PHQ 9 Scoring

Discover the benefits of PHQ-9 scoring for depression diagnosis and treatment. Easy to use, reliable, and free — an invaluable tool in mental health care.

By Telita Montales on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a PHQ 9 Scoring Guide?

The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is a widely recognized and extensively used clinical instrument that assists healthcare professionals in diagnosing and determining the severity of depression in patients. The tool comprises nine questions, each reflecting a different depressive symptom outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). It asks about the frequency of these symptoms over the past two weeks, scoring for each question ranging from 0 (indicating the symptom was not present at all) to 3 (indicating the symptom was experienced nearly daily).

The cumulative score from these questions can range from 0 to 27, with higher scores suggesting more severe depressive symptoms. This scoring guide is a critical resource for clinicians, enabling them to interpret these scores accurately and devise appropriate treatment strategies accordingly. For instance, a score of 1-4 indicates minimal depression, while 20-27 suggests severe depression.

To better understand how to use and interpret the PHQ-9, visit our resources.

Printable PHQ 9 Scoring

Download this PHQ 9 Scoring to assess your patient’s health.

How to use the PHQ 9 Scoring:

The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a valuable tool used by healthcare professionals to diagnose and monitor the severity of depression in patients. The questionnaire consists of nine items, each corresponding to a symptom of depression as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to correctly use the PHQ 9 scoring system:

Step 1: Administer the Questionnaire 

Provide the patient with the PHQ-9 questionnaire. Encourage them to respond honestly to each item based on their experiences over the past two weeks. Creating a safe and comfortable environment for individuals to express their feelings openly is essential.

Step 2: Calculate the Total Score 

Once the patient has completed the questionnaire, add the scores from all nine items to calculate the total PHQ-9 score. Each question is scored from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day), leading to a total possible score ranging from 0 to 27.

Step 3: Interpret the Score 

Refer to the PHQ-9 scoring guide to interpret the severity of the patient's depression. The total score can provide insights into the patient's mental health and guide treatment. For example, a score between 1-4 indicates minimal depression, while a score between 20-27 suggests severe depression.

Step 4: Suggest Appropriate Treatments 

Based on the interpreted score, suggest appropriate treatments or interventions. Higher scores may necessitate more intensive treatment plans, including psychotherapy or medication.

Printable versions of the PHQ-9 scoring system are available online at Carepatron for convenience and easy access. Utilizing these resources can streamline the diagnostic process and facilitate efficient patient care.

Remember, our printable PHQ-9 scoring system is not a substitute for a comprehensive clinical evaluation. It should be used to assist in diagnosing and monitoring depression. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for a thorough assessment.

PHQ 9 Scoring Example (sample)

To illustrate how it's used, let's consider a hypothetical patient's responses to the PHQ-9 questionnaire.

The PHQ-9 questionnaire consists of nine questions, each corresponding to a specific symptom of depression. Each question is scored from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day) based on the symptom frequency over the past two weeks.

For example, the patient's responses might look like this:

  1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things - Score: 2 (Several days)
  2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless - Score: 3 (Nearly every day)

These scores reflect the patient's experiences with these symptoms over the last two weeks. The total score is calculated by adding the individual scores from all nine questions.

In this scenario, if these were the only two questions answered, the total score would be 5 (2+3). However, in a complete PHQ-9 assessment, all nine questions would be answered, and the total score could range from 0 to 27.

This total score is then interpreted using the PHQ-9 scoring interpretation guide. For instance, a score of 5 falls within the 'mild depression' category. However, a comprehensive evaluation of all nine items could result in a different categorization.

Download this PHQ 9 Scoring Example:

PHQ 9 Scoring Example (sample)

PHQ-9 Scoring Interpretation

The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) consists of nine items, each scored from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day), based on the frequency of depressive symptoms in the past two weeks. The total score, which can range from 0 to 27, provides a measure of the severity of depression. Here's a detailed guide on how to interpret the PHQ-9 scoring:

  1. Score 0-4: Minimal Depression A score within this range suggests minimal or no depression. However, it's essential to consider the patient's overall clinical picture. If significant distress or impairment is present, further assessment may be needed.
  1. Score 5-9: Mild Depression This score indicates mild depression. While it might not warrant immediate intervention, regular monitoring and supportive care are recommended. Further evaluation and possible treatment should be considered if symptoms persist or worsen.
  1. Score 10-14: Moderate Depression A score within this range suggests moderate depression. It typically warrants active treatment with psychotherapy, medication, or both.
  1. Score 15-19: Moderately Severe Depression This score indicates moderately severe depression. Immediate active treatment with psychotherapy and medication is usually required.
  1. Score 20-27: Severe Depression A score within this range signifies severe depression. It necessitates immediate and comprehensive treatment, often including a combination of psychotherapy and medication. In some cases, hospitalization may be required.

It's important to note that the PHQ-9 scoring interpretation serves as a guide and should not replace a comprehensive clinical evaluation. Although the scores provide valuable insights into the severity of depression, they do not capture every aspect of a patient's mental health status. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for a thorough assessment.


The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) brings a host of benefits to both clinicians and patients, making it an invaluable resource in mental health care. Here are some key advantages of utilizing the PHQ-9 scoring system:

Reliable and Valid Measure 

The PHQ-9 offers a reliable and valid measure of depression severity. It's based on the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, ensuring its effectiveness as a screening tool.

Diagnostic Aid 

It helps clinicians diagnose depression accurately, providing a comprehensive overview of the patient's depressive symptoms.

Monitoring Treatment Response 

The PHQ-9 assists in tracking the patient's response to treatment. Repeated assessments can indicate whether the treatment strategy is effective or needs adjustment.


The PHQ-9 can be self-administered, making it convenient for patients. This feature also allows patients to complete the questionnaire at their own pace and comfort, potentially leading to more accurate responses.

Free and Accessible 

The PHQ-9 is free to use and easily accessible. Our free PHQ-9 scorings are available online, making it easy for anyone to access and use this tool.

Facilitates Communication 

The structured format of the PHQ-9 can facilitate better communication between the patient and clinician, helping to identify specific areas of concern.

Empowers Patients

By self-administering the PHQ-9, patients can play a more active role in their mental health care, enhancing patient engagement and empowerment.

Universal Application 

The PHQ-9 is applicable across various settings and populations, enhancing its utility in diverse clinical and research contexts.


The PHQ-9 has been translated into multiple languages, allowing it to be used in different cultural and linguistic contexts.

Digital Compatibility 

The PHQ-9 can be easily integrated into digital health platforms, making it a versatile tool in the era of telemedicine and online mental health services.

Why use Carepatron as your PHQ 9 app?

Carepatron is an exceptional platform for administering the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). It's not just a PHQ-9 app; it's a comprehensive practice management system designed with healthcare professionals in mind. Here's why you should consider Carepatron for your PHQ-9 needs:

  • Simplicity and Ease of Use: Carepatron is built on the principle of simplicity. We understand that you want to focus more on delivering quality care and less on navigating complex software. Thus, our user-friendly platform requires no training, allowing you to easily administer the PHQ-9, score responses, and track patient progress over time.
  • Compliant EHR System: We prioritize the security and privacy of your data. Carepatron is a globally compliant EHR system that meets worldwide security requirements, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST. This ensures that your work and patient information are always safe and secure.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork: Carepatron is designed to foster collaboration among healthcare teams. Our platform facilitates seamless sharing across your team, professional network, and clients, creating a collaborative environment as effective as if everyone were in the same room. This makes it easier to discuss PHQ-9 results and plan appropriate interventions.
  • Global Practice Management System: Trusted by a global community of users, Carepatron delivers beautiful daily experiences. We continuously strive to provide an efficient, reliable, and easy-to-use platform that can cater to the diverse needs of healthcare professionals worldwide.

Carepatron is more than just a PHQ-9 software. It's a comprehensive platform that combines simplicity, compliance, collaboration, and global reach. With Carepatron, you can manage your practice efficiently while ensuring the best care for your patients. Choose Carepatron as your PHQ-9 app and experience the difference it can make in your practice.

Clinical Documentation Softwre


Who typically scores a PHQ 9?
Who typically scores a PHQ 9?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically scores a PHQ 9?

Healthcare professionals typically score the PHQ-9.

When is a PHQ 9 Scored?

The PHQ-9 is scored when a patient completes the questionnaire, usually during a clinical visit.

How are PHQ 9 Scorings used?

PHQ-9 scores are used to diagnose depression and monitor its severity over time.

How can a PHQ 9 Score help?

A PHQ 9 score can help guide treatment decisions and monitor changes in depression severity over time.

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