is a cost-effective method for evaluating spinal mobility. With no need for expensive equipment or software, it is an economical choice for healthcare providers, contributing to resource management.

Wide Accessibility 

Free Schober Tests are readily available online at Carepatron, enhancing accessibility for healthcare providers everywhere. This ease of access ensures that this essential tool can reach a broader audience, promoting widespread adoption and utilization.

Why use Carepatron as your Schober Test app?

Carepatron is an optimal choice for conducting and managing Schober Tests, making it a preferred platform for healthcare professionals worldwide. Here are several reasons why Carepatron should be your go-to Schober Test app:

User-Friendly Interface and Advanced Features

Carepatron's integrated platform simplifies the process of conducting and documenting Schober tests. Its intuitive, user-friendly interface and advanced features allow you to record test results effortlessly, track patient progress over time, and share these findings with other healthcare providers seamlessly.

Efficient Clinical Documentation

Our Schober Test software streamlines the clinical documentation process, freeing up more of your valuable time to focus on patient care. The autosave feature ensures you never lose any work, while the AI voice transcription functionality allows you to generate rich text, enhancing your efficiency quickly.

Compliance with Global Security Standards

Safety and security are paramount at Carepatron. We meet worldwide security requirements, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST. This commitment ensures that your work and patient data remain safe and secure, providing peace of mind as you manage your patient assessments.

Promoting Collaboration

Carepatron is designed to support healthcare teams by facilitating better sharing across your team, professional network, and clients. It's as if everyone were in the same room, promoting efficient collaboration and communication.

Trusted Globally

Carepatron supports a global community of users and works diligently to deliver a beautiful experience every day. This global trust underscores our commitment to providing top-notch services to our users.

Comprehensive Patient Assessment Management

By choosing Carepatron as your Schober Test app, you're not just getting a tool for conducting tests. You're investing in a comprehensive solution for managing patient assessments, complete with note and document capturing, seamless information flow, and secure client collaboration.

Carepatron offers a holistic, efficient, and secure platform for conducting Schober Tests, making it an indispensable tool in modern healthcare management. Try our templates today!

Clinical Documentation Software
Who typically uses Schober Tests?
Who typically uses Schober Tests?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Schober Tests?

Physiotherapists, orthopedic surgeons, rheumatologists, and other healthcare professionals who need to assess spinal mobility often use Schober Tests.

When are Schober Tests used?

Schober Tests are used when a patient presents with symptoms of decreased spinal mobility, such as lower back pain or stiffness. They are often used in diagnosing conditions like ankylosing spondylitis.

How are Schober Tests used?

Schober Tests are performed by marking two points on the patient's lower back, measuring the distance between them as the patient bends forward, and comparing this to the initial measurement. The results are then documented in the patient's medical record.

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