Work Physical Form

Enhance workplace safety and compliance with our Work Physical Form template, designed for healthcare professionals to assess employee fitness for work.

By Nate Lacson on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a pre-employment physical evaluation?

A pre-employment physical evaluation is a medical examination that employers often require before hiring a new employee. Physical examinations to ensure that the applicant is physically capable of performing the job duties and to identify any potential health risks that could impact their work performance or the safety of others in the workplace.

The importance of pre-employment physical evaluations lies in their ability to:

  • Assess the general health and physical fitness of the applicant.
  • Detect any underlying medical conditions that may affect job performance.
  • Ensure compliance with legal and industry-specific health and safety regulations.
  • Reduce the risk of workplace injuries and related costs.

These evaluations vary depending on the nature of the job and the employer's policies. They are more common in physically demanding roles or industries with specific health and safety requirements.

Printable Work Physical Form PDF

Download this Work Physical Form to identify any potential health risks that could impact work performance or the safety of others in the workplace.

What problems and risks can this evaluation detect?

Pre-employment physicals can detect a range of health problems and risks, including:

  • Chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension.
  • Physical limitations or disabilities that may impact job performance.
  • Infectious diseases that could pose a risk to others in the workplace.
  • Substance abuse issues that could affect safety and productivity.

By identifying these issues early, employers can take appropriate measures to manage potential risks and ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

What is a Work Physical Form?

A Work Physical Form is a standardized document used by healthcare professionals to record the results of a pre-employment physical evaluation, including the material characteristics of the applicant's health. As such, it's also known as an employee physical exam form, pre-employment physical form, or simply a physical form for work. It is a comprehensive overview of an applicant's or employee's physical health and fitness for work. The form typically includes sections for:

  • Employee/applicant information: Collects basic details such as name, date of birth, gender, job title, and contact information.
  • Medical history: Records known allergies, current medications, chronic conditions, any previous surgeries or hospitalizations, and even relevant family medical history.
  • Physical examination: This includes measurements of height, weight, blood pressure, and heart rate and assessments of vision, hearing, and musculoskeletal health.
  • Additional tests: These may include results of drug screenings, TB tests, or other relevant medical tests.
  • Fit for work: Indicates whether the employee/applicant is fit for work and any restrictions or accommodations that may be necessary.
  • Physician's information: Provides details of the healthcare professional conducting the evaluation, including their name, license number, and contact information.

The importance of a Work Physical Form lies in its ability to provide a clear and concise summary of an individual's physical health and suitability for a specific job role. It helps employers make informed decisions about hiring and ensures that employees are placed in roles that are safe and appropriate for their physical capabilities.

What if an applicant has numerous health risks?

Suppose a pre-employment physical evaluation uncovers numerous health risks. In that case, the outcome for the applicant can vary depending on the nature and severity of the risks, as well as the requirements of the job:

  1. Job modification: The employer may consider modifying the job duties or work environment to accommodate the applicant's health conditions while ensuring safety and productivity.
  2. Conditional offer: The employer might extend a conditional job offer, contingent upon the applicant undergoing further medical evaluations, treatments, or meeting specific health criteria.
  3. Alternative position: If the health risks prevent the applicant from safely performing the original job, the employer may offer an alternative position more suitable for their physical capabilities.
  4. Deferred employment: In some cases, the employer may defer employment until the applicant's health condition improves or stabilizes, as confirmed by subsequent medical evaluations.
  5. Withdrawal of offer: The employer may withdraw the job offer if the health risks are deemed too significant and cannot be reasonably accommodated. This decision must comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding employment and discrimination.

Employers must handle such situations with sensitivity and fairness, ensuring that any decisions are based on objective medical assessments and comply with legal requirements, including those related to disability and discrimination.

How to use our Work Physical Form template

Our Work Physical Form template is designed to simplify the process of conducting pre-employment physical evaluations and ensure that all necessary information is accurately recorded.

Step 1: Access the template

Access the latest version of the Work Physical Form template from the Carepatron app or the template library. The printable physical form is also customizable and shareable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and share it with employers and employees.

Step 2: Explain the form

Explain each form section to the employee or applicant when conducting the physical evaluation. Ensure they understand the purpose of the review and what information is required.

Step 3: Complete the form

Fill out the form with the employee or applicant's information, medical history, and physical examination results. Be thorough and accurate when recording the findings.

Step 4: Review and confirm

Review the completed form with the employee or applicant to confirm the accuracy of the information. Address any questions or concerns they may have.

Step 5: Determine fitness for work

Evaluate the applicant or employee. Based on the evaluation results, determine whether the employee or applicant is fit for work and note any restrictions or accommodations needed.

Step 6: Store securely

Keep the completed form securely in the employee's file for future reference. This ensures that you have all the necessary information readily available for the employee's care and for compliance purposes.

By following these steps, healthcare professionals can efficiently use the Work Physical Form template to assess the physical fitness of employees and applicants, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.

When is this form issued?

The Work Physical Form is typically issued in several situations to ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace:

  • Pre-employment screening: Before hiring a new employee, especially for physically demanding roles, the form is issued to assess the applicant's physical fitness and suitability for the job.
  • Periodic health assessments: Some employers require regular health assessments for their employees, especially in industries with high physical demands or potential health risks.
  • Return-to-work evaluations: After an employee has been on extended medical leave or has suffered an injury, the form evaluates their readiness to return to work and any necessary accommodations.
  • Job transfers or promotions: When an employee is being considered for a transfer or promotion to a position with different physical requirements, the form helps assess their fitness for the new role.

By issuing the Work Physical Form in these situations, employers can ensure that their workforce is physically capable of performing their job duties safely and effectively.

The benefits of this template

Using our pre-employment physical forms offers several advantages for both the employer and healthcare professionals:

  • Streamlined process: The template provides a standardized format for conducting work physicals, making the process more efficient and ensuring that all necessary information is collected.
  • Comprehensive evaluation: The template covers all essential aspects of a work physical, including medical history, physical examination, and fitness for work, providing a thorough assessment of the employee's or applicant's health.
  • Legal compliance: Using a standardized form helps employers comply with occupational health and safety regulations and ensures that they have the necessary documentation in case of audits or legal issues.
  • Informed decision-making: The form provides employers with detailed information about an employee's or applicant's physical capabilities, enabling them to make informed decisions about job placements, accommodations, and fitness for work.
  • Prevention of workplace injuries: By identifying potential health risks and physical limitations, the form can help prevent workplace injuries and reduce the associated costs.

Best of all, if you got this template from the Carepatron app, you also benefit from all the great features that Carepatron has to offer, such as secure storage, easy access to employee records, and seamless integration with other practice management tools.

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Carepatron is the premier choice for general practice software, offering an all-in-one solution that streamlines every aspect of your healthcare practice. Carepatron enhances your practice's efficiency, improves patient care, and simplifies administrative tasks. Here are the features you can try:

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General Practice Software
What is a pre-employment medical examination?
What is a pre-employment medical examination?

Commonly asked questions

What is a pre-employment medical examination?

A pre-employment medical examination is a health assessment conducted before hiring an individual to ensure they are physically fit to perform the job duties.

Why are physical and medical tests needed for employment?

Physical and medical tests are needed to assess an individual's health status, identify any potential health risks, and ensure they can safely perform the job requirements.

How to pass a pre-employment medical test?

To pass a pre-employment medical test, ensure you are in good health, follow any pre-test instructions, and honestly disclose your medical history to the examiner.

Who pays for pre-employment physical exams?

Typically, the employer pays for pre-employment physical exams as part of the hiring process to ensure the candidate is fit for the job.

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