What is a Low FODMAP Diet Chart?

A Low FODMAP Diet Chart serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking relief from gastrointestinal discomfort, particularly those with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other functional gastrointestinal disorders. 

FODMAPs, an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, are specific types of carbohydrates that can trigger digestive symptoms in susceptible individuals.

This comprehensive chart provides a structured and user-friendly guide to foods categorized based on their FODMAP content. It is a practical tool to help individuals navigate their dietary choices, minimizing the intake of high-FODMAP foods and alleviating digestive issues.

The chart typically categorizes foods into three main groups:

  • High-FODMAP Foods: This includes items rich in fermentable carbohydrates, such as certain fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. The chart advises individuals to limit or avoid these foods to reduce FODMAP intake.
  • Low-FODMAP Foods: This category comprises foods considered safer for individuals following a low-FODMAP diet. These foods can be consumed more freely without triggering gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Moderate-FODMAP Foods: Some foods fall in between the high and low categories. The chart helps individuals understand the moderation needed for these items in their diet.

This resource is an indispensable companion for those embracing the low FODMAP diet, offering clarity on food choices, meal planning, and overall dietary management. It empowers individuals to take control of their digestive health, providing a roadmap to navigate the complexities of FODMAPs and fostering a better understanding of how dietary choices impact their well-being. 

Whether used independently or in consultation with a healthcare professional, the Low FODMAP Diet Chart is a powerful tool for fostering digestive comfort and enhancing overall quality of life.

How Does It Work?

The Low FODMAP Diet Chart is a strategic guide to managing digestive discomfort by categorizing foods based on their FODMAP content. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to use and fill out the form:

Understanding FODMAPs

Familiarize yourself with FODMAPs, acknowledging that they are fermentable carbohydrates that can trigger digestive symptoms in susceptible individuals.

Identifying High-FODMAP Foods

Use the chart to recognize foods rich in fermentable carbohydrates, such as certain fruits (like apples and pears), vegetables (like onions and garlic), dairy products, and specific grains.

Limiting High-FODMAP Intake

The chart designates high-FODMAP foods. Take note of these items and aim to limit or avoid them in your daily diet to reduce the likelihood of digestive discomfort.

Exploring Low-FODMAP Options

Refer to the chart for a comprehensive list of low-FODMAP foods. These are safer choices that can be consumed more freely without triggering gastrointestinal symptoms.

Moderating Intake

Some foods fall into the moderate FODMAP category. Use the chart to understand the appropriate moderation needed for these items in your diet.

Meal Planning

Leverage the chart to plan well-balanced meals that prioritize low-FODMAP options, ensuring a diverse and nourishing diet while minimizing the risk of digestive issues.

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional

If uncertain about specific dietary choices or experiencing persistent symptoms, seek guidance from a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian specializing in the low FODMAP diet.

For added convenience, the Low FODMAP Diet Chart is available in a printable format. This allows individuals to have a tangible, easy-to-reference document, whether for meal planning at home or discussions with healthcare professionals. The printable chart is a portable resource, empowering individuals to make informed food choices and effectively manage their digestive health.

When Would You Use This Chart?

The Low FODMAP Diet Chart proves invaluable in specific situations, serving as a crucial tool for individuals and practitioners addressing digestive health concerns:

  • Onset of Digestive Discomfort: If you notice symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, or irregular bowel movements, it's time to turn to the Low FODMAP Diet Chart. This resource helps pinpoint potential triggers and guides you in managing FODMAP intake to alleviate discomfort.
  • Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): For those diagnosed with IBS, incorporating the chart becomes a pivotal strategy. It is beneficial when symptoms flare up, aiding in identifying and avoiding high-FODMAP foods exacerbating IBS symptoms.
  • Dietary Guidance in Healthcare Practices: Healthcare practitioners, including dietitians, nutritionists, general practitioners, and gastroenterologists, should utilize the chart when providing dietary guidance. It becomes a cornerstone in discussing managing symptoms through a low FODMAP diet.
  • Meal Planning for Culinary Professionals: Chefs and culinary experts can use the Low FODMAP Diet Chart when creating menus for clients with specific dietary needs. This ensures delicious, well-balanced meals while adhering to low FODMAP principles.
  • Proactive Exploration of Digestive Health: If you're proactively looking to optimize your digestive health or curious about the impact of FODMAPs on your well-being, this is the perfect time to explore the Low FODMAP Diet Chart. It provides insight into potential dietary triggers and fosters a proactive approach to digestive wellness.

During Consultations with Healthcare Professionals: The chart comes into play during consultations, aiding discussions about dietary preferences, restrictions, and symptom triggers. It facilitates a collaborative approach between individuals and healthcare professionals in managing digestive health.

What do the Results Mean?

Interpreting the results of a Low FODMAP Diet Chart is pivotal for understanding how dietary choices may impact digestive health. Here's a breakdown of expected outcomes and their implications:

  • Low FODMAP Diet Adherence: If your diet predominantly consists of low-FODMAP foods, it suggests that you adhere to the principles of a low-FODMAP diet. This is positive, indicating a conscious effort to minimize fermentable carbohydrates known to trigger digestive discomfort.
  • Identification of Trigger Foods: Should certain foods consistently align with periods of digestive discomfort, it implies a potential FODMAP trigger. Common trigger foods may include high-FODMAP items like onions, garlic, certain fruits, and dairy products. Recognizing these patterns allows for strategic elimination or moderation.
  • Balanced Diet Exploration: The chart results may reveal a balance between low, moderate, and high-FODMAP foods, indicating a diverse and well-rounded approach to nutrition. This suggests you explore various foods while managing FODMAP intake to maintain digestive comfort.
  • Meal Planning and Diversity: Results showcasing a mix of low and moderate-FODMAP foods signal an understanding of moderation in the diet. It implies thoughtful meal planning, incorporating variety while keeping FODMAP levels in check.
  • Potential Triggers for Further Investigation: The chart results may highlight other potential triggers if digestive discomfort persists despite adherence to a low FODMAP diet. In such cases, consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable for a more comprehensive assessment.

Download our free Low FODMAP Diet Chart to optimize your digestive health! This resource provides a visual guide for making informed dietary choices, aiding in interpreting results and facilitating a smoother path toward digestive comfort.

Research & Evidence

The genesis of the Low FODMAP Diet Chart can be traced back to the pioneering efforts of researchers at Monash University in Australia, driven by the imperative to address the escalating demand for effective dietary interventions for individuals grappling with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and related gastrointestinal disorders. 

FODMAPs, encapsulating Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, represent specific carbohydrates known to ferment in the gut, potentially triggering disruptive digestive symptoms (Paturel, 2014).

Professors Peter Gibson and Dr. Sue Shepherd undertook groundbreaking research in the early 2000s, culminating in developing the Low FODMAP Diet as a therapeutic strategy (Barhum, 2023). 

Clinical trials and studies conducted at Monash University underscored the diet's effectiveness in significantly alleviating symptoms in individuals afflicted with IBS (De Sante, 2022). This evolution of the FODMAP concept persists through ongoing research, continually refining our comprehension of FODMAPs and their intricate dynamics within gastrointestinal health.

Underpinning the credibility of the Low FODMAP Diet is a formidable corpus of evidence drawn from numerous clinical studies. The dynamic Monash University research team remains steadfast in its commitment, actively updating and expanding the FODMAP database, delivering a comprehensive resource for healthcare professionals and individuals to make informed decisions (Krstic, 2021).

The Low FODMAP Diet has proven highly effective in enhancing digestive health and improving patients' quality of life. Its research-driven innovation and evidence-based practices have made it a go-to solution for practitioners and individuals.


Barhum, L. (2023, May 23). What to know about the low FODMAP diet. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319722

De Sante, C. (2022, January 4). IBS & SIBO Low FODMAP Diet Chart (PDF). Casa De Sante. https://casadesante.com/pages/ibs-sibo-low-fodmap-diet-chart-pdf

Krstic, Z. (2021, November 29). The Low FODMAP Diet Is the Latest Health Craze, But Is It Good for You? Good Housekeeping. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a30629819/what-is-low-fodmap-diet/

Paturel, A. (2014, October 2). Low-FODMAP diet. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/ibs/what-is-fodmap

Who typically requests a Low FODMAP Diet Chart?
Who typically requests a Low FODMAP Diet Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Low FODMAP Diet Chart?

Individuals with digestive discomfort, especially those diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), often request a Low FODMAP Diet Chart. Healthcare practitioners, including dietitians and general practitioners, also commonly recommend it.

When are Low FODMAP Diet Charts used?

Low FODMAP Diet Charts manage symptoms like bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. They're crucial for those diagnosed with IBS and individuals seeking to optimize their digestive health proactively.

How are Low FODMAP Diet Charts used?

Users refer to the chart to identify and categorize foods based on their FODMAP content. It guides dietary choices, helping individuals avoid high-FODMAP triggers and opt for low-FODMAP alternatives, fostering digestive comfort.

How long does a Low FODMAP Diet Chart take?

The time to use a Low FODMAP Diet Chart varies. It's a dynamic resource, often consulted during meal planning, exploration of trigger foods, or discussions with healthcare professionals. Users can integrate it into their daily routines based on their needs.

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