A1c Range Chart

Ensure you have an A1C range chart during consultations when you analyze and interpret your patient�??s results. Click here to obtain a free template copy.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an A1C Range Chart?

An A1C range chart is a valuable tool employed and used when interpreting the results obtained from an A1C test, which is a blood test that�??s specifically designed to assess and quantify an individual�??s average blood glucose or sugar for the past three months. Just like there�??s the existence of different names for the A1C test, other healthcare practitioners may also recognize the other names of the A1C chart, like hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), glycated hemoglobin, or glycohemoglobin. Such a chart exists because there�??s a need to know the mean blood glucose level of patients for over 2-3 months to track and manage their blood sugar levels and provide any medical interventions in case they�??re above recommended normal levels.

On an A1C Range Chart, you can expect to find generally accepted A1C levels for regular individuals and those with prediabetes or diabetes. If you want an idea of the chart we�??ve provided on the template, please refer to some of the A1C levels below.

  • Normal Range - < 5.7%
  • Prediabetic - 5.7%-6.4%
  • Diabetic - >6.4%

Aside from the levels above, charts that you find on the internet may vary in content and how it�??s designed to be used.

Our template of the A1C range chart doesn�??t only include the A1C levels from normal range to diabetic but even ones beyond that indicate additional complications aside from diabetes. In addition, we�??ve also included information on the equivalent Estimated Average Glucose (EAG) depending on the A1C percentage and a dedicated section for interpretation and additional notes.

Printable A1c Range Chart

Check out our free printable a1c chart

How Does it Work?

Step One. Obtain a Template Copy

A1c range charts are a valuable resource that�??s best to have on hand. So, ensure that you have one when the need arises by doing either of the steps below:

  • Clicking the �??Download Template�?� or �??Use Template�?� button
  • Searching �??A1C range CHart�?� on Carepatron�??s template library�??s search bar on the app or website

Step Two. Add Essential Information

If you plan on using it as more than an educational resource for your patients on the different ranges of A1C percentages, it�??s best if you fill out the important patient details, such as the test results from their A1C test. 

Step Three. Analyze and Interpret

You may then proceed to compare and contrast the information provided in the chart with the results you�??ve obtained. For any analysis, interpretation, or additional notes you may want to record for future reference when formulating a diagnosis, treatment plan, or immediate medical intervention, you are free to use the dedicated space we designed located at the bottom of the template. 

Step Four. Store The Template Securely

Once your consultation is complete, remember to securely store the template, especially if there is sensitive information on the template. For digital copies only relevant parties can access, we recommend storing your document on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant, free patient records software that can safeguard all of your patient�??s medical records.

A1C Range Chart Example (sample)

Here�??s a digitally accessible and printable PDF file of a completed A1C range chart template. When you need insight on how to use the template while you analyze and interpret your patient�??s results, you can view, print, scan, and save a copy to bring out as needed. However, do note that the answers in the example are fictional. In addition, the sample shows simply one of the many ways you can utilize the template. You are encouraged to explore how the template will benefit you and use it as you deem best. 

Don�??t forget to keep a sample easily retrievable just in case by either viewing the sample below or clicking the �??Download Example PDF�?� button. 

Download this A1C Range Chart here:

When Would you use this Chart?

It�??s a given that the A1C range chart is a valuable tool in multiple medical contexts to evaluate if a patient�??s A1C levels are within the normal range or if they�??re at risk of developing pre-diabetes, diabetes, and diabetes with complications. To be more specific, this resource proves useful during the following scenarios:

Diagnosing Prediabetes and Diabetes

The A1C range chart plays a pivotal role in the initial diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes since healthcare practitioners rely on the A1C test and its results to identify and diagnose the aforementioned conditions. 

Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels

Whether a patient has prediabetes/diabetes or doesn�??t have the condition, the A1C range chart can be used to monitor their blood glucose levels by being an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand interpretation table of sorts when results come out. For those who don�??t have diabetes, the chart can help them keep their levels in check to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Meanwhile, for those who have the condition, the chart can also ensure that their levels won�??t increase their risk of developing the associated complications of diabetes. 

Evaluating Diabetes Treatment Plan

Patients who are managing diabetes with insulin will find the A1C range chart helpful as a guide or reference to decode the numbers obtained on a blood glucose meter or continuous glucose monitor. 

The frequency of the A1C range chart may also vary depending on how often the referring physician requests the tests. Tests are requested more often, and the charts are used more often if the patient finds it difficult to maintain their blood sugar within the ideal target range, there are changes in the treatment plan, or when monitoring the effect of any new medications.

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What do the Results Mean?

Although what one can find on the free A1C range chart template was already provided, for any insight on the typical result interpretations you may want to write down, please refer to the information provided below:

  • Normal: If the patient�??s A1C level is below 5.7%, their level is considered to be within the normal range, and their average blood sugar level for the past 2 to 3 months has been healthy and well-maintained. 
  • Prediabetes: If the patient�??s levels range from 5.7% to 6.4%, it indicates prediabetes. This means that the patient�??s blood sugar levels are higher than normal but haven�??t reached the threshold for diabetes, and they have an increased risk of developing diabetes in the future. 
  • Diabetes: Any A1C level that�??s higher than 6.5% signifies diabetes. If your patient has these, it means that for the past few months, your patient�??s average blood sugar levels have consistently exceeded the normal range. Furthermore, the higher they are from the threshold, the higher their risk of developing complications alongside their diabetes. 

Having your patients keep these interpretations in mind is critical to monitoring their blood sugar effectively so that they may better manage it.

Why use Carepatron as your A1C Range app?

Selecting Carepatron as your go-to application for interpreting results through a hemoglobin level chart and conducting an A1C test brings numerous benefits for healthcare professionals like yourself.

Carepatron offers a centralized workspace, allowing you to seamlessly manage clinical documents and electronic patient records, set patient appointment reminders, and handle medical billing without the need for additional software downloads. This integrated approach simplifies and streamlines processes, enabling you to dedicate more of your time and effort to patient care.

Carepatron's goal is to enhance your efficiency and productivity in your practice, offering customization of tools and workflows tailored to your specific needs. Moreover, it empowers practitioners and patients to manage administrative tasks such as service booking and completing necessary paperwork, improving the user experience both within and outside the app.

Accessibility is a top priority for Carepatron, as the app is compatible with various devices, providing a portable medical dictation solution for creating clinical notes when your hands are full. Rest assured, patient and practitioner data, along with clinical notes, are securely protected through Carepatron's global compliance with stringent security standards, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST.

If you remain unconvinced, the best way to truly understand its benefits is to try it for yourself. Sign up for a Carepatron account today and join the ranks of thousands of healthcare professionals who have experienced the advantages of using Carepatron.

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Grey, H. (2021, April 12). Infographic: A1C chart: Diabetes numbers by age, levels, and more. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/a1c-chart-diabetes-numbers

The A1C Chart: How does A1C Relate to Blood Sugars. (n.d.). diaTribe Learn. https://diatribe.org/sites/default/files/A1C%20Chart%20-%20diaTribe.pdf

Xuanping Zhang, Edward W. Gregg, David F. Williamson, Lawrence E. Barker, William Thomas, Kai McKeever Bullard, Giuseppina Imperatore, Desmond E. Williams, Ann L. Albright; A1C Level and Future Risk of Diabetes: A Systematic Review. Diabetes Care 1 July 2010; 33 (7): 1665�??1673. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc09-1939

Who typically uses an A1C Range Chart?
Who typically uses an A1C Range Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses an A1C Range Chart?

Primary care physicians and specialists like endocrinologists are the ones who typically use an A1C range chart.


When are A1C Range Charts used?

A1C range charts are used when the referring physician monitors their patient's A1C levels, diagnose prediabetes/diabetes, and checks if their medication or intervention is effective or not.


How are A1C Range Charts used?

The A1C range chart, specifically ours, can be used as an educational resource, reference, or document for notes on the patient when needed.


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