ROS Review Of Systems Template

Review of Systems: A thorough assessment tool for evaluating patient symptoms across various body systems, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment.

By Emma Hainsworth on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Template

What is a ROS Review Of Systems Template?

A ROS (Review of Systems) Template is a structured framework used by healthcare professionals to systematically assess a patient's medical condition. This tool encompasses a comprehensive checklist covering various bodily systems, facilitating a thorough evaluation of the patient's health status. The template is designed to ensure that no aspect of the patient's health is overlooked during the examination.

The ROS template typically includes sections for each major body system, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological, musculoskeletal, and dermatological systems, among others. Within each section, some specific questions or prompts guide the healthcare provider in asking the patient about symptoms and concerns related to that particular system. For example, the respiratory section may include symptoms of shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain, while the gastrointestinal section may inquire about appetite, digestion, and bowel habits.

One of the key benefits of using a ROS template is that it provides a standardized approach to patient assessment. This uniformity ensures that all relevant health information is gathered, regardless of the presenting complaint, and aids in the early detection of potentially unrelated health issues that might otherwise be missed. Additionally, it assists in creating a detailed medical history that can be crucial for making an accurate diagnosis.

Printable Review of Systems Template

Download this Pneumonia Nursing Care Plan for healthcare professionals to systematically assess a patient's medical condition.

How does it work?

Our ROS template is meticulously designed to provide a thorough and systematic approach to assessing a patient's overall health. It covers a wide range of symptoms across various body systems, ensuring that no aspect of the patient's health is overlooked. This template is versatile, catering to the unique needs of each patient. To help you utilize this tool effectively, we've created a detailed guide for using our Printable Comprehensive Review of Systems Template.

Step 1: Access the Review of Systems Template

  • Download/Access: You can click the link on our webpage to access the Review of Systems Template. We've made it available in various formats to suit your preference, including digital and printable options.
  • Usage Options: Feel free to use the template digitally in your preferred PDF reader, or print it for a manual approach. We've designed it to be user-friendly in both formats.

Step 2: Providing the form to patients

It's essential to ensure that every patient can easily provide their information:

  • Flexible Distribution: You can hand the form to patients in person, send it via email, or use patient software portals. We encourage you to choose the method that best suits each patient's needs.
  • Assisting Patients: If a patient is unable to complete the form themselves, I recommend reading the symptoms to them and checking it off yourself. This can be done during an in-person visit or via a secure telehealth session.

Step 3: Review results and further testing

After receiving the completed forms, it's time to analyze the data:

  • Analyze Findings: Carefully review the symptom checklist and patient history. Our template is designed to help you spot crucial health patterns.
  • Identify Patterns: Look for consistencies or anomalies in symptoms that could point to specific health issues.
  • Determine Additional Tests: Based on your initial review, decide if further diagnostic tests are necessary to confirm your suspicions or rule out conditions.

Step 4: Advise the patient on the next steps

Communicating your findings and next steps with the patient is crucial:

  • Discuss Findings: Be transparent with the patient about their condition. Clear communication is key to effective patient care.
  • Outline Further Testing: If additional tests are required, explain their purpose and process.
  • Provide Guidance and Answer Questions: Offer guidance on the next steps, including potential treatment options. Always encourage questions and provide clear, understandable answers to involve them in their care plan.

Following these guidelines, you can effectively use our Review of Systems Template to conduct thorough, structured health assessments, enabling better patient care and informed medical decisions.

ROS Review Of Systems Example (sample)

To support users in effectively utilizing our comprehensive Review of Systems template, we have included an example as a downloadable PDF. This sample review features the answers of a hypothetical patient and illustrates the practical application of the ROS.

Access a copy now by either previewing the sample below or clicking the "Download Example PDF" button. This resource is an invaluable aid for healthcare professionals committed to conducting comprehensive and effective evaluations and supporting patients in understanding and managing their overall health.

Download this Review of Systems Template example:

ROS Review Of Systems Example (sample)

When would you use this template?

The Review of Systems (ROS) Template is an invaluable tool extensively used by healthcare professionals across various specialties to perform a comprehensive assessment of a patient's health. This template is particularly beneficial in settings where a detailed and structured evaluation of a patient's symptoms and medical history is necessary. Here's a deeper look at the appropriate usage scenarios:

Initial patient evaluations:

The ROS template is ideal for initial patient visits, particularly in primary care, internal medicine, and family medicine. It provides a thorough framework to capture a patient's baseline health status, identify any existing health concerns, and establish a comprehensive medical history. This aids in developing an initial diagnosis and formulating a treatment plan.

Specialty consultations:

Specialists such as cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, and dermatologists can use the ROS template to focus on specific systems relevant to their field. It helps in narrowing down symptoms to a particular system, thereby aiding in more accurate diagnosis and management.

Annual health check-ups:

During routine health examinations, the ROS template serves as a checklist to ensure all potential health issues are addressed. This is crucial for preventive healthcare, allowing for the early detection of diseases and conditions.

Hospital admissions:

In inpatient settings, the ROS template is used to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of patients upon admission. It assists in identifying underlying health issues that may affect treatment plans or surgical outcomes.

Telemedicine and remote consultations:

 With the rise of telemedicine, the ROS template becomes a structured guide for healthcare providers to efficiently assess patients remotely, ensuring that key health aspects are not overlooked during virtual consultations.

Chronic disease management: 

For patients with chronic conditions, the ROS template is a valuable tool for regular monitoring and management. It helps in tracking the progression of the disease and the effectiveness of ongoing treatment.

In summary, the ROS Template is a versatile resource for healthcare practitioners, providing a systematic approach to patient assessment across various medical settings. Its comprehensive nature ensures a holistic view of the patient's health, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and facilitating effective treatment planning.

Limitations and considerations when using Review of Systems Template?

Using the Review of Systems (ROS) Template is a critical step in patient evaluation, but it's important to be aware of its limitations and considerations to ensure effective use. Here are some key points:

  • Subjectivity and patient interpretation: The ROS relies heavily on patient self-reporting, which can be subjective. Patients' perceptions of their symptoms and their ability to accurately describe them can vary significantly. Misinterpretation or underreporting of symptoms can lead to incomplete or inaccurate information.
  • Cultural and language barriers: Cultural differences and language barriers can affect how patients report symptoms. Some patients may downplay their symptoms due to cultural beliefs or may struggle to find the right words in a language that is not their first. This can lead to misunderstandings or incomplete assessments.
  • Time constraints: In busy clinical settings, the thoroughness required for a ROS can be time-consuming. This might lead to rushed evaluations or skipping over certain sections, potentially missing crucial information.
  • Risk of information overload: The vast amount of information gathered from a ROS can sometimes be overwhelming. Clinicians must be adept at sifting through the data to identify what is relevant and what might be a red herring.
  • Not a standalone diagnostic tool: The ROS is a screening tool and is not diagnostic. Its findings must be integrated with physical examinations, medical history, and other diagnostic tests for a complete assessment.
  • Evolution of symptoms: Symptoms can evolve, so a ROS reflects only the patient's status at the time of the assessment. Regular updates and follow-ups are necessary, especially for patients with chronic conditions.
  • Potential for patient discomfort or anxiety: Discussing certain symptoms can be uncomfortable or distressing for patients. Sensitivity and privacy are paramount during these discussions.

While the ROS Template is an invaluable tool in patient assessment, healthcare providers need to be mindful of its limitations. Balancing the information from the ROS with other diagnostic approaches, understanding the patient's background, and maintaining effective communication is key to maximizing the benefits of the ROS.

Why use Carepatron as your ROS Review Of Systems app?

Carepatron stands out as the leading choice for your Review of Systems app, providing a comprehensive solution to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare management. Here’s why:

Centralized workspace: 

Carepatron offers a unified platform that integrates essential patient care elements such as clinical documents, electronic patient records, appointment reminders, and medical billing. This all-in-one approach simplifies processes, enabling healthcare providers to concentrate more on patient care and less on juggling multiple software applications.

Enhanced efficiency: 

The centralization of key functions significantly reduces administrative workload, thereby improving the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Customization and adaptability:

  • Tailored healthcare solutions: Carepatron understands the varying needs of healthcare professionals and offers customizable tools and workflows. This is especially beneficial for developing personalized care plans for patients with different medical conditions.
  • Responsive design: The platform is designed to adapt to various clinical requirements, allowing healthcare providers to modify and use the tools most effectively for their specific practice and patient needs.

Empowerment and collaborative care:

  • Streamlined administration: By simplifying administrative tasks, Carepatron enhances the quality of care for both practitioners and patients, fostering better collaboration through efficient sharing of crucial documents and information.
  • Patient engagement: The platform empowers patients with accessible and understandable health information, encouraging an informed and participative approach to their care.

Accessibility and security:

  • Universal access: With features like medical dictation software, the app's accessibility across various devices ensures easy and flexible use for healthcare providers.
  • Robust data protection: Compliance with global security standards, including HIPAA and GDPR, guarantees the protection of patient data, building trust and confidentiality in patient care.
medical dictation software


Boland, B. J., Wollan, P. C., & Silverstein, M. D. (1995). Review of systems, physical examination, and routine tests for case-finding in ambulatory patients. The American journal of the medical sciences, 309(4), 194–200. 

Korvin, C. C., Pearce, R. H., & Stanley, J. (1975). Admissions screening: clinical benefits. Annals of internal medicine, 83(2), 197–203. 

Mitchell, T. L., Tornelli, J. L., Fisher, T. D., Blackwell, T. A., & Moorman, J. R. (1992). Yield of the screening review of systems: a study on a general medical service. Journal of general internal medicine, 7(4), 393–397.

Okland, T. S., Gonzalez, J. R., Ferber, A. T., & Mann, S. E. (2017). Association Between Patient Review of Systems Score and Somatization. JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery, 143(9), 870–875. 

Phillips, A., Frank, A., Loftin, C., & Shepherd, S. (2017). A Detailed Review of Systems: An Educational Feature. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(10), 681-686. 

Schneiderman H. (1982). The review of systems: an important part of a comprehensive examination. Postgraduate medicine, 71(6), 151–158. 

What is a Review of Systems (ROS)?
What is a Review of Systems (ROS)?

Commonly asked questions

What is a Review of Systems (ROS)?

A Review of Systems is a comprehensive process used by healthcare providers to assess various physical and mental health symptoms across multiple body systems. It involves a series of questions designed to identify any symptoms the patient may be experiencing, providing crucial information for diagnosis and treatment planning.

Why is ROS important in medical evaluations?

A ROS is important because it helps clinicians obtain a holistic view of the patient's health. It can uncover symptoms that the patient may not have initially mentioned but are relevant to their overall health. This thorough assessment aids in formulating a differential diagnosis and guiding further medical testing.

How often should a ROS be performed?

The frequency of conducting a ROS depends on the clinical setting and the patient's health status. It's typically performed during an initial patient visit, and annual check-ups, and may be updated during follow-up visits, especially for patients with chronic conditions.

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