Self Care Checklists

Prioritize health, reduce stress, and enhance life balance with our Self-care Checklist Template. Download our free PDF now!

By Joshua Napilay on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Self-Care Checklist?

Moving in a fast-paced world sometimes makes taking care of ourselves too difficult. Constantly catching up on deadlines sometimes makes us forget about our own needs.

Let's pause and reflect on what matters most in our lives. Sure, it matters to have high grades, deliver the best presentation, or get promoted at work. But it matters more to have a healthy and enhanced well-being. Having a self-care checklist is the best way to start our journey towards that.

According to the World Health Organization, self-care encompasses the capacity of individuals, families, and communities to enhance well-being, prevent illnesses, sustain health, and manage illness and disability, whether or not they have the assistance of a healthcare professional. Often, we mistake self-care for an indulgence, such as getting a facial or spa or spending so much money on things that bring us temporary joy. Sure, they can be forms of self-care, too. But there are other ways through which we can take care of ourselves that bring lasting positive impacts.

are tools that individuals use to ensure they care for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It typically consists of a list of self-care activities and practices that people can refer to regularly to ensure they prioritize their self-care needs. It comprises several components: physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, relational, and school or professional self-care. However, we understand that individuals have unique self-care habits based on their needs. We can make a list that covers more than the components mentioned above above.

Developing a solid self-care checklist may take a little effort, but this investment is worth it in the long run.

Printable Self Care Checklist

Download the Self Care Checklist to ensure clients are prioritizing their health and wellbeing.

How does it work?

A self-care checklist is a valuable tool for ensuring you prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here is how this tool works:

Access and secure a copy

Begin by downloading a copy of our printable self–care checklist from the Carepatron website.

Fill-out the checklist

Ready-made self-care checklists contain straightforward instructions, making it easier for you to fill them out. Depending on your checklist, mark a check if you have accomplished a specific item, or you may also rate how often you perform the items listed in the checklist. 

Reflect on your self-care habits

Take time to reflect on your habits. Identify if you are living up to healthy habits that enhance your life and well-being. Consider making necessary changes if you realize there is a need for it.

Consider Customization

Remember that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and what works for one person may not work for another. Once you fully grasp your life and the habits you want to build, create a personalized checklist that truly resonates with your goals.

Regularly visit your checklist

Regularly visit your checklist to track your progress. Notice how your habits have changed your life. Identify if these habits helped you improve your overall well-being.

Remember that self-care is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Consistently using a self-care checklist can help you maintain balance, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. It's a way to invest in yourself and ensure you have the physical and emotional resources to handle life's challenges effectively.

Self-care Checklists Example (Sample)

We created a self-care checklist example to help you start your journey towards a healthier life and well-being. You can utilize this tool as a starting point.

This tool offers a structured framework for enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health. It incorporates self-care activities, helping you achieve greater clarity and focus. This proactive approach encourages consistency in self-care practices and reduces the risk of burnout. With our empowering tool, you can take control of your health and happiness, allowing you to foster self-confidence and resilience.

Self-care is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself. Embark on your self-care journey by downloading our self-care checklist PDF. Love yourself to the fullest now!

Download this Self Care Checklist Example:

Self-care Checklists Example (Sample)

When would you use this form?

A self-care checklist is a versatile tool that can be used in different situations and circumstances. Incorporating this tool into your daily routine is a proactive way to prioritize self-nurturing practices. It serves as a reminder to engage in activities that support your physical, mental, and emotional health. This ensures that self-care becomes a consistent habit.

During times of heightened stress, such as demanding work projects or personal challenges, a self-care checklist can help you maintain balance and manage your stress effectively.

Suppose you are dealing with mental health challenges like anxiety and depression. In that case, this tool prompts you to engage in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as mindfulness, journaling, or therapy. This way, you can manage your mental health more effectively.

A self-care checklist is also helpful if you want to achieve physical health goals by reminding you to prioritize exercise, healthy eating, and regular medical check-ups. This ensures that you stay on track with your health goals.

A fast-paced and demanding life can make you prone to burnout. Keeping and using a self-care checklist can serve as your preventive measure, helping you protect your mental and emotional health through boundaries-setting and taking breaks when needed.

Finally, a self-care checklist can guide you through major life transitions, such as starting a new job or moving to a new city. This tool ensures that you continue prioritizing your well-being amid these significant changes.

Benefits of Self-Care Checklists

Whether you are a professional or non-professional, self-care checklists have many benefits. Here are some of the key advantages this tool brings you:


Free self-care checklists can be downloaded from the Carepatron website, making it an accessible tool. Taking care of yourself is now extremely simple because we have ready-made and customizable resources.


This tool offers you a cost-effective way to practice self-care. It incorporates different forms of self-care that do not require you to spend so much money. It offers you varied ways to care for yourself without spending so much.

Improved Well-Being

Beyond its practical benefits, this tool promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It helps reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and foster emotional resilience. This translates into better job satisfaction, reduced burnout, and increased professional productivity.

Work-Life Balance

You may often find yourself needing help with maintaining your work-life balance. This tool helps you allocate time for self-care alongside your responsibilities, leading to better mental health and reduced absenteeism.

Preventive Health Measures

This tool encourages you to prioritize your physical health through exercise, healthy eating, and medical check-ups, giving you a preventive approach and helping you reduce the risk of illness and promote longevity.

Why use Carepatron as your Self-Care Checklist app?

Carepatron understands that you need an app to provide your self-care needs in the changing healthcare landscape. This is why it offers the best features to amplify your self-care journey. Apart from ensuring your security and providing you with a user-friendly interface, here are some of the reasons why the Carepatron Self-Care Checklist app is the best for you:

  • Comprehensive Checklist: Carepatron Self-Care software offers a comprehensive checklist that covers a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional well-being activities.
  • Personalization: The Carepatron Self-Care app understands that one size does not fit all regarding self-care. This is why it allows you to customize your self-care checklists to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring that your self-care practices align with your goals.
  • Reminders and Notifications: It is easy to forget about self-care when busy with work or facing difficult moments. Carepatron  Self-Care app makes staying on track with your self-care routine easy. Its reminder and notification features ensure you get all the important self-care activities, promoting consistency and habit formation.
  • Track and Measure Progress: The Carepatron Self-Care app offers tools to track and measure your progress. You can record your activities, track improvements in your health, and envision your achievements over time.
  • Professional Guidance: In the Carepatron Self-Care app, you can always connect with healthcare providers or wellness coaches who can offer advice and support tailored to your needs and preferences.

Carepatron is a versatile and user-friendly Self-Care app that helps you create a personalized self-care routine and provides the tools and resources necessary for long-term success.

Clinical Documentation Software


Gavurova, B., Popesko, B., Ivankova, V., & Rigelsky, M. (2022). The role of self-care activities (SASS-14) in depression (PHQ-9): Evidence from Slovakia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 9.

Luis, E., Bermejo-Martins, E., Martinez, M., Sarrionandia, A., Cortes, C., Oliveros, E. Y., Garces, M. S., Oron, J. V., & Fernández-Berrocal, P. (2021). Relationship between self-care activities, stress and well-being during COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-cultural Mediation Model. BMJ Open, 11(12).

Narasimhan, M., Allotey, P., & Hardon, A. (2019). Self care interventions to advance health and wellbeing: A conceptual framework to inform normative guidance. BMJ, l688.

Person. (2020, July 13). How to make a self-care checklist. Healthline.

Sheppard, S. (2021, November 23). How to create a self-care checklist (with examples). InHerSight.

Sonoma University - Counseling and Psychological Services. (2020). Self-care checklist. Sonoma University - Counseling and Psychological Services.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Self-care interventions for health. World Health Organization.

Who typically uses Self Care Checklists?
Who typically uses Self Care Checklists?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Self Care Checklists?

Self-care checklists are used by individuals of all ages and backgrounds who prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They are particularly popular among those seeking a structured approach to self-care, including individuals managing chronic conditions, those focused on personal growth, and anyone striving for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

When are Self Care Checklists used?

Self-care Checklists are appropriate for daily routines, stress management, chronic condition management, mental health support, recovery from illness or surgery, and personal growth initiatives.

How are Self Care Checklists used?

Individuals use self-care checklists to plan, track, and prioritize self-care activities. Users typically follow these checklists daily or weekly, completing physical, mental, and emotional well-being tasks. They serve as reminders and guides, helping people establish and maintain healthy habits, reduce stress, and enhance their overall quality of life.

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