Lund And Browder Chart

Have a valuable tool like a lund and browder chart template on hand to assist you in assessing and managing your burn patient’s condition.

By Patricia Buenaventura on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Template

What is a Lund And Browder Chart Template?

The Lund and Browder chart is a tool that brought about the collaborative efforts of Dr. Charles Lund and Dr. Newton Browder, who had vast experience treating over 300 burn victims following the Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston in 1942. More specifically, Lund and Browder chart templates have been. They are currently used in the meticulous management of burns and are an invaluable aid in estimating the total body surface area (TBSA) affected. 

Compared to the Wallace rule of nines, the Lund and Browder chart introduces a nuanced dimension by incorporating the individual's age into its calculations. This dynamic feature proves particularly crucial in pediatric burn cases, where the percentage of body surface area (BSA) affected varies with the patient's age.

The method of documenting the patient’s burns manifests as a tangible paper chart featuring a delineated outline of the human form partitioned into distinct regions, each denoted by a corresponding number. What’s noteworthy about the chart is the shading applied to represent the burned areas, facilitating a visual grasp of the extent of the injury. The summation of the numerical values assigned to each affected region culminates in the precise calculation of TBSA.

Widely acknowledged for its accuracy, the Lund and Browder chart has become a standard tool in burn assessment. Its enduring adoption within medical practices underscores its efficacy and reliability in gauging the severity of burns and guiding healthcare practitioners in formulating targeted and informed treatment plans.

Printable Lund And Browder Chart

Download this free lund and browder chart template to assess and manage your burn patient’s condition.

How does it work?

Step 1: Acquire and download the template

To use the Lund and Browder Chart, obtain the available template. 

Grab a copy by selecting either the "Download Template" or "Use Template" button. Alternatively, you can access it by navigating to the designated platform, Carepatron’s template library, where the template is and searching for "Lund and Browder Chart."

Step 2: Write down essential information

Once the template is in your possession, input crucial patient details. This initial step is vital for personalizing the chart to a specific case. Include the patient's name, age, gender, and relevant medical history. This enhances the chart's overall utility and ensures a comprehensive and individualized approach to burn assessment.

Step 3: Fill dedicated sections

Proceed to document the extent of the burn by utilizing the dedicated sections of the Lund and Browder Chart. The chart typically represents the human body divided into distinct regions. Shade or mark the areas corresponding to the burned regions based on the observed severity. 

Additionally, take advantage of any supplementary notes sections to record specific observations, findings, or recommendations for further tests.

Step 4: Secure the filled template

Post-consultation, prioritize the security of the Lund and Browder Chart template. Restrict access to authorized individuals only, ensuring confidentiality and adherence to privacy regulations. 

For digital copies, consider using secure free patient record software like Carepatron, which complies with global security standards and guarantees the protection of all patient records.

Lund And Browder Chart example (sample)

Here’s our comprehensive Lund and Browder Sample Template, filled to provide you with insight on a possible way to utilize the template for effective assessment and interpretation of burn injuries. 

Available in digital and printable format, whether you seek a visual guide for patient education or a structured approach to burn assessment, this sample template is an invaluable resource. However, it is important to note that the details presented in this sample are entirely fictional, created to showcase the template's functionality. 

We encourage you to answer the blank template however you deem best to aid you in developing a precise approach to burn evaluation. To explore and access this resource, simply review the sample below or click the "Download Example PDF" button to acquire your copy seamlessly.

Lund And Browder Chart example (sample)

When would you use this template?

The Lund and Browder chart is an indispensable tool in various medical scenarios, offering precise estimations crucial for effective burn management, further underscoring the importance of having it easily accessible in general practice software

Keep reading below for a list of the circumstances and situations when using this template. 

Guiding resuscitation efforts

In cases involving burn patients requiring resuscitation, the Lund and Browder chart stands out as the preferred method for estimating Total Body Surface Area (TBSA). Its accuracy in gauging the extent of burns makes it particularly valuable in guiding resuscitation efforts and ensuring appropriate fluid replacement strategies.

Estimating TBSA in pediatric patients

In pediatric care, the Lund and Browder chart takes precedence for assessing burned body surface area in children and infants. This preference stems from the chart's consideration of the changing proportions of body surface area in relation to age. 

Given that the head and neck surface area is relatively larger in children than adults, the Lund and Browder chart provides a more tailored approach to estimating TBSA in pediatric patients. Importantly, for pediatric cases involving more than 15% TBSA, the chart is pivotal in guiding decisions regarding the Pediatric Burn Fluid Resuscitation protocol.

Calculating TBSA in adult patients

Although the Rule of Nines is commonly employed for adults, the Lund and Browder chart offers a more precise alternative, especially for patients with different builds. Its finer granularity in assessing different body regions ensures a more accurate calculation of TBSA, contributing to improved decision-making in burn treatment strategies.

What are the advantages of using the Lund and Browder chart?

The Lund and Browder chart stands out as a superior tool in burn assessment, offering distinct advantages over alternative methods. Some advantages are:

It’s more accurate

Firstly, its hallmark advantage lies in accuracy. Studies indicate that, on average, the Lund and Browder chart provides a 3% more precise calculation of total body surface area burnt, showcasing reduced variability compared to the commonly used Wallace's Rule of Nines. This heightened accuracy is pivotal in ensuring precise and tailored treatment plans for burn patients.

Considers different sizes of body regions

The chart's consideration of different body regions is another notable advantage. By acknowledging the varying sizes of body regions, the Lund and Browder chart facilitates a more nuanced estimation of the total body surface area affected by the burn. This granularity extends to considering burn severity, allowing for a more accurate assessment of the extent and seriousness of the burn. 

Applicability to pediatric patients

A particularly commendable aspect is its applicability to pediatric patients. The chart dynamically adjusts percentages based on the child's age, reflecting proportional differences in body surface area between adults and children. This feature ensures that pediatric burn assessments are accurate and tailored to the unique physiological characteristics of younger patients.

Easier to use

The ease of use further contributes to the chart's appeal. A modified version of the Lund and Browder chart subdivides each body region into quadrilaterals of 0.25% each, streamlining calculations and enhancing reliability. This user-friendly approach is crucial when quick and accurate assessments are paramount in time-sensitive situations.

Why use Carepatron as your Lund And Browder Chart app?

Carepatron emerges as the quintessential Lund and Browder Chart app for healthcare practitioners, offering a comprehensive and integrated solution to elevate patient care and practice management. 

At the heart of Carepatron's appeal is establishing a centralized healthcare workspace, harmonizing clinical documents, patient records, appointments, and finances. This centralized hub not only simplifies administrative tasks but also empowers practitioners to focus on the essence of their practice.

Efficiency and productivity witness a significant upswing with Carepatron's customizable tools and workflows tailored to the unique needs of healthcare providers. The platform's adaptability enhances the efficiency of practice management and the quality of client outcomes. Streamlining interactions, from service booking to secure payment processing, ensures a seamless experience for practitioners and clients.

In medical records management, Carepatron excels, offering a digital avenue for the meticulous handling of clinical notes, documents, and reports. Automation of day-to-day administrative processes further optimizes overall practice efficiency. Integrated patient communication tools, including patient portals and telehealth features, enhance care delivery, fostering a patient-centric approach.

Crucially, Carepatron prioritizes data security and compliance, supporting HIPAA regulations to safeguard patient information. With the incorporation of top-tier medical dictation software, the platform ensures precise documentation, reducing the risk of errors in critical medical records.

Gain access to Carepatron’s tools and features to help you out in your practice. Sign up for an account to start using Carepatron today!

Lund And Browder Chart app


Murari, A., & Singh, K. N. (2019). Lund and Browder chart—modified versus original: a comparative study. Acute and Critical Care, 34(4), 276–281.

Richards, D. (2023, April 15). The importance of Lund and Browder Chart in assessing burn severity - Dona. Dona.

Schoenborn, T., Thomas, M., Miller-Willis, K., Frerk, R., & Bernal, N. P. (2021). 55 Designing and Implementing an obese Lund and Browder: a pilot study. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 42(Supplement_1), S39–S40.

How do you create a Lund And Browder Chart template?
How do you create a Lund And Browder Chart template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Lund And Browder Chart template?

You can create a Lund and Browder chart template using Carepatron’s note-taking feature and the available fields. Alternatively, to save time and effort, you can create a customized template by opening and editing provided in this guide.

When are Lund And Browder Chart Templates used?

The Lund and Browder chart templates are primarily used when assessing a burn patient’s condition and formulating a strategy to treat said patient.

How are the Lund And Browder Chart Templates used?

The Lund and Browder chart templates are mainly used to record the areas needing intervention on burn patients and the computed TBSA according to observations.

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