Blood Type Compatibility Chart

Ensure that the blood type compatibility chart is on hand to assist in increasing the chances of a successful blood transfusion. If you want a free template copy, click here!

By Patricia Buenaventura on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What Is a Blood Type Compatibility Chart?

A blood type compatibility chart is a reference tool used in medical settings to determine which blood types are compatible with one another. This chart plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of blood transfusions, as the compatibility between the donor's blood type and the recipient's blood type directly affects the safety and efficacy of the procedure. Understanding blood type compatibility is paramount in preventing adverse reactions and potentially life-threatening complications.

For a quick overview, blood types are classified into four main groups: Type A, Type B, Type AB, and Type O. These groups are determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells. Additionally, the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (–), further refines these blood types, resulting in eight common blood types (A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-). The chart provided summarizes these blood types' compatibility, allowing for a quick and easy reference for medical professionals.

More specifically, the chart shows which blood types can be safely transfused into individuals with specific blood types. For example, individuals with Type A blood can receive blood from Type A or Type O donors. Type AB individuals, meanwhile, are considered universal recipients, as they can receive blood from any blood type without adverse reactions. Conversely, Type O individuals can only receive Type O blood. The presence or absence of the Rh factor further refines compatibility.

Such a reference is essential because it ensures the recipient's immune system does not react adversely to the transfused blood. When incompatible blood types are mixed, the recipient's antibodies may attack the transfused blood, resulting in severe complications. For this reason, blood type compatibility charts are especially helpful for healthcare providers in emergency situations, surgeries, and blood transfusion procedures.

Download our Blood Type Compatibility Chart here

Check out our free Blood Type Compatibility Chart PDF here

How Does it Work?

Step 1. Acquire the Blood Type Compatibility Chart

To have a copy of the digital and printable blood type compatibility chart on hand to be brought out as required, you can follow these steps:

  • Click either the "Download Template" or "Use Template" button.
  • Utilize the search function within Carepatron's template library, whether on the website or app, by entering "Blood Type Compatibility Chart" as your search query.

Step 2. Review the Content

The primary objective of this chart is to serve as a valuable reference for individuals seeking information about compatible blood types and the types to avoid in blood transfusions.

Step 3. Secure the Template

Once you and your patient have written down their blood type and are aware of their blood type and the types they can give to or receive from, it’s best that you secure the template for emergencies and future reference. 

For digital copies, it’s recommended that you store the template on Carepatron, a software platform designed for storing electronic patient records. Rest assured that Carepatron adheres to global medical healthcare-compliant standards, ensuring the privacy and security of the information discussed during your consultation.

Blood Type Compatibility Chart Example (Sample)

You can utilize the provided PDF file of a completed blood type compatibility chart example as a comprehensive reference guide. 

Upon accessing the document in both digital and printable formats, you and your patient can clearly understand how to interpret and use the blood type compatibility chart for various medical purposes. Do note that the content within the template is fictitious and should only be used for explanatory purposes. 

The sample template demonstrates one way to employ the blank blood type compatibility chart. However, you are encouraged to consider alternative approaches that align with their specific medical or professional requirements. By reviewing and studying the fully completed, illustrative version of the template, you can effectively apply the knowledge to your clinical or medical practice, ensuring safe and compatible blood transfusions and medical interventions. 

Obtain a copy by clicking the “Download Example PDF” button or viewing the sample below.

Check out our free Blood Type Compatibility Chart PDF here

Blood Type Compatibility Chart Example

When Would You Use This Chart?

Utilizing a blood type compatibility chart is imperative in both critical situations and circumstances patients schedule beforehand. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-being of patients. 

Here are some key instances when it proves essential:

Blood Transfusion

Blood transfusions are where one primarily applies the blood type compatibility chart. When a patient requires a blood transfusion due to injury, surgery, or medical conditions like anemia, the chart is used to determine the compatibility between the recipient's blood type and the donor's blood. 

Using the chart ensures the recipient receives a compatible blood type, preventing life-threatening complications arising when incompatible blood is transfused. Such incompatibility could lead to the recipient's immune system attacking the foreign blood cells, which can be fatal.

Organ Transplant

Organ transplants, such as kidney or liver transplants, also necessitate blood type compatibility assessments. The chart aids medical professionals in determining which organs can be safely transplanted from one individual to another. Ensuring compatibility is crucial to prevent organ rejection and enhance the chances of a successful transplant.


During pregnancy, the blood type compatibility chart plays a crucial role, particularly when assessing the compatibility of the Rh factor between the mother and her unborn baby. In cases where there is incompatibility, it could trigger a harmful reaction that may lead to anemia, brain damage, or even prove fatal for the unborn baby. Monitoring and addressing these compatibility issues is vital for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery.

Blood Donation

Blood donation centers rely on the blood type compatibility chart to determine who can donate blood to whom. This ensures blood donations are safe and compatible with the recipient's blood type. People with blood type O are considered universal red blood cell donors, while those with blood type AB are universal plasma donors.

What Do the Results Mean?

The blood type compatibility chart results offer critical insights into the compatibility and potential risks associated with blood transfusions, organ transplants, and, in specific cases, pregnancies. Before you create clinical notes on your patient, it’s best to understand the chart’s content. Here’s an overview of what the information on the template means: 

Blood Types

The compatibility chart accounts for the various blood types, with eight common variations: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-. These blood types are categorized based on the presence or absence of specific antigens and the Rh factor. The Rh factor is indicated by a positive (+) or negative (-) symbol, which further refines blood typing.


Compatibility is a key determinant in the results presented on the chart. On the chart, you will find details on which blood type is compatible with your patient. This will aid you in determining the type that can be infused during emergencies and medical procedures. 

This piece of information is extremely valuable because if the antigens present in the donor's blood are incompatible with those of the recipient, the recipient's immune system can mount an attack against the foreign blood cells. This incompatibility can lead to a life-threatening situation, making it imperative to ensure compatibility before any blood transfusion or organ transplant.

Universal Donors and Recipients

In connection with the previous point, the chart also identifies universal blood donors and recipients. Individuals with blood type O are considered universal red blood cell donors, while those with blood type AB are universal plasma donors. These blood types are in high demand due to their compatibility with other blood types, making them essential resources in medical emergencies.

Who typically use a Blood Type Compatibility Chart?
Who typically use a Blood Type Compatibility Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically use a Blood Type Compatibility Chart?

Several types of doctors and healthcare providers need to know a patient’s blood type and may use a blood type compatibility chart like hematologists, emergency physicians, surgeons, oncologists, surgeons, and general practitioners.

When are Blood Type Compatibility Charts used?

Blood type compatibility charts are primarily used prior to a blood transfusion or donation. However, it can also be used before an organ transplant procedure and during pregnancy consultations.

How are Blood Type Compatibility Charts used?

Blood type compatibility charts can be used in three ways: as a reference, as an educational resource, or as a document where one can record the patient’s blood type.

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